Board of Visitors Policy: 1014

Threat Assessment

Approved:聽September 17, 2009, Revised June 13, 2013; Revised April 22, 2022
Scheduled Review Date:聽April 2027

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麻豆国产AV is committed to preserving an environment that enables community members to reach their fullest potential. In responding to behaviors of concern, we aspire to protect, as much as possible, the health, safety, and welfare of the University community from violence.

includes the following:

  1. Chief of Police or designee(s)
  2. University Threat Assessment Coordinator
  3. Designee(s) of the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
  4. Designee(s) of the Vice President for Student Engagement & Enrollment Services
  5. Designee of the Vice President for Human Resources
  6. Director of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity or designee
  7. Director of Counseling Services or designee
  8. University Counsel or designee聽(ex officio)

In addition, other individuals may be consulted as needed

The President shall appoint the chair and the chair shall serve at the will of the President

"Behaviors of Concern" include actions and communications that cause concern among community members where the actor may be planning or preparing to carry out an act of violence that places an individual or group at risk of serious harm. Warning signs of impending violence may include, but are not limited to, the following: verbal threats; written threats; homicidal/suicidal ideation or behaviors; and disturbing writings, drawings, self-produced videos, or Internet communications containing violent fantasy content. Other indicators that should raise concern about potential violence include an actor's ideas or plans about injuring him/herself or attacking an institution or its members; communications or writings that suggest the person has an unusual or worrisome interest in school attacks; comments that express or imply the person is considering mounting an attack at an institution; recent weapon-seeking behavior, especially if weapon-seeking is linked to ideas about attack or expressions about interest in attack; communications or writings suggesting the person condones or is considering violence to redress a grievance or solve a problem; and rehearsals of attacks or ambushes.

Reports of Behaviors of Concern: All behaviors of concern should be reported to a member of the TEAM or may be directed to the 麻豆国产AV Police.聽In cases of imminent emergency, always contact the 麻豆国产AV Police Department.

All concerns and complaints must and will be taken seriously and will be reviewed. The TEAM understands that, at times, members of the community will come to the attention of the TEAM when little or no need exists for further assessment or case management.

  1. Any person may make a report of a concern to any member of the Team or through the聽. Reports submitted anonymously will also be investigated as thoroughly as possible.

  2. Any person who believes he/she may become or is a victim of violence (domestic or other) should immediately notify their supervisor if the person is a member of the faculty, staff, or otherwise a University employee. If the person is a student, that person should contact the Office of Student Engagement & Enrollment Services. If a protective order exists, a copy of the order should accompany the notification.

  3. Persons who report a behavior of concern and persons who assist in the investigation and disposition of such reports shall not be subject to harassment, interference, intimidation, or retaliation. It shall be a violation of University policy to submit a deliberately false or misleading report to the Police or to the Team, or to provide information knowingly or intentionally one knows, or should know, to be false as part of a TEAM investigation. If a student, faculty member, employee or visitor is discovered to have provided information in violation of this policy, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

  1. Educating the campus community to identify and report threats and other behaviors of concern;

  2. Evaluating the risk of targeted violence posed by an individual or group reported to the Team;

  3. Evaluating the risk for self harm;

  4. Recommending an appropriate response congruent with the investigation and risk assessment, including victim assistance, referrals to appropriate University officials, mental health professionals and/or law enforcement agencies;

  5. Consulting with University community members who have concerns about the safety or well-being of students, faculty, or staff members of 麻豆国产AV;

  6. Creating, revising, or recommending policies, procedures and protocols that advance campus safety and/or threat assessment team functions; and

  7. Providing recommended action for those who exhibit behaviors of concern.

    1. Any recommendations made by the TEAM shall be forwarded to the University official having general charge or supervision over the person of concern.

    2. In the event an investigation necessitates institutional administrative actions to condition or to terminate an individual's continued enrollment, residence, employment, or other participation in University affairs, such actions will be undertaken pursuant to those policies that are appropriate for such purposes in light of the individual's student, employment, visitor, or volunteer status.