
Charles I. Sukenik

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Physics, Yale University, (1993)

M.Phil. in Physics, Yale University, (1989)

M.S. in Physics, Yale University, (1989)

B.A. in Physics, Cornell University, (1987)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Sukenik, C. I. "Supporting STEM through Undergraduate Research Experiences in Physics" $7,000. April 18, 2017 - August 15, 2017
Sukenik, C. I. "Workshop on Science at LERF" $1,900. - March 17, 2017
Sukenik, C. I. "JSA/JLAB MOU 2012-2017" $24,740. May 1, 2016 - September 30, 2016
Sukenik, C. I. "JSA Physics Graduate Fellowship Program" $46,913. February 1, 2016 - September 30, 2016
Sukenik, C. I. "JSA Physics Graduate Fellowship Program" $37,125. April 1, 2016 - June 30, 2016
Sukenik, C. I. and Ranjan, D. "JSA Faculty Support FY16" $7,678. Other. May 27, 2016 - June 23, 2016
Sukenik, C. I. and Ranjan, D. "JSA Faculty Support FY16" $13,750. May 24, 2016 - June 23, 2016
Keating, C. B. and Sukenik, C. I. "SPAWAR " $26,972,252. August 13, 2010 - August 12, 2015
Sukenik, C. I. "Diagnostics for Characterizing Hypersonic Wakes" $17,113. May 10, 2014 - November 09, 2014
Sukenik, C. I. "Novel Metastable Krypton Beam Source" $36,100. June 15, 2012 - June 14, 2013
Sukenik, C. I. "Production of Ultracold Weakly-bound Polar Molecules and Trapping of Ground State Noble Gases" $200,000. August 1, 2009 - July 31, 2012
Sukenik, C. I. "Novel Metastable Krypton Beam Source" $8,414. June 01, 2011 - August 31, 2011
Zimmerman, R. C. and Sukenik, C. I. "Statement of Work for CALIPSO-ROSES" $88,000. February 1, 2010 - October 31, 2010
Sukenik, C. I. and Andrews, L. "Remote Sensing with LIDAR" $8,500. - September 30, 2010
Zimmerman, R. C., Hill, V. J.. and Sukenik, C. I. "CALIPSO/ROSES: Construction of an in-situ LIDAR System" $34,000. - April 30, 2010
Sukenik, C. I. "Summer Research for Undergraduates" $11,415. June 1, 2006 - August 31, 2006
Sukenik, C. I. "Ultracold Alkali-Noble Gas Interactions" $339,540. August 15, 2003 - July 31, 2006
Sukenik, C. I. "Summer Research for Undergraduates" $5,000. June 1, 2005 - August 31, 2005
Sukenik, C. I. "Society of Physics Students Grant" $2,000. - December 31, 2004
Sukenik, C. I. "Summer Research for Undergraduates" $8,744. June 1, 2004 - August 31, 2004
Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Cook, D. and Copeland, G. "Faculty Innovator Grant" $3,000. July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004
Sukenik, C. I. "International: US-Korea Collaborative Research Planning Visit" $6,806. June 01, 2002 - May 31, 2004
Sukenik, C. I. "Ultracold Alkali-Noble Gas Interactions" $35,830. July 1, 2003 - December 31, 2003
Watkins, D. and Sukenik, C. I. "Computational Study of Chaotic Dynamics in Atomic Systems" $8,500. May 2002 - May 2003
Havey, M. D. and Sukenik, C. I. "Localization and Light Scattering in Ultracold Atomic Gases" $5,469. January 1, 2002 - January 1, 2003
Sukenik, C. I. "Ultracold Molecular Physics" $10,000. January 01, 2000 - December 31, 2000
Sukenik, C. I. "Ultracold Molecular Physics" $10,000. January 01, 1999 - December 31, 1999
Sukenik, C. I. "Ultracold Molecular Physics" $20,000. January 01, 1998 - December 31, 1998
Sukenik, C. I. "Experimental Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics" $5,000. - June 01, 1998


Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics


Collister, B., Zimmerman, R. C., Sukenik, C. I., Hill, V. and Balch, W. M.. (2019). Remote sensing of optical characteristics and particle distributions of the upper ocean using shipboard lidar. Remote Sensing of Environment 215 , pp. 85-96.
Busch, H. C.., Cooper, M. C.. and Sukenik, C. I. (2019). Spectroscopy of Neon for the Undergraduate Laboratory. American Journal of Physics 87 , pp. 223.
Win, A., Williams, W. D., Carroll, T. J. and Sukenik, C. I. (2018). Catalysis of Stark-tuned interactions between ultracold Rydberg atoms. Physical Review A 98 (3) , pp. 6.
Omar, M., Williams, W. and Sukenik, C. I. (2016). Photoassociative Spectroscopy of Ultracold Argon and Krypton. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 33 (11) , pp. 2302.
Nikolic, M., Newton, J. D., Sukenik, C. I., Vuskovic, L. and Popovic, S. (2015). Measurements of population densities of metastable and resonant levels of argon using laser induced fluorescence. Journal of Applied Physics 117 (2) , pp. 023304.
Ranjit, G. and Sukenik, C. I. (2013). Experimental investigation of long-lived Rydberg states in ultracold argon. Physical Review A 87 (3) , pp. 033418.
Kulatunga, P., Busch, H. C.., Andrews, L. R.. and Sukenik, C. I. (2012). Two-color polarization spectroscopy in rubidium. Opt. Commun 285 (2851).
Shaffer, M. K.., Ranjit, G., Sukenik, C. I. and Walhout, M. (2011). Photoassociative spectroscopy of ultracold metastable argon. Phys. Rev. A 83 (052516).
Mills, J., Sukenik, C. I. and Balla, R. Jeffrey. (2010). Hypersonic Wake Diagnostics using Iodine Laser-Induced Fluorescence. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 55.
Shiddiq, M., Ahmed, E., Havey, M. D. and Sukenik, C. I. (2008). Atomic and molecular processes in external fields, including interactions with strong fields and short pulses-Investigation of loading of pulsed and continuous-wave optical dipole force traps. Physical Review-Section A-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 77 (4) , pp. 45401鈥45401.
Shaffer, M. K.., Ranjit, G. and Sukenik, C. I. (2008). Extended tuning of an injection-locked diode laser. Review Scientific Instruments 79 , pp. 046102.
Shiddiq, M., Ahmed, E. M.., Havey, M. D. and Sukenik, C. I. (2008). Investigation of loading of pulsed and continuous-wave optical dipole force traps. Phys. Rev.A 77 , pp. 045401.
Choi, J. M.., Kim, G. N.., Cho, D. and Sukenik, C. I. (2007). Resonance Frequency Shift of a Two-Level Atom in a Pulsed Optical Trap. Journal of the Korean Physical Society 51 , pp. 294.
Kupriyanov, D. V. ., Sokolov, I. M.., Sukenik, C. I. and Havey, M. D. (2006). Coherent backscattering of from ultracold and optically dense atomic ensembles. Laser Physics Letters 3 , pp. 223.
Busch, H., Shaffer, M., Ahmed, E. and Sukenik, C. I. (2006). Publisher鈥檚 Note: Trap loss in a dual-species Rb- Ar* magneto-optical trap [Phys. Rev. A 73, 023406 (2006)]. Physical Review A 73 (2) , pp. 029908.
Busch, H. C.., Shaffer, M. K.., Ahmed, E. M.. and Sukenik, C. I. (2006). Trap Loss in a Dual Species Rb-Ar* Magneto-optical Trap. Phys. Rev. A 73 , pp. 023406.
Balik, S., Kulatunga, P., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Kupriyanov, D. and Sokolov, I. (2005). Strong-field coherent backscattering of light in ultracold atomic 85Rb. Journal of Modern Optics 52 (16) , pp. 2269鈥2278.
Balik, S., Olave, R., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Datsyuk, V. M.., Sokolov, I. M.. and Kupriyanov, D. V.. (2005). Alignment dynamics of slow light diffusion in ultracold atomic 85Rb. Phys. Rev. A 72 , pp. 051402.
Kupriyanov, D. V.., Sokolov, I. M.., Sukenik, C. I. and Havey, M. D. (2005). Coherent backscattering of light from ultracold and optically dense atomic ensembles. Laser Physics Letters 3 , pp. 223.
Shiddiq, M., Lucas, C. E.., Havey, M. D., Sukenik, C. I., Jones, R. R.., Park, C. Y.., Kim, J. Y.. and Cho, D. (2005). Direct Comparison Between Loading of a Far-Off-Resonance Trap in Continuous Wave. Journal of the Korean Physical Society 47 , pp. 207.
Kupriyanov, D. V., Sokolov, I., Larionov, N. V., Kulatunga, P., Sukenik, C. I., Balik, S. and Havey, M. D. (2004). Spectral dependence of coherent backscattering of light in a narrow-resonance atomic system. Physical Review A 69 (3) , pp. 033801.
Kulatunga, P., Sukenik, C. I., Balik, S., Havey, M. D., Kupriyanov, D. and Sokolov, I. (2003). Measurement of correlated multiple light scattering in ultracold atomic 85 Rb. Physical Review A 68 (3) , pp. 033816.
Kupriyanov, D. V.., Sokolov, I. M.., Kulatunga, P., Sukenik, C. I. and Havey, M. D. (2003). Coherent Backscattering of Light in Atomic Systems: Application to Weak Localization. Phys. Rev. A 67 , pp. 013814.
Sukenik, C. I. and Busch, H. C.. (2002). Simultaneous Trapping of Rubidium and Metastable Argon in a Magneto-optical Trap. Phys. Rev. A 66 , pp. 051402(R).
Sukenik, C. I. and Busch, H. C.. (2002). A RF Discharge Cell for Saturated Absorption Spectroscopy of Metastable Argon. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73 , pp. 493.
Sukenik, C. I., Busch, H. C.. and Shiddiq, M. (2002). Modulation-Free laser frequency stabilization and detuning. Opt. Comm. 203 , pp. 133.
Sukenik, C. I. and Walker, T. (1999). Role of Spontaneous Emission in Ultracold Two-color Optical Collisions. Phys. Rev. A 59 , pp. 889.
Sukenik, C. I., Hoffmann, D., Bali, S. and Walker, T. (1998). Low Saturation Intensities in Two-Photon Ultracold Collisions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 , pp. 782.
Lim, M., Sukenik, C. I., Stievater, T., Bucksbaum, P. and Conti, R. (1998). Improved design of a frequency-shifted feedback diode laser for optical pumping at high magnetic field. Optics communications 147 (1) , pp. 99鈥102.
Naudeau, M., Sukenik, C. I. and Bucksbaum, P. (1997). Core scattering of Stark wave packets. Physical Review A 56 (1) , pp. 636.
Sandoghdar, V., Sukenik, C. I., Haroche, S. and Hinds, E. (1996). Spectroscopy of atoms confined to the single node of a standing wave in a parallel-plate cavity. Physical Review A 53 (3) , pp. 1919.
Raman, C., Conover, C., Sukenik, C. I. and Bucksbaum, P. (1996). Ionization of Rydberg wave packets by subpicosecond, half-cycle electromagnetic pulses. Physical review letters 76 (14) , pp. 2436.
Hinds, E., Sukenik, C. I., Boshier, M., Cho, D. and Sandoghdar, V. (1994). Physics Department, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520. Laser Spectroscopy 11 , pp. 192.
Sukenik, C. I., Boshiner, M. G.., Cho, D., Sandoghdar, V. and Hinds, E. A.. (1993). Measurement of the Casimir-Polder Force. Phys. Rev. Lett. 70.
Sandoghdar, V., Sukenik, C. I., Hinds, E. and Haroche, S. (1992). Direct measurement of the van der Waals interaction between an atom and its images in a micron-sized cavity. Physical review letters 68 (23) , pp. 3432.

Conference Proceeding

Collister, B., Zimmerman, R. C., Sukenik, C. I. and Hill, V. J. (2017). Remote Sensing of Optical Characteristics and Particle Distributions of the Upper Ocean Using Shipboard Lidar Woods Hole, MA: OCB Workshop.
Win, A., Williams, W. and Sukenik, C. I. (2016). Catalysis of Forster Resonances in Rubidium Providence, RI: Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
Omar, M., Williams, W. and Sukenik, C. I. (2013). Photoassociative Spectroscopy of Metastable Argon Fairfax, Virginia: Sigma Xi Regional Meeting.
Nikolic, M., Samolov, A., Sukenik, C. I., Popovic, S. and Vuskovic, L. (2012). Distribution and dynamics of argon metastables in supersonic flowing microwave discharge and post-discharges Austin, TX: Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 57.
Sukenik, C. I., Mills, J., Grady, W., Williams, W., Balla, J. R., Jiang, W. and Lu, Z. (2012). Optical Production of Metastable Krypton Argonne National Lab.
Ranjit, G. and Sukenik, C. I. (2011). Experimental Investigation of Long-lived鈥淶EKE鈥漅ydberg States in Ultracold Argon APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts (pp. 1009).
Kulatunga, P., Andrews, L., Sukenik, C. I. and Busch, H. (2011). Experimental Investigation of Two-color Polarization Spectroscopy in Rubidium APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts (pp. 1074).
Mills, J. L., Sukenik, C. I. and Balla, R. J. (2011). Hypersonic wake diagnostics using laser induced fluorescence techniques Proceedings of 42nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference (AIAA 2011-3459).
Hill, V., Zimmerman, R. C.., Hu, Y. and Sukenik, C. I. (2010). Merging active and passive ocean sensors to improve retrieval of primary production in Arctic Ocean Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Andrews, L. R.. and Sukenik, C. I. (2009). Investigation of Diode Laser Light Coupling into a Power Build-up Cavity for Frequency Doubling San Jose, CA: Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Shaffer, M. K.., Ranjit, G. and Sukenik, C. I. (2009). Photoassociative Spectroscopy of Ultracold, Metstable Argon Charlottesville, VA: DAMOP.
Hill, V. J.., Zimmerman, R. C.., Sukenik, C. I. and Koziana, J. (2009). Using LIDAR to define particulate distribution and primary productivity in the euphotic zone NASA Workshop.
Balik, S., Mills, J., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Sokolov, I. M.. and Kupriyanov, D. V.. (2007). Time-Dependent electromagnetic wave dynamics in ultracold, high-density Rb vapor (pp. 15) APS DAMOP.
Sukenik, C. I. (2007). The Physics Learning Center at 麻豆国产AV New Faculty Workshop Reunion.
Shiddiq, M., Ahmed, E. M.., Havey, M. D., Sukenik, C. I., Jones, R. R.. and Cho, D. (2006). Behavior of Pulsed and Continuous-Wave Optical Dipole Force Traps (pp. 30) Williamsburg, Virginia: SESAPS.
Shiddiq, M., Lucas, C. E.., Ahmed, E. M.., Havey, M. D., Sukenik, C. I., Jones, R. R.. and Cho, D. (2006). Behavior of Pulsed and Continuous-Wave Optical Dipole Traps (pp. 51) Knoxville, Tennessee: DAMOP.
Alder, C., Narducci, F., Sukenik, C. I., Mulholland, J. and Goodale, S. (2006). Design of a Permanent-Magnet Zeeman Slower (pp. 51) Knoxville, Tennessee: DAMOP.
Shaffer, M. K.., Ahmed, E. M.., Busch, H. C.. and Sukenik, C. I. (2006). Measurement of Intensity-Dependent Trap Loss in a Rb-Ar* MOT (pp. 47) Knoxville, Tennessee: DAMOP.
Shaffer, M. K.. and Sukenik, C. I. (2006). Measurement of Intensity-Dependent Trap Loss in a Rb-Ar* MOT (pp. 31) Williamsburg, Virginia: SESAPS.
Balik, S., Olave, R., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Datsyuk, V. M., Kupriyanov, D. V.. and Sokolov, I. M.. (2006). Spectral and time-dependent multiple light scattering in ultracold atomic 85Rb (pp. 18) Knoxville, Tennessee: DAMOP.
Balik, S., Er, O., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Datsyuk, V., Sokolov, I. and Kupriyanov, D. (2006). Time Dependent Light Dynamics in Ultracold Atomic 87 Rb Laser Science (pp. LTuK6).
Balik, S., Olave, R., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Datsyuk, V. M.., Sokolov, I. M.. and Kupriyanov, D. V.. (2005). Alignment Dynamics of Slow Light Diffusion in Ultracold Atomic 85Rb Tucson, Arizona: OSA.
Shiddiq, M., Lucas, C. E.., Havey, M. D., Sukenik, C. I., Jones, R. R.., Kim, J. Y.., Park, C. Y.. and Cho, D. (2005). Comparison of Pulsed and Continuous-Wave Dipole Traps for Confining Ultracold Rubidium Atoms (pp. 111) Tucson, Arizona: OSA.
Shiddiq, M., Lucas, C. E.., Havey, M. D., Sukenik, C. I., Jones, R. R.., Cho, D., Kim, J. Y.. and Park, C. Y.. (2005). Comparison of Pulsed and cw Dipole Traps for Confining Ultracold Rubidium (pp. 45) Lincoln, Nebraska: DAMOP.
Shiddiq, M., Lucas, C. E.., Havey, M. D., Sukenik, C. I., Jones, R. R.., Cho, D., Kim, J. Y.. and Park, C. Y.. (2005). Comparison of Pulsed and cw Dipole Traps for Confining Ultracold Rubidium 17th international conference on Laser Spectroscopy.
Shafffer, M. K.., Ahmed, E. M.., Busch, H. C.. and Sukenik, C. I. (2005). Interactions of Rubidium and Metastable Argon at Ultracold Temperatures (pp. 78) Lincoln, Nebraska: DAMOP.
Shaffer, M. K.., Ahmed, E. M.., Busch, H. C.. and Sukenik, C. I. (2005). Interactions of Rubidium and Metastable Argon at Ultracold Temperatures International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy.
Havey, M. D., Balik, S., Sukenik, C. I., Olave, R., Kupriyanov, D. and Sokolov, I. (2005). Mesoscopic Electromagnetic Wave Dynamics in Ultracold Atomic 85Rb PQE.
Sukenik, C. I. (2005). Novel light traps for studying ultracold atoms and molecules APS Southeastern Section Meeting Abstracts.
Datsuk, V. M.., Kupriyanov, D. V.., Larionov, N. V.., Sokolov, I. M.., Sukenik, C. I., Balik, S. and Havey, M. D. (2004). Coherent multiple light scattering in ultracold atomic gases ICQO .
Weinberg, M. J.., Beckner, R. C.., Sukenik, C. I., Brooke, G. and Popovic, S. (2004). Experimental investigation of a microwave discharge source for producing metastable Rochester, New York: OSA.
Sukenik, C. I., Shaffer, M. K.. and Busch, H. C.. (2004). Heteronuclear Ionizing Collisions at Ultracold Temperatures (pp. 20) Tucson, Arizona: APS DAMOP.
Sukenik, C. I., Shaffer, M. K.. and Busch, H. C.. (2004). Heteronuclear Ionizing Collisions at Ultracold Temperatures (pp. 1334) Montreal, Canada: APS March Meeting.
Sukenik, C. I., Shaffer, M. K.. and Busch, H. C.. (2004). Interactions between Rubidium and Metastable Argon in a Dual Species Magneto- Rochester, New York: Laser Science XX.
Balik, S., Olave, R., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Kupriyanov, D. V.. and Sokolov, I. M.. (2004). Interference and Dephasing in Weak Localization of Light (pp. 82) Tucson, Azirona: APs DAMOP.
Balik, S., Sukenik, C. I., Olave, R., Havey, M. D., Kupriyanov, D. and Sokolov, I. (2004). Time-dependent multiple light scattering in ultracold atomic 85Rb.
Kulatunga, P., Sukenik, C. I., Balik, S., Havey, M. D., Kupriyanov, D. V.., Sokolov, I. and Larionov, N. V.. (2003). Coherent backscattering of light in a narrow resonance atomic system of alkali atoms Brussels, Belgium: EGAS.
Kulatunga, P., Sukenik, C. I., Balik, S., Havey, M. D., Kupriyanov, D. V.. and Sokolov, I. M.. (2003). Coherent Multiple Light Scattering in Ultracold Atomic Rb Boulder, CO: DAMOP, University of Colorado.
Kulatunga, P., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Kupriyanov, D. V.. and Sokolov, I. M.. (2003). Coherent Multiple Light Scattering in Ultracold Atomic Rb Denver, Co.: AAAS Annual Meeting.
Busch, H. C.. and Sukenik, C. I. (2003). Investigation of a rubidium-argon dual species magneto-optical trap (pp. 70) Boulder, CO: DAMOP, Univesity of Colorado.
Sukenik, C. I. (2003). Mesoscopic electromagnetic wave dynamics in ultracold atomic vapors Tuscon, AZ: OSA/LA.
Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Frierson, S. L.., Lucas, C. E.., Shiddiq, M., Jones, R. R.., Cho, D., Kim, J. Y.. and Park, C. Y.. (2003). Progress on Developing a Pulsed FORT Using IR Radiation from a Free Electron Laser Wilmington, North Carolina: SESAPS.
Sukenik, C. I. and Busch, H. C.. (2003). Trap Loss in a Rb-Ar* Dual Species Magneto-Optical Trap (pp. 29) Wilmington, North Carolina: SESAPS.
Shiddiq, M., Busch, H. C.. and Sukenik, C. I. (2002). Modulation-Free Laser Frequency Stabilization and Detuning (pp. 102) DAMOP.
Kulantunga, P., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Kupriyanov, D. V.. and Sokolov, I. M.. (2002). Observation of coherent backscattering of light in ultracold 85Rb (pp. 12) DAMOP.
Kulatunga, P., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Kupriyanov, D. V.. and Sokolov, I. M.. (2002). Observation of coherent backscattering of light in ultracold 85Rb ICAP.
Sukenik, C. I. and Busch, H. C.. (2002). Progress Toward Producing and Confining Ultracold RbAr Molecules (pp. 102) DAMOP.
Sukenik, C. I. and Busch, H. C.. (2002). Simultaneous Trapping of Rb and Metastable Ar in a Dual Species Magneto-optical ICAP.
Kulatunga, P., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Kupriyanov, D. V.. and Sokolov, I. M.. (2002). Weak localization of light in ultracold atomic Rb Orlando: OSA/LS.
Shiddiq, M., Busch, H. C.. and Sukenik, C. I. (2001). Modulation-Free Laser Frequency Stabilization and Detuning (pp. 36) SESAPS.
Havey, M. D., Sukenik, C. I., Kulatunga, P., Kupriyanov, D. V.. and Sokolov, I. M.. (2001). Multiple Coherent Light Scattering in 85Rb (pp. 48) Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
Kulatunga, P., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Kupriyanov, D. V.. and Sokolov, I. M.. (2001). Multiple coherent light scattering in ultracold rubidium (pp. 21) SESAPS.
Havey, M. D., Sukenik, C. I., Kulatunga, P., Kupriyanov, D. and Sokolov, I. (2001). Progress in multiple light scattering studies in cold atomic 85Rb.
Busch, H. C.. and Sukenik, C. I. (2001). Progress Toward Producing and Confining Ultracold RbAr Molecules (pp. 36) SESAPS.
Walker, T., Nesnidal, R., Tate, J., Zimmerman, T. and Sukenik, C. I. (1998). Excited-State Collisions of Ultracold Rb Atoms Ontario: Abstracts of Contributed Papers to the Sixteenth.
Stievater, T. H.., Lim, M. J.., Bucksbaum, P. H.., Conti, R. S.. and Sukenik, C. I. (1997). Two-Photon Doppler-Free Spectroscopy at High Magnetic Field (pp. 1083) Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
Sukenik, C. I., Hoffmann, D., Bali, S. and Walker, T. (1997). Ultracold Energy Pooling Collisions of Rubidium Atoms (pp. 1085) Bulletin of the american Physical Society.
Lim, M. J.., Bucksbaum, P. H.., Conti, R. S.. and Sukenik, C. I. (1996). Optical Pumping at High Magnetic Field Using an External Cavity Diode Laser (pp. 1096) American Physical Society.
Peterson, P. T.., Bucksbaum, P. H.., Conti, R. S.., Lim, M. J.. and Sukenik, C. I. (1996). Progress towards Simultaneous Tri-Color Resonance for a Three State Atomic Clock (pp. 1112) Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
Sukenik, C. I., Hoffmann, D., Bali, S. and Walker, T. (1996). Violet-Photon-Producing Ultracold Collisions of Rubidium Atoms in the Presence of (pp. 1083) American Physical Society.
Sukenik, C., Hoffmann, D., Bali, S. and Walker, T. (1996). Violet-photon-producing ultracold collisions of rubidium atoms in the presence of nearly resonant infrared laser light APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts.
Raman, C., S., C. W.., Sukenik, C. I. and Bucksbaum, P. H.. (1995). Direct Observation of Radial Wavepacket Dynamics using Half-Cycle Sub Picosecond (pp. 1282) American Physical Society.
Lim, M. J.., Sukenik, C. I., Conti, R. S.. and Bucksbaum, P. H.. (1995). Measuring Parity Conserving Time Reversal Violating Interactions in Atomic Systems (pp. 1280) American Physical Society.
Naudeau, M. L.., Sukenik, C. I. and Bucksbaum, P. H.. (1995). Observation of Atomic Wavepacket Dynamics in a Non-Separable Hamiltonian System (pp. 1282) American Physical Society.
Bucksbaum, P. H.., Naudeau, M. L.. and Sukenik, C. I. (1995). Observation of Atomic Wavepacket Evolution in a Non-Separable System Capri: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (TWICOLS).
Hinds, E. A.., Sandoghdar, V., Sukenik, C. I. and Haroche, S. (1993). Measurement of the van der Waals Interaction between an Atom and a Cavity (pp. 276) New York: AIP.
Hinds, E. A.., Sukenik, C. I., Boshier, M. G.., Cho, D. and Sandoghdar, V. (1993). Observation and Measurement of the Casimir-Polder Force (pp. 192) New York: AIP.
Hinds, E. A.., Sukenik, C. I., Boshier, M. G.. and Cho, D. (1991). Deflection of an Atomic Beam by the Casimir Force (pp. 283) New York : AIP.
Sukenik, C. I., Boshier, M., Haroche, S. and Hinds, E. (1990). Optical channeling and laser spectroscopy within a microcavity International Quantum Electronics Conference (pp. QWG4).


Brian, C., Zimmerman, R. C., Sukenik, C. I. and Victoria, H. (February , 2018). Oral Presentation Exploring the Use of Polarized Lidar for Retrieving Particle Composition and Size Distributions from the Upper Ocean: A Monte Carlo Investigation Portland Oregon.
Zimmerman, R. C., Sukenik, C. I., Hill, V. and Yongxiang, H. ( 2010). Exploiting LIDAR To Retrieve Particle Distributions Of The Upper Ocean .
Mills, J. L.., Sukenik, C. I. and Balla, R. Jeffrey. ( 2010). Hypersonic Wake Diagnostics using Iodine Laser-Induced Fluorescence .
Sukenik, C. I. (May 6, 2010). Studying atoms molecules and plasmas at absolute zero temperature Colloquium Geneva, NY.
Sukenik, C. I., Zimmerman, R. C., Hill, V. and Hu, Y. (February , 2010). Exploiting LIDAR To Retrieve Particle Distributions Of The Upper Ocean .
Hill, V., Zimmerman, R. C., Hu, Y. and Sukenik, C. I. (February , 2010). Merging active and passive ocean sensors to improve retrieval of primary .
Sukenik, C. I. (May 27, 2009). Experiments in Ultracold Atomic and Molecular Physics AMO Seminar NASA Langley Research Center.
Schiavilla, R., Hill, J. V,., Zimmerman, R. C,., Sukenik, C. I. and Koziana, J. (January , 2009). Nuclear electromagnetic currents in chiral EFT Kellogg Raditon Laboratory Pasadena.
Balik, S., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Datsyuk, V., Sokolov, I. and Kupriyanov, D. ( 2007). Electromagnetic wave dynamics in ultracold, high-density Rb vapor DAMOP Meeting Calgary, Canada.
Balik, S., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Datsyuk, V., Sokolov, I. and Kupriyanov, D. (March , 2007). Electromagnetic wave dynamics in ultracold, high-density Rb vapor American Physical Society March Meeting Denver, CO.
Adler, C., Narducci, F., Sukenik, C. I., Mulholland, J. and Goodale, S. ( 2006). Design of a permanent-magnet zeeman slower DAMOP Meeting Knoxville, Tennessee.
Shaffer, M. K. and Sukenik, C. I. ( 2006). Measurement i nintensity-dependent trap loss in a Rb-Ar* MOT Williamsburg, Virginia.
Shiddiq, M., Ahmed, E., Havey, M. D., Sukenik, C. I., Jones, R. and Cho, D. (October , 2006). Behavior of pulsed and continuous wave dipole force Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of APS Williamsburg, VA.
Balik, S., Er, O., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Datsyuk, V., Sokolov, I. and Kupriyanov, D. (October , 2006). Time dependent light dynamics in dense, ultracold atomic 87Rb Frontiers in Optics 2006 Rochester, NY.
Balik, S., Olave, R., Sukenik, C. I., Havey, M. D., Datsyuk, V., Kupriyanov, D. and Sokolov, I. (May , 2006). Spectral and time-dependent multiple light scattering in ultracold atomic 85Rb 37th Annual DAMOP Meeting Knoxville, TN.
Shiddiq, M., Ahmed, E., Havey, M. D., Sukenik, C. I., Jones, R. and Cho, D. (January , 2006). Behavior of pulsed and continuous wave dipole force Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics Snowbird, UT.
  • 2019: The Above and Beyond Award, College of Sciences Advisory Board
  • 2016: Shining Star Recognition,
  • 2013: Elected to Sigma Pi Sigma National Physics Honor Society,
  • 2011: Advisor of the Year, College of Sciences
  • 2011: Designated as University Professor,
  • 2010: Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, College of Sciences
  • 2007: Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, College of Sciences
  • 2005: Advisor of the Year, College of Sciences
  • 2004: Gene W. Hirschfeld Faculty Excellence Award,