
Hans-Peter Plag

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Geophysics, Free University of Berlin, (1988)

M.S. in Geophysics, Free University of Berlin, (1982)

B.M. in "Vordiplom" Mathematics, Technische Fachhochschule Berlin, (1974)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Plag, H. "Building Conservation Leaders for the Future" $50,000. Federal. July 1, 2015 - December 31, 2018
Plag, H. "Implementing & Monitoring Sustainable Devel Goals Caribbean: Role of the Ocean" $50,000. Federal. July 18, 2017 - July 17, 2018
Plag, H. "Hazard Stress Test Tool. January 2016 - December 2017
Plag, H. "GPS-based Determination of Earthquake Displacement Fields. June 2014 - December 2016
Plag, H. "Decadal Local Sea Level Forecasting. June 2013 - May 2016
Plag, H. "Coastal Community Resilience. February 2014 - January 2016
Plag, H. "Cities and Sea Level Rise. January 2015 - September 2015
Plag, H. "Mitigation and Adaptation Science in Virginia. September 2014 - September 2015
Plag, H. "GPS-based Determination of Earthquake Displacement Fields. March 2012 - March 2013
Plag, H. "Developing the Global Geodetic Observing System into a Monitoring System for the Global Water Cycle. March 2008 - December 2012
Plag, H. "Extending GGOS to High Frequencies. June 2012 - November 2012
Plag, H. "Revealing the Nature of Contemporary Uplift and Collapse in the Sierra Nevada - Great Basin System. February 2009 - April 2012
Plag, H. "Geodetic Imaging of Earth's Surface Deformation Using Integrated InSAR and GPS Observations. February 2009 - January 2012
Plag, H. "Geodetic Imaging of Earth's Surface Deformation Using Integrated InSAR and GPS Observations. October 2008 - September 2011
Plag, H. "Development of Real-Time Tsunami Warning Systems with Continuous GPS. January 2008 - December 2010
Plag, H. "GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology. March 2010 - November 2010
Plag, H. "Surface Mass Loads From GRACE, GPS, and Earth Rotation Measurements. November 2007 - October 2010
Plag, H. "The Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020. July 2006 - January 2009
Plag, H. "Synthesis of NASA data on Earth's changing geometrical and gravitational shapes to assess changes in terrestrial water storage and its effect on sea level, lithospheric loading, and Earth rotation, to image mantle rheology. October 2004 - September 2008
Plag, H. "Geodetic Monitoring of Yucca Mountain using GPS. October 2003 - September 2008
Plag, H. "System Design for a GPS component of Real- Time Earthquake Source Determination and Tsunami Warning Systems: Collaborative Research with University of Nevada, Reno and Northwestern University. December 2006 - December 2007
Plag, H. "Ocean Circulation and heat transport between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Sea. January 2002 - December 2006
Plag, H. "Appraisal of relative sea level rise scenarios for Venice. March 2005 - January 2006
Plag, H. "European Sea Level Service - Research Infrastructure. November 2002 - October 2005
Plag, H. "Geoid and Ocean Circulation in the North Atlantic. November 2002 - October 2005
Plag, H. "National geodetic infrastructure: status today and future requirements. October 2004 - August 2005
Plag, H. "Central Bureau for ESEAS. July 2001 - January 2005
Plag, H. "Determination of geodetic coordinates for EGNOS RIMS and NLES. January 2003 - May 2004
Plag, H. "Exploitation of ground-based GPS for Operational Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Applications. December 1998 - May 2004
Plag, H. "Geodetic Galileo: High accuracy applications of Galileo. June 2002 - March 2004
Plag, H. "European Sea Level Observing System. December 1997 - December 2002
Plag, H. "Special Bureau for Loading. February 2002 -

Research Interests

Sustainability of the anthropsphere, global and climate change mitigation and adaptation;Sea level fluctuations and impacts on humans and ecosystems;Monitoring, analyzing variations, and modeling physical parameters of the Earth system from global to local spatial scales andtemporal scales from minutes to millenia, including, but not limited to Earth rotation, displacements of the Earth surface, fluxes inthe global water cycle, sea level, atmospheric water content, air pressure, temperature, wind, etc.;General approach to studies of the Earth system;Rheology of the Earth mantle;Geophysical phenomena and geodetic observations related to global geodetic reference frames;Earth rotation studies and integration of the solid Earth into Earth system models;Deformations of the Earth due to exogenic forcing, particularly postglacial rebound and atmospheric, oceanic, hydrological andcryospheric loading;Inproving the global geodetic reference frame as a major utility for all Earth observation;Application of geodetic techniques to geohazards and early warning.


Plag, H. (2019). What is wrong with us? Column 21 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 33 (4).
Plag, H. (2018). Preface: Ecosystem services, ecosystem health and human communities. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 104 , pp. 1-2.
Plag, H. (2018). Prioritizing the Ocean: SDG #14, 鈥淟ife Below Water鈥 鈥 Can we change our priorities to reduce the mounting threats to the ocean? Column 20 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 33 (3).
Plag, H. (2018). Climate change: A symptom of a single-species, high-energy pulse. Column 19 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 33 (2) , pp. 13-15.
Hall, L. S., Miller, N., Plag, H. and Popiolek, R. (2017). An Earth Energy Monitoring System. The Strategic News Service - Global Report on Technology and the Economy 22 (5) , pp. 1-10.
Plag, H., Khalsa, S. J. and Pearlman, P. (2017). Creating pathways to a sustainable future. OES Beacon 6 (1) , pp. 29-30.
Plag, H. (2017). Interpreting what we see - Distance impacts our perception. Column 18 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 32 (4) , pp. 8-11.
Plag, H. (2017). Extreme weather's tie to climate - language matters. Column 17 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 32 (3) , pp. 8-11.
Plag, H. and Jules-Plag, S. A. (2017). An economy for humanity: Transition to an economy for a thriving humanity and planetary future. ApoGeoSpatial 32 (2) , pp. 30-35.
Plag, H. (2017). Changing the Story: The Planetary Physiology. Column 17 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 32 (2) , pp. 10-12.
Plag, H. (2017). SDGs - How to be successful under unfavorable conditions. Column 15 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 32 , pp. 8-11.
Pearlman, J., Khalsa, S. J., Pearlman, F., Plag, H. and Holt, S. (2016). GEO Blue Planet - a contribution to ocean monitoring and applications. OES Beacon 5 (2) , pp. 43-45.
Plag, H. (2016). A look at earth from Aliens' perspective. Column 14 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 31 (4) , pp. 12-15.
Jules-Plag, S. and Plag, H. (2016). Supporting Agenda 2030's Sustainable Development Goals - Agent-Based Models and GeoDesign. ApoGeoSpatial 31 (4) , pp. 24-30.
Jules-Plag, S. and Plag, H. (2016). Supporting the Implementation of SDGs. Geospatial World, On-line publication.
Plag, H. (2016). The Laboratory for 鈥淧atient Earth鈥. Column 13 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 31 (3) , pp. 8-10.
Plag, H. (2016). Knowledge Must Translate into Action - "They had all the Knowledge ..." Column 12 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 31 (2) , pp. 8-10.
Plag, H. (2015). Adaptation to Sea Level Rise: Protecting against, or preparing the coastal zone for, inundation?. Tap Into Virginia 6 (2) , pp. 41-50.
Xu, Q., Cheng, Y., Zhang, B. and Plag, H. (2015). Investigation of sea level variability in the Baltic Sea from tide gauge, satellite altimetric data and model reanalysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing 36.
Cheng, Y., Plag, H., Hamlington, B. D., Xu, Q. and He, Y. (2015). Regional sea level variability in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research 111.
Plag, H. (2015). Safeguarding our life support system - Overcoming the "immutable truth" of growth being necessary for a thriving economy. Column 11 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 30 (4) , pp. 10-15.
Plag, H. (2015). Finding the Message in the Facts 鈥 Has Humanity Evolved into the most Extreme Hazard, and Anthropogenic Cataclysm? Column 10 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 30 (3) , pp. 8-11.
Plag, H. (2015). Extreme Volcanic Eruptions 鈥 The Global Population May not be Prepared. Column 9 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 30 (2) , pp. 10-15.
Plag, H. (2015). The Slowly Developing Disaster of Sea Level Rise 鈥 Our Responsibility: Preparing the Coasts for Large-Scale Inundation. Column 8 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 30 (1) , pp. 13-15.
Plag, H. (2014). Foreword: extreme geohazards 鈥 a growing threat for a globally interconnected civilization. Natural Hazards 72 (3) , pp. 1275-1277.
Plag, H. (2014). The Year 2015: The Start of a New Decade of Making it Right? 鈥 Building a Global Resilient Community. Column 7 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 29 (4) , pp. 36-38.
Plag, H. (2014). The Credibility of Science 鈥 Acknowledging what we do not know. Column 6 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 29 (3) , pp. 12-14.
Plag, H. (2014). Risk management - climate vs, car crashes. Column 5 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 29 (2) , pp. 12-13.
Plag, H. (2014). Humanity for Economy or Economy for Humanity? - What to tell your 20-year-old self. Column 4 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 29 (1) , pp. 8-10.
McCallum, I., Plag, H. and Fritz, S. (2013). Data Citation Standard: A Means to Support Data Sharing, Attribution, and Traceability. E3S Web of Conferences 1 (28002).
Plag, H. (2013). Labeling Geo-Referenced Information in Support of Data Sharing and the Facilitating of Societal Benefits of Earth Observations. EDP Sciences(28004), E3S Web of Conferences 1.
Plag, H., McCallum, I., Fritz, S., Jules-Plag, S., Nyenhuis, M. and Natavi, S. (2013). The GEOSS Science and Technology Service Suite: Linking S&T Communities and GEOSS. E3S Web of Conferences 1 (28003).
Plag, H. (2013). Uncontrolled Experiment or Planetary Accident? - The Global High-Energy, Growth-Addicted Civilization is an 鈥淓xtinction-Class Event鈥. Column 3 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 28 (4) , pp. 14-15.
Plag, H. (2013). Alarmist or Realist - The Art of Creating Worry. Column 2 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 28 (3) , pp. 18-20.
Plag, H. (2013). Running in Fog - Finding a safe operating space for humanity. Column 1 in 鈥淥n The Edge.鈥. ApoGeoSpatial 28 (2) , pp. 22-25.
Hammond, W. C., Blewitt, G., Li, Z., Plag, H. and Kreemer, C. (2012). Contemporary uplift of the Sierra Nevada, western U.S. from GPS and InSAR measurements. Geology 27.
Plag, H. and Miller, N. (2012). Fourth Annual IGCP 565 Workshop: Support for water management through hydrological models and data assimilation. Episodes 35 , pp. 344-346.
Plag, H. and Miller, N. L. (2011). 麻豆国产AVing Geodesy to Hydrologic Cycle Monitoring. EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 92 (136).
Katsman, C. A., Sterl, A., Beersma, J. J., van den Brink, H. W., Church, J. A., Hazeleger, W., Kopp, R. E., Kroon, D., Kwadijk, J., Lammersen, R., Lowe, J., Oppenheimer, M., Plag, H., Ridley, J., von Storch, H., Vaughan, D. G., Vellinga, P., Vermeersen, L. L., van de Wal, R. S. and Weisse, R. (2011). Exploring high-end scenarios for local sea level rise to develop flood protection strategies for a low-lying delta - the Netherlands as an example. Climatic Change.
Hammond, W. C., Kreemer, C., Blewitt, G. and Plag, H. (2010). Effect of Viscoelastic postseismic relaxation on estimates of interseismic crustal strain accumulation at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Geophys. Res. Lett 37.
Plag, H., Ondich, G., Kaufman, J. and Foley, G. (2010). The GEOSS User Requirement Registry - Supporting a User-Driven Global Earth Observation System of Systems. Imaging Notes 25 (4) , pp. 28-33.
Plag, H. and Miller, N. L. (2010). Third Annual IGCP 565 Workshop: Separating hydrological and tectonic signals in geodetic observations. Episodes 33 (4) , pp. 273-277.
Plag, H., Gross, R. and Rothacher, M. (2009). Global Geodetic Observing System for Geohazards and Global Change. Geosciences, BRGM's journal for a sustainable Earth 9 , pp. 96-103.
Blewitt, G., Hammond, W. C., Kreemer, C., Plag, H., Stein, S. and Okal, E. (2009). GPS for realtime earthquake source determination and tsunami warning systems. J. Geodesy 83 , pp. 335-343.
Kierulf, H. P., Plag, H. and Kohler, J. (2009). Surface deformation induced by present-day ice melting in Svalbard. Geophys. J. Int. 179 , pp. 1-13.
Plag, H., Rothacher, M., Pearlman, M., Neilan, R. and Ma, C. (2009). The Global Geodetic Observing System. Advances in Geosciences , pp. 105-127.
Teferle, N., Williams, S. D., Kierulf, H. P., Bingley, R. M. and Plag, H. (2008). A continuous GPS coordinate time series analysis strategy for high-accuracy vertical land movements. Phys. Chem. Earth 33 , pp. 205-216.
Kierulf, H. P., Plag, H., Bingley, R. M., Teferle, N., Demir, C., Cingoz, A., Yildiz, H., Garate, J., Davila, J. M., Silva, C. G., Zdunek, R., Jaworski, L., Martinez-Benjamin, J. J., Orus, P. and Aragon, A. (2008). Comparison of GPS analysis strategies for high-accuracy vertical land motion. Phys. Chem. Earth 33 , pp. 194-204.
Plag, H. (2008). GEO/GGOS Workshop demonstrated contribution of geodetic observations to understanding and assessing geohazards, mitigation, and prevention of disasters. GeoHaz Update 5 , pp. 3-4.
Plag, H. and Zerbini, S. (2008). Geodetic observations help understanding geohazards and mitigate disasters. EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 89.
Tsimplis, M. N., Plag, H., Rosen, D., Lilja Bye, B. and Papadopoulos, A. (2006). Development in sea level research and observations in the Mediterranean Sea. Exchange 11 (2) , pp. 10-11.
Plag, H. (2006). Estimating recent global sea level changes. International Association of Geodesy Symposia Springer Verlag 130 , pp. 39-48.
Sato, T., Okumo, J., Hinderer, J., MacMillan, D., Plag, H., Francis, O., Falk, R. and Fakuda, Y. (2006). Geophysical interpretation of the secular displacement and gravity rates observed at Ny-脜lesund, Svalbard in the Arctic - Effect of post-glacial rebound and presentday ice melting. Geophys. J. Int. 165 , pp. 729-743.
Plag, H. (2006). GGOS and it user requirements, linkage and outreach. International Association of Geodesy Symposia Springer Verlag 130 , pp. 711-718.
Kreemer, C., Blewitt, G., Hammond, W. C. and Plag, H. (2006). Global deformations from the great 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake observed by GPS: implications for rupture process and global reference frame. Earth Planets Space 58 , pp. 141-148.
Sato, T., Boy, J. P., Tamura, Y., Matsumato, K., Asari, K., Plag, H. and Francis, O. (2006). Gravity tides and seasonal gravity varitations at Ny Aalesund, Svalbard in Arctic. J. Geodynamics 41 , pp. 231-241.
Plag, H., Beutler, G., Forsberg, R., Ma, C., Neilan, R., Pearlman, M., Richter, B. and Zerbini, S. (2006). Linking the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) to the Integrated Global Observing Strategy Partnership (IGOS-P) through the Theme 'Earth System Dynamics'. International Association of Geodesy Symposia Springer Verlag 130 , pp. 727-734.
Plag, H. (2006). National geodetic infrastructure: Current status and future requirements -- the example of Norway. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology 112 , pp. 91.
Garcia, M. J., Perez, B. G., Raicich, F., Rickards, L., Bradshaw, E., Plag, H., Zhang, X. and Bye, B. L. (2006). Observing site oriented sea level monitoring - implementation of ESEAS quality control. International Association of Geodesy Symposia Springer Verlag 130 , pp. 67-70.
Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W., Plag, H., Stein, S. and Okal, E. (2006). Rapid determination of earthquake magnitude using GPS for tsunami warning systems. Geophys. Res. Letters 33 (L11309).
Plag, H. (2006). Recent relative sea level trends: an attempt to quantify the forcing factors. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 364 , pp. 1841-1869.
Plag, H., Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C. and Hammond, W. C. (2006). Solid Earth deformations induced by the Sumatra earthquakes of 2004- 2005: GPS detection of co-seismic displacements and tsunami-induced loading. International Association of Geodesy Symposia Springer Verlag 130 , pp. 549-556.
Poutanen, M., Knudsen, P., Lilje, M., Norbech, T., Plag, H. and Scherneck, H. G. (2006). The Nordic Geodetic Observing System. International Association of Geodesy Symposia Springer Verlag 130 , pp. 749-756.
Plag, H., Gross, R., Chao, B. F. and Van Dam, T. (2005). Forcing of polar motion in the Chandler frequency band: An opportunity to evaluate interannual climate variations. EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 86 (3) , pp. 26.
Poutanen, M., Knudsen, P., Lilje, M., Plag, H. and Scherneck, H. G. (2005). NGOS - The Nordic Geodetic Observing System. nordic journal 2 , pp. 77-98.
Plag, H. (2005). The GGOS as the backbone for global observing and local monitoring: A user driven perspective. J. Geodynamics , pp. 479-486.
Bos, M. S., Baker, T. F., Rothing, K. and Plag, H. (2002). esting ocean tide models in the Nordic Seas with tidal gravity observations. Geophys. J. Int. 150 , pp. 687-694.
Plag, H., Shum, C. K. and Fengoli-Marc, L. (2002). Foreword to ``Sea Level Changes from Global to Local". Phys. Chem. Earth 27 , pp. 223-234.
Sato, T., Asari, K., Tamura, Y., Plag, H., Digre, H., Fukuda, Y., Hinderer, J., Kaminuma, K. and Hamano, Y. (2001). Continuous gravity observation at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, Norway with a Superconducting Gravimeter CT#039. J. Geodetic Soc. Japan 47 , pp. 341-346.
Plag, H. and Tsimplis, N. (1999). Temporal variability of the seasonal sea-level cycle in the North Sea and Baltic Sea in relation to climate variability. Global and Planetary Change 20 , pp. 173-203.
Zerbini, S., Baker, T., Pezzoli, L., Plag, H. and Romagnoli, C. (1998). Height variations and secular changes in sea-level. J. Geodynamics 25 , pp. 241-262.
Plag, H., Engen, B., Clark, T. A., Degnan, J. J. and Richter, B. (1998). Post-glacial rebound and present-day three-dimensional deformations. J. Geodynamics 25 , pp. 263-301.
Plag, H., Ambrosius, B., Baker, T. F., Beutler, G., Bianco, G., Blewitt, G., Boucher, C., Davis, J. L., Degnan, J. J., Johansson, J. M., Kahle, J. M., Kumkova, I., Marson, I., Mueller, S., Pavlis, E. C., Pearlman, M. R., Richter, B., Spakman, W., Tatevian, S. K., Tomasi, P., Wilson, P. and Zerbini, S. (1998). Scientific objectives of current and future WEGENER activities. Tectonophysics 294 , pp. 177-223.
Plag, H. and Klosko, S. M. (1997). Foreword. Surveys in Geophysics 18 , pp. 129-130.
Rautenberg, V., Plag, H., Burns, M., Stedman, G. E. and J眉ttner, H. U. (1997). Tidally induced Sagnac signal in a ring laser. Geophys. Res. Lett. 24 , pp. 893-896.
Plag, H., Austin, B., Belknap, D. F., Devoy, R. J., England, J., Josenhans, H., Peacock, J. D., Petersen, K. S., Rokoengen, K., Scourse, J. D., Smith, D. E. and Wingfield, R. T. (1996). Late Quaternary relative sea-level changes and the role of glaciation upon continental shelves. Terra Nova 8 , pp. 213-222.
Plag, H., J眉ttner, H. U. and Rautenberg, V. (1996). On the possibility of global and regional inversion of exogenic deformations for mechanical properties of the Earth's interior. J. Geodynamics 21 , pp. 287-308.
Zerbini, S., Plag, H., Baker, T., Becker, M., Billiris, H., B眉rki, B., Kahle, H. G., Marson, I., Pezzoli, L., Richter, B., Romangoli, C., Sztobryn, M., Tomasi, P., Tsimplis, M., Veis, G. and Verrone, G. (1996). Sea level in the Mediterranean: a first step towards separation of crustal movements and absolute sea-level variations. Global and Planetary Change 14 , pp. 1-48.
Plag, H. and J眉ttner, H. U. (1995). Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities of a self-gravitating Earth. J. Geodynamics 20 , pp. 267-288.
Gr枚ger, M. and Plag, H. (1993). Estimations of a global sea level trend: Limitations from the structure of the PSMSL global sea level data set. Global and Planetary Change 8 , pp. 161-179.
Pirazzoli, P. A., Plag, H., Sabadini, R. and Zerbini, S. (1993). Foreword. Global and Planetary Change 80 , pp. 93-94.
Plag, H. (1984). Water level changes along the Norwegian coast. Mar. Geophys. Res. 7 , pp. 283-297.
Plag, H. and Jahr, T. (1983). On processing of tidal data. BIM 89 , pp. 5759-5786.


Plag, H. and Pearlman, M. (2009). Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020. Springer Berlin.

Book Chapters

Plag, H. (2019). Modern Climate Change: A Symptom of a Single-Species, high energy pulse Moral Theory and Climate Change: Ethical Perspectives on a Warming Planet Taylor and Francis/Routledge.
Kampel, M., DiGacomo, P. and Plag, H. (2014). The Coastal Zone Community of Practice: Supporting Integrated Coastal Zone Management with Earth Observations Oceans and Society: Blue Planet (pp. 113-121) Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Plag, H., Jules-Plag, S., Callaghan, C. and McCallum, I. (2013). Linking science and technology communities to GEOSS Towards a Sustainable GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) 鈥 Some Results of the EGIDA Project (pp. 13-34) Firenze: Aion.
Plag, H. and Jules-Plag, S. (2013). Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Ecosystems Vulnerability of Ecosystems to Climate, Volume 4 of: Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources (pp. 163-184) Elsevier.
Plag, H. and Jules-Plag, S. (2013). Sea-Level Rise and Health Vulnerability of Human Health to Climate. Volume 1 of: Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources (pp. 39-47) Elsevier.
Blewitt, G., Altamimi, Z., Davis, J., Gross, R., Kuo, C. Y., Lemoine, F. G., Moore, A. W., Neilan, R. E., Plag, H., Rothacher, M., Shum, C. K., Sideris, C. K., Sch枚ne, M. G., Tregoning, T. and Zerbini, P. (2010). Geodetic Observations and Global Reference Frame Contributions to Understanding Sea-Level Rise and Variability Understanding Sea-level Rise and Variability (pp. 256-284) Wiley-Blackwell.
Plag, H., Rizos, C., Rothacher, M. and Neilan, R. (2010). The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS): Detecting the Fingerprints of Global Change in Geodetic Quantities Advances in Earth Observation of Global Change (pp. 125-143) Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag.
Sahagian, D., Abshire, J., Alsdorf, D., Davis, P., Houser, P., Kreemer, C., Melack, J., Pearlman, M., Plag, H., Poli, P. and Reid, S. (2009). Earth observation: Serving the needs of an increasingly global society Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 153-196) Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag.
Plag, H., Beutler, G., Gross, R., Herring, T. A., Rizos, C., Rothacher, M., Rummel, R., Sahagian, D. and Zumberge, J. (2009). Executive Summary Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. xiii-xxiv) Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag.
Gross, R., Beutler, G. and Plag, H. (2009). Integrated scientific and societal user requirements and functional specifications for the GGOS Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 209-224) Berlin, Germany: Springer Berlin.
Plag, H., Beutler, G., Gross, R., Herring, T. A., Rizos, C., Rothacher, M., Rummel , R., Sahagian, D. and Zumberge, J. (2009). Introduction Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 1-14) Berlin, Germany: Springer Berlin.
Plag, H., Beutler, G., Gross, R., Herring, T. A., Rizos, C., Rothacher, M., Rummel, R., Sahagian, D. and Zumberge, J. (2009). Recommendations Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 283-292) Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag.
Herring, T. A., Altamimi, Z., Plag, H. and Poli, P. (2009). The future geodetic reference frame Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 225-236) Berlin, Germany: Springer Berlin.
Rothacher, M., Beutler, G., Bosch, W., Donnellan, A., Gross, R., Hinderer, J., Ma, C., Pearlman, M., Plag, H., Ries, J., Schuh, H., Seitz, F., Shum, C. K., Smith, D., Thomas, M., Wahr, J., Willis, P. and Woodworth, P. L. (2009). The Future Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 237-272) Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag.
Plag, H., Altamimi, Z., Bettadpur, S., Beutler, G., Beyerle, G., Cazenave, A., Crossley, D., Donnellan, A., Forsberg, R., Gross, R., Hinderer, J., Komjathy, A., Mannucci, A., Ma, A. J., Noll, C., Nothnagel, A., Pavlis, E. C., Pearlman, M., Poli, P., Schreiber, U., Senior, K., Woodworth, P. and Zuffada, C. (2009). The goals, achievements, and tools of modern geodesy Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 15-88) Berlin, Germany: Springer Berlin.
Beutler, B., Pearlman, M., Plag, H., Neilan, R., Rothacher, M. and Rummel, R. (2009). Towards GGOS in 2020 Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 273-282) Springer Berlin.
Rummel , R., Beutler, B., Dehant, V., Gross, R., Ilk , K., Plag, H., Poli, P., Rothacher, M., Stein, S., Thomas, R., Woodworth, P. L., Zerbini, S. and Zlotnicki, V. (2009). Understanding a dynamic planet: Earth science requirements for geodesy Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 89-134) Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag.
Plag, H. and Et. al. (2007). Global Geodetic Reference Frames The first 100 Steps of GEOSS (pp. 34-35) Geneva, Switzerland: GEO Secretariat.
Baker, T. F., Cazenava, A., Cocard, A. M., Kaas, E., Kahle, H. G., Lozano, I., Marson, I., Plag, H., Romagnoli, C., von Storch, H. and Zerbini, S. (2000). Regional and local sea level variations Sea level change and coastal processes - Implications for Europe (pp. 81-133) European Commission, Directorate-General for Research.
Plag, H., Romagnoli, C. and Zerbini, S. (2000). Regional and local sea level variations - introduction Sea level change and coastal processes - Implications for Europe (pp. 81-84) European Commission, Directorate- General for Research.
Plag, H. (2000). Regional and local sea level variations - sea level data assessment Sea level change and coastal processes - Implications for Europe (pp. 97-100) European Commission, Directorate- General for Research.
Plag, H., Marson, I. and Paskoff, R. (2000). Sea level changes and costal flooding Sea level change and coastal processes - Implications for Europe (pp. 1-6) European Commission, Directorate- General for Research.
(1997). Chandler wobble and pole tide in relation to interannual atmosphere-ocean dynamics Tidal Phenomena (pp. 183-218) Springer Publishing.

Conference Proceeding

Plag, H. (2013). Toward an Interannual to Decadal Local Sea Level Forecasting Service Science and Technology Infusion Climate Bulletin (pp. 94-102) College Park, MD: NOAA's National Weather Service, 38th NOAA Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop.
Plag, H., Blewitt, G. and Bar-Sever, Y. (2012). Rapid determination of earthquake magnitude and displacement field from GPS-observed coseismic offsets for tsunami warning Preliminary Proceed. of IGARSS 2012 Munich, Germany:.
Plag, H., Foley, G., Jules-Plag, S., Kaufman, J. and Ondich, G. (2012). The GEOSS User Requirement Registry: Linking users of GEOSS across disciplines and societal areas Preliminary Proceed. of IGARSS 2012 Munich, Germany:.
Plag, H., Gross, R. S., Miller, N. L., Rothacher, M., Zerbini, S. and Rizos, C. (2011). IGCP 565 Project: Developing the Global Geodetic Observing System into a monitoring system for the global water cycle International Conference on Water Scarcity, Global Changes, and Groundwater Management Responses, December 2008, University of California, Irvine, United States, Proceedings (pp. 947-966) Irvine, CA: The Urban Water Research Center, University of Irvine.
Plag, H., Ondich, G., Kaufman, J., Foley, G. and Pignatelli, F. (2011). The GEOSS User Requirement Registry: A Versatile Tool for the Dialog Between Users and Providers Proceed. 34th Internat. Symp. Remote Sensing of the Environment Sydney, Australia: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Plag, H. (2011). The Need for a Decadal Local Sea Level Forecasting Service Proceed. 34th Internat. Symp. Remote Sensing of the Environment Sydeny, Australia: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Plag, H., Blewitt, G., Hammond, W., Kreemer, C. and Bar-Sever, Y. (2010). Rapid GPS-based determination of earthquake displacement field and magnitude for tsunami propagation modeling and warning Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 3039-3042) IEEE.
Cazenave, A., Chambers, D. P., Cipollini, P., Fu, L. L., Hurell, J. W., Merrifield, M., Nerem, R. S., Plag, H., Shum, C. K. and Willis, J. (2010). Sea level rise: Regional and global trends Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (pp. 11) Venice, Italy: ESA Publication.
Hammond, W. C., Li, Z., Plag, H., Kreemer, C. and Blewitt, G. (2010). Integrated InSAR and GPS studies of crustal deformation in the Western Great Basin, Western United States Proceed. ISPRS Com. VIII Symposium Kyoto, Japan: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Plag, H., Amelung, F., Lengert, W., Marsh, S. H. and Meertens, C. (2010). Supporting Risk Management and Disaster Reduction: The Geohazards Community of Practice and the Supersite Initiative Proceed. ISPRS Com. VIII Symposium Kyoto, Japan: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Shum, C., Plag, H., Schroter, J., Zlotnicki, V., Bender, P., Braun, A., Cazenave, A. S., Chamber, D., Duan, J., Emery, W., Fotopoulos, V., Gouretski, V., Gross, R., Gruber, T., Guo, J., Han, G., Hughes, C., Ishii, M., Jayne, S., Johannesen, J., Knudsen, P., Kuo, C., Leuliette, E., Levitus, S., Maximenko, N., Miller, L., Morison, J., Rashid, H., Ries, J., Rothacher, M., Rummel, R., Shibuya, K., Sideris, M., Song, Y., Stammer, D., Thomas, M., Willis, J. and Woodworth, P. (2009). Geodetic Observations of the Ocean Surface Topography, Geoid, Currents, and Changes in Ocean Mass and Volume Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society Venice, Italy: ESA Publication.
Plag, H., Adegoke, J., Bruno, M., Christian, R., Digiacomo, P., McManus, L., Nicholls, R. and van de Wal, V. (2009). Observations as Decision Support for Coastal Management in Response to Local Sea Level Changes Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society Venice, Italy: ESA Publication.
Plag, H. (2009). Earth Observations as Decision Support for Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies in Response to Coastal Sea Level Rise 33-rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Earth Stresa, Italy:.
Plag, H., Bockmann, L., Johansson, J. M., Kierulf, H. P., Lidberg, M., N酶rbeck, T., Cruz de Valle, A. and Brocard, D. (2008). Determination of the EGNOS geodetic reference frame: principles and methodology The EGNOS Book ESA Publication.
Plag, H. (2008). GEO, GEOSS and IGOS-P: The framework of global Earth observations The International GNSS Service (IGS): Perspectives and Visions for 2010 and beyond Noordwijk, The Netherlands: European Space Agency, ESTEC.
Ventura-Traveset, J., Mathur, A. R., Montefusco, C., Toran, F., Plag, H., Ruiz, L., Stojkovic, I. and Sage, A. (2008). Provision of emergency communication messages through SBAS: The ESA ALIVE concept The EGNOS Book ESA Publication.
Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W., Plag, H., Stein, S. and Okal, E. (2008). Rapid determination of earthquake magnitude for tsunami warning systems using GPS: An opportunity for IGS to make a difference The International GNSS Service (IGS): Perspectives and Visions for 2010 and beyond Noordwijk, The Netherlands: European Space Agency, ESTEC.
Plag, H. (2008). Special Bureau for Loading IERS Annual Report 2006 (pp. 106-109) Frankfurt am Main, Germany: International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, Central Bureau.
Plag, H. (2007). Special Bureau for Loading IERS Annual Report 2005 (pp. 95-97) Frankfurt am Main, Germany: International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, Central Bureau.
Solheim, D., Omang, O. C., Hunegnaw, A., Drange, H., Johannessen, J., Siegismund, F., Nahavandchi, H., Ghazavi, K., Pettersen, B. R., Lysaker, B. R., Gidskehaug, A. and Plag, H. (2007). The OCTAS project, the geoid, the mean sea surface, and the mean dynamic topography Proc. of the 3rd International GOCE User Workshop Frascati, Italy: ESA-ESRIN.
Plag, H., Bockmann, L., Charlot, B., Brocard, D., Berenger, X. and Chambre, E. (2007). Determination and Maintenance of Navigation Systems Reference Frames: The EGNOS Example Proc. 1st Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme Toulouse, France: ESA Publication.
Plag, H., Blewitt, G. and Herring, T. A. (2007). Towards a consistent conventional treatment of surface-load induced deformations IERS Workshop on Conventions Sevres, France:.
Plag, H., Bockmann, L., Johansson, J. M., Kierulf, H. P., Lidberg, M., N酶rbeck, T. and Cruz de Valle, A. (2006). Determination of the EGNOS Geodetic Reference Frame EUREF Publication No. 14 (pp. 99-110) Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Verlag des Bundesamtes f眉r Kartographie und Geod盲sie.
Kierulf, H. P. and Plag, H. (2006). Precise point positioning requires consistent global products EUREF Publication No. 14 (pp. 111-120) Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Verlag des Bundesamtes f眉r Kartographie und Geod盲sie.
Mathur, A. R., Ventura-Traveset, J., Montefusco, C., Toran, F., Plag, H., Ruiz, L., Stojkovic, I. and Levy, J. C. (2006). Provision of emergency communciation messages through SBAS: the ESA ALIVE concept ION GNSS 2005 Proceedings (pp. 2969-2975) Long Beach, California: Institute of Navigation, USA.
Ventura-Traveset, J., Mathur, A. R., Toran, F., Plag, H. and Sage, A. (2006). Provision of emergency communication messages through SBAS: The ESA ALIVE concept Proc. European Navigation Conference GNSS 2006 Manchester, UK:.
Blewitt, G., Altamimi, Z., Davis, J., Gross, R., Kuo, C., Lemoine, F., Neilan, R., Plag, H., Rothacher, M., Shum, C. K., Sideris, M. G., Schoene, T., Tregoning, P. and Zerbini, S. (2006). Geodetic observations and global reference frame contributions to understanding sea level rise and variability Understanding Sea-level Rise and Variability, A World Climate Research Programme Workshop and a WCRP contribution to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (pp. 127-143) Paris, France: WCRP, World Meterological Organization.
Zumberge, J. and Plag, H. (2005). Integrity monitoring of IGS products Celebrating a Decade of the International GPS Service - Workshop and Symposium 2004, Proceedings (pp. 125-134) Berne, Switzerland: Astronomical Institute, University of Berne, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (2004). European Sea Level Service (ESEAS): Potential Contributions to GMES Report from the 4th GMES Forum (pp. 139-141) Baveno, Italy: Global Monitoring for Environment and Security.
Van Dam, T., Plag, H., Francis, O. and Gegout, P. (2003). GGFC Special Bureau for Loading: current status and plans Proceedings of the IERS Global Geophysical Fluid Center Workshop (pp. 180-198) Munich, Germany: International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service, IERS Technical.
Plag, H. (2002). European Sea Level Service (ESEAS): Status and plans Proceedings of the 14-th General Meeting of the Nordic Geodetic Commission (pp. 80-88) Espoo, Finland: Nordiska Kommissionen f枚r Geodesi.
Bockmann, L., Grimstveit, L., Harsson, B. G., Kierulf, H. P., Kristiansen, O. and Plag, H. (2002). Site surveys at the fundamental geodetic station in Ny-脜lesund, Svalbard Proceedings of the NKG Meeting (pp. 89-93) Helsinki, Finland: Finish Geodetic Institute.
Kierulf, H. P., Bockmann, L., Kristiansen, O. and Plag, H. (2002). Foot-print of the space-geodetic observatory, Ny-脜lesund, Svalbard, Tsukuba, Japan Proceedings of the Second IVS General Assemply (pp. 89-90) Greenbelt, MD: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
Plag, H., Bockmann, L., Kierulf, H. P. and Kristiansen, O. (2000). Foot-print study at the space-geodetic observatory, Ny-脜lesund, Svalbard Proceedings of the 14th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry (pp. 49-54) Castel San Pietro Terme, Italy: Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Istituto di Radioastronomia.
Plag, H. (2000). Integration of geodetic techniques into a global Earth monitoring system and its implication for Earth system sciences Towards an Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System (pp. 73-83) Berlin, Germany: International Association of Geodesy Symposia Springer Verlag.
Plag, H. and J眉ttner, H. U. (2000). Inversion of global tide gauge data for present-day ice load changes Proceed. Second Int. Symp. on Environmental research in the Arctic and Fifth Ny-脜lesund Scientific Seminar (pp. 301-317) Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar research.
Plag, H. (1999). Measurements of vertical crustal motion in Europe by VLBI. Station report for Ny-脜lesund, Norwegian Mapping Authority Proceed. 13-th Working Meeting of European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Viechtach/Wettzell (pp. 65-77) Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Bundesamt f眉r Kartographie und Geod盲sie.
Plag, H. (1999). Network implications for global change monitoring Proceed. IGS Network Systems Workshop (pp. 69-76) Pasadena, CA: IGS/JPL.
Plag, H., Tatevian, S. and Zilberstein, O. (1998). Crustal motion and sea level changes along the Arctic coasts (CRUSLAC) The Ninth General Assembly of the Working group of European Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earth-science Research, WEGENER98 - Second revised Edition (pp. 110-115) Honefoss, Norway: Norwegian Mapping Authority.
Plag, H. (1998). Geodetic contribution to global change research at Ny-脜lesund The Arctic and Global Change (pp. 101-104) Ravello, Italy: Ny-脜lesund Science Managers Committee, Proceedings from the Fourth Ny-脜lesund Seminar.
Plag, H. (1998). Sea level and ice sheets: what can tide gauges tell us? The Ninth General Assembly of the Working group of European Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earth-science Research - Second revised edition (pp. 98-101) Honefoss, Norway: Norwegian Mapping Authority.
Plag, H. (1998). Space-geodetic contributions to global-change research at Ny-脜lesund Proceedings for the 27-th Int. Symp. on Remote Sensing of Environment: Information for Sustainability (pp. 227-331) Troms酶, Norway: Norwegian Space Centre.
Zerbini, S., Plag, H., Richter, B. and Romagnoli, C. (1997). Monitoring sea-level rise in the Mediterranean Transformations and evolutions of the Mediterranean coastline (pp. 187-208) Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la mer M茅diterran茅e (CIESM).
Zerbini, S., Baker, T. F., B眉rki, B., Cerruti, G., Corrado, G., Kahle, H. G., Marson, I., M眉ller, M. V., Paradissis, D., Pezzoli, L., Plag, H., Romagnoli, C., Tomasi, P., Tsimplis, N., Veis, G. and Verrone, G. (1995). Sea level fluctuations: Geophysical interpretation and environmental impact (SELF) Proceedings of 6th General Assembly of WEGENER (pp. 214-225) St. Petersburg, Russia:.
Baker, T., Cerutti, G., Corrado, G., Kahle, H. G., Marson, I., M眉ller, M., Paradissis, D., Pezzoli, L., Plag, H., Pomrehn, W., Richter, B., Romagnoli, C., Spencer, N. E., Tomasi, P., Tsimplis, N. M., Veis, G., Verrone, G., Wilson, P. and Zerbini, S. (1995). Sea-level fluctuations: geophysical interpretation and environmental impact (SELF) Global Change: Climate Change and Climate Change Impacts, Focusing on European Research (pp. 323-338) European Commission, Science Research Development.
Plag, H. (1992). The ``sea level rise'' problem: An assessment of methods and data Proceedings of the International Coastal Congress, Kiel (pp. 714-732) Frankfurt am Main, Germany: P. Lang Verlag.
Asch, G., Jahr, T., Jentzsch, G., Kiviniemi, A., K盲盲ri盲inen, J., Plag, H. and Thiel, W. (1986). Loading tides along the 'Blue Road' Geotraverse in Fennoscandia Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Earth Tides (pp. 707-718) Madrid, Spain: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas.
Asch, G., Elstner, C., Jentzsch, G. and Plag, H. (1986). On the estimation of significant periodic and aperiodic gravity variations in the time series of neighbouring stations - Part I: Tidal signals Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Earth Tides (pp. 239-250) Madrid, Spain: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas.
Asch, G., Elstner, C., Jentzsch, G. and Plag, H. (1986). On the estimation of significant periodic and aperiodic gravity variations in the time series of neighbouring stations -Part II: Non-tidal signals Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Earth Tides (pp. 251-262) Madrid, Spain: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas.
Plag, H. (1986). Temporal variations of ocean tides Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Earth Tides (pp. 595-608) Madrid, Spain: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas.
Asch, G., Jahr, T., Jentzsch, G., Plag, H. and Scholz, H. (1981). A gravity profile along the Blue Road Geotraverse Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Earth Tides (pp. 585-592) Stuttgart, Germany: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.


Plag, H. (February 21, 2019). SMAS: Sustainability Modeling and Storytelling. Oral Presentation iCREST Board meeting University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Plag, H. (January 17, 2019). The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Lecture the ILR Virginia Beach, VA.
Plag, H. and Jules-Plag, S. (December 13, 2018). Get Woke - Stay Woke: Integrating Science into Societal Dialogues. Poster the Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union Washington, D.C.
Plag, H. and Jules-Plag, S. (December 11, 2018). A Geospace for SDGs: Engaging the People through Data Integration in the Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Poster the Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union Washington, D.C.
Plag, H. (October 18, 2018). Modern Climate Change: A Symptom of Humanity's Evolution into a Growth-Addicted Industrialized Civilization. Lecture the ILR Virginia Beach, VA.
Plag, H. (March 15, 2018). Implementing and Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals in the Caribbean: The Role of the Ocean. Oral Presentation the Steering Committee of the GEO Initiative 鈥淥cean and Society: Blue Planet鈥 .
Plag, H. (January 17, 2018). Gaps in Sustainability-Related Knowledge, Products and Observations. Oral Presentation the workshop on "Implementing and Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals in the Caribbean: The Role of the Ocean," Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Plag, H. (December 10, 2017). Ideation: Seeing the world through the eyes of a SDG. Oral Presentation the 5rd GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Workshop "Linking the Sustainable Development Goals to Data, Models and Capacity Building," Berkeley, CA.
Plag, H. (December 9, 2017). Challenges and Workshop Goals. Oral Presentation the 5rd GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Workshop "Linking the Sustainable Development Goals to Data, Models and Capacity Building," Berkeley, CA.
Plag, H. (December 9, 2017). Interconnections and Interactions of SDGs. Oral Presentation the 5rd GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Workshop "Linking the Sustainable Development Goals to Data, Models and Capacity Building," Berkeley, CA.
Plag, H. (October 24, 2017). Interactions and Interdependencies of the Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of the Ocean. Oral Presentation GEO-XIV Plenary Side Event: Earth Observations in Support of SDG Implementation and Monitoring in Small Island States and Developing Countries Washington, D.C.
Plag, H. (October 24, 2017). Implementing and Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals in the Caribbean: The Role of the Ocean. Oral Presentation the EO4SDGs Meeting Washington, D.C.
Plag, H. (October 11, 2017). Monitoring Flows: Human Impacts on Flows in the Earth's Life-Support System. Oral Presentation 15th Future in Review Conference Park City, UT.
Plag, H. (September 26, 2017). Impacts of the Single-Species High-Energy Pulse on the Earth's Life-Support System. Oral Presentation iCREST Meeting Cambridge, MA.
Plag, H. (July 18, 2017). Conservation Leadership. Orientation Workshop for Interns Oral Presentation Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge Virginia Beach, VA.
Plag, H. (June , 2017). Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: Recent Evidence and Developing Foresight. Oral Presentation Hampton Roads Appraisal Institute Hampton, VA.
Plag, H., DiGiacomo, P. and Smail, E. (May 30, 2017). Implementing and Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals in the Caribbean: The Role of the Ocean. Oral Presentation Steering Committee Meeting, GEO Blue Planet Initiative College Park, MD.
Plag, H. (May 19, 2017). Engaging (With) Users. Oral Presentation IGWCO Meeting Tuscalosa, Al.
Plag, H. (May 17, 2017). The Socio-Economic and Environmental Information Needs Knowledge Base (SEE-IN KB): A GEOSS Knowledge Base Linking Users to Knowledge. Oral Presentation GEOGLOWS Meeting Tuscalosa, Al.
Jules-Plag, S. and Plag, H. (May 8, 2017). Addressing SDG Interconnections and Supporting SDG Policy Development with Agent-Based Models: The Example of Gender Equality and Subsistence Farming. Oral Presentation 37th International Symposium on the Remote Sensing of the Environment (ISRSE-37) Tswhane, South Africa.
Plag, H. and Maso, J. (May 8, 2017). In- Situ Observations: Coordination Needs and Benefits. Oral Presentation 37th International Symposium on the Remote Sensing of the Environment (ISRSE-37) Tswhane, South Africa.
Plag, H. (May 8, 2017). Knowing the Users and Meeting their Information and Knowledge Needs. Oral Presentation 37th International Symposium on the Remote Sensing of the Environment (ISRSE-37) Tswhane, South Africa.
Plag, H. and Jules-Plag, S. (May 8, 2017). The GEOSS Socio-Economic and Environmental Information Needs Knowledge Base (SEE-IN KB): Linking the Sustainable Development Goals to Earth Observations, Models, and Capacity Building. Oral Presentation 37th International Symposium on the Remote Sensing of the Environment (ISRSE-37) Tswhane, South Africa.
Plag, H. (April 27, 2017). Building Conservation Leaders for the Future. Oral Presentation Great Dismal Swamp, National Wildlife Refuge Chesapeake, VA.
Plag, H. (April 6, 2017). Flows in the Earth System: Assessing the Health of the Planet. Oral Presentation Conference on the Future of Engineering Software (CoFES) Scottsdale, AZ.
Plag, H. (January 27, 2017). Goal-based approach to identification of knowledge needs, essential variables and gap analysis. Oral Presentation WebEx workshop of the GEO Foundational Task on GEOSS in situ resources .
Plag, H. (January 11, 2017). GEO Foundational Task on User Needs and Gap Analysis. Oral Presentation the "Future Earth" Workshop on Food, Water and Energy Nexus College Park, MD.
Buzzanga, B. and Plag, H. (December 16, 2016). Linking Earth Observations and Models to Societal Information Needs: The Case of Coastal Flooding. Oral Presentation the Fall AGU Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H. and Jules-Plag, S. (December 12, 2016). A Socio-Economic and Environmental Knowledge Needs Knowledge Base (SEE-IN KB) in support of SDG Implementation and Monitoring. Oral Presentation the Fall AGU Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H. and Jules-Plag, S. (December 12, 2016). Earth Observations, Models and Geo-Design in Support of SDG Implementation and Monitoring. Poster the Fall AGU Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H. (November 8, 2016). The GEOSS knowledge base: bringing it all together. Oral Presentation GEO Working Week St. Petersburg, Russia.
Plag, H. (November 7, 2016). ENEON and GD-06: Non-satellite data in GEO. Oral Presentation GEO Working Week St. Petersburg, Russia.
Plag, H. (September 30, 2016). Climate Change and the Future of Humanity. Oral Presentation Future in Review Conference Park City, UT.
Plag, H. (September 15, 2016). Sustainable urban coasts and coastal ecosystems in times of sea level rise. Oral Presentation the workshop on urban future Philadelphia, PA.
Plag, H. (June , 2016). GEOSS Knowledge Base and ENEON. Oral Presentation the Joint meeting of the GEO Water Cycle Community of Practice and the Food-Water Energy Workshop Koblenz, Germany.
Plag, H. (June 2, 2016). Supporting monitoring and implementation of Sustainable Development Goals with Earth Observations. Oral Presentation the 12th GEO Project Workshop of the European Commission Berlin, Germany.
Plag, H. (May 31, 2016). A goal-based approach to link the Sustainable Development Goals to Essential Variables. Oral Presentation the 12th GEO Project Workshop of the European Commission Berlin, Germany.
Plag, H. (May 18, 2016). Toward an assessment of the coastal vulnerability. Oral Presentation the CSDMS Meeting Boulder, CO.
Plag, H. (May 11, 2016). Global and Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: Understanding and Meeting the Challenge from Local to Global Levels. Keynote/Plenary Address the 2016 Education Seminar of the Virginia Water Environment Association Richmond, VA.
Plag, H. (May 3, 2016). Towards a knowledge base bringing knowledge to users. Oral Presentation the GEO Work Programme Symposium Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (May 3, 2016). Towards a knowledge base bringing konwledge to users. Oral Presentation the GEO Work Programme Symposium Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (April 21, 2016). ENEON and the Food-Water Energy Nexus. Oral Presentation the 1st Meeting of the ENEON Working Group on Food- Water-Energy Nexus Wien, Austria.
Blonda, P., Maso, J., Bombelli, A., Plag, H., McCallum, I., Serral, I. and Nativi, S. (April 21, 2016). Current status of the Essential Variables as an instrument to assess the Earth Observation Networks in Europe. Oral Presentation the EGU Meeting Wien, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 21, 2016). The Food-Water-Energy Nexus Working Group of ENEON. Oral Presentation the EGU Meeting Wien, Austria.
Maso, J., Serral, I., McCallum, I., Blonda, P. and Plag, H. (April 21, 2016). Topology of the European Network of Earth Observation Networks and the need for an European Network of Networks. Oral Presentation the EGU Meeting Wien, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 19, 2016). Building conservation leaders for the future. Oral Presentation the Workshop on Conservation Leadership Falls Church, VA.
Plag, H. (April 19, 2016). Building Conservation Leaders for the Future. Oral Presentation the Workshop on future job skills to address climate change and sea level rise in federal agencies Falls Church, VA.
Plag, H. (April 12, 2016). Adapting the urban coast to climate change and sea level rise. Other Contribution to the panel discussion on "The Cities of the Future" held at the VHB Stockholder Meeting Boston, MA.
Plag, H. (February 12, 2016). Opening Remarks on Global Change and Risks. Keynote/Plenary Address Annual 麻豆国产AV Model UN Conference Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H. (February 9, 2016). Living in the coastal zone in times of sea level rise: How can we prepare the built environment? Keynote/Plenary Address annual meeting of the Construction Specification Instute Virginia Beach, VA.
Pearlman, J. and Plag, H. ( 2015). Socioeconomic values and impacts of geospatial and Earth observation information. Oral Presentation the GEO Work Plan Symposium Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (November 20, 2015). Community Stress and Disaster Resilience. Oral Presentation the project team meeting, DHS Project "Building a Hazard Stress Test Tool," 麻豆国产AV Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H. (October 29, 2015). Measuring vertical (land) motion. Oral Presentation the meeting of the working group on subsidence in Hampton Roads Chesapeake, VA.
Plag, H. (October 22, 2015). Assessing Future Sea Level Rise and Mitigating the Impacts on the Coastal Zone. Lecture Ningbo University Ningbo, China.
Plag, H. (October 19, 2015). Adaptation to sea level rise: Protecting the coastal zone against, or preparing it for innundation? Lecture HoHai University Nanjing, China.
Plag, H. (October 19, 2015). Observing, dissecting, and frecasting local sea level variations. Lecture HoHai University Nanjing, China.
Plag, H. (October 16, 2015). The role of the oceans in the Earth's life-support system. Oral Presentation the WebEx meeting of the Research Coordination Network "Ocean Observations," .
Plag, H. (September 28, 2015). MARI activities relevant for the Hampton Roads Pilot Project. Oral Presentation Pilot Project meeting at 麻豆国产AV Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H. (September 16, 2015). Planning for the Foreseeable. Oral Presentation 2nd Resilient Region Reality Check Newport News, VA.
Plag, H. (September 15, 2015). Adaptation to sea level rise: Protecting against, or preparing the coastal zone for, inundation? Keynote/Plenary Address the Water JAM Virginia Beach, VA.
Plag, H. (August 11, 2015). 1st assessment report on mitigation and adaptation research in Virginia. Oral Presentation the workshop 鈥淢itigation and Adaptation Research in Virginia," Suffolk, VA.
Plag, H. (August 11, 2015). Decision making under uncertainty (DMUU) or decision making under foreseeability (DMUF). Oral Presentation the workshop 鈥淢itigation and Adaptation Research in Virginia," Suffolk, VA.
Plag, H. (August 11, 2015). Towards a research framework in support of decision making. Oral Presentation the workshop 鈥淢itigation and Adaptation Research in Virginia," Suffolk, VA.
Plag, H. (August 11, 2015). Towards the Assessment Report. Keynote/Plenary Address the workshop 鈥淢itigation and Adaptation Research in Virginia," Suffolk, VA.
Plag, H. (July 22, 2015). A Tool to Measure Community Stress to Support Disaster Resilience Planning. Oral Presentation the DHS Workshop on the Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence Washington, D.C.
Plag, H. (June 10, 2015). Adaptation to sea level rise: Protecting against, or preparing for, inundation of the coastal zone? Oral Presentation ISSIA Bari, Italy.
Plag, H. (May 27, 2015). An interannual to decadal local sea level (LSL) forecasting system. Oral Presentation the 2nd Blue Planet Symposium Cairns, Australia.
Plag, H. (May 27, 2015). Enabling informed participation in governance (EIPIG). Oral Presentation the 2nd Blue Planet Symposium Cairns, Australia.
Plag, H., Williams, A., Simmons, S., Chavez, F. and Pearlman, J. (May 27, 2015). Ocean observations research coordination network - insitu-RS interfaces with focus on coastal observations. Oral Presentation the 2nd Blue Planet Symposium Cairns, Australia.
Plag, H. and DiGiacomo, P. (May 27, 2015). The Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP) of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO): Servicing the Coastal Zone with Earth observations. Oral Presentation the 2nd Blue Planet Symposium Cairns, Australia.
Plag, H. (May 27, 2015). Towards a global mangrove monitoring service. Oral Presentation the 2nd Blue Planet Symposium Cairns, Australia.
Plag, H. (May 14, 2015). The Mitigation and Adaptation Research Institute at 麻豆国产AV. Oral Presentation meeting with representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H. (May 4, 2015). Cyber infrastructure as a means for global capacity building. Oral Presentation the GEO Capacity Building Workshop Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (April 20, 2015). Sea level rise and society. Oral Presentation project meeting, Arup Leeds, United Kingdom.
Plag, H. (April 14, 2015). Side event on extreme geohazards: Introduction to the session. Oral Presentation the Side event on extreme geohazards, EGU Meeting Wien, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 14, 2015). Extreme geohazards: reducing the disaster risk and increasing resilience. Keynote/Plenary Address the Splinter meeting on extreme geohazards, EGU Wien, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 7, 2015). Adaptation to sea level rise: protecting against, or preparing for, inundation of the coastal zone. Oral Presentation IMAX Cinema Hampton, VA.
Plag, H. (April 7, 2015). Adaptation to sea level rise: protecting against, or preparing for, inundation of the coastal zone. Oral Presentation NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA.
Plag, H. (March 27, 2015). GEOSS Science and Technology Workshops: A brief report of highlights and outcomes. Oral Presentation Institutional Development Implementation Board meeting Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H. (March 27, 2015). Report on the GEO Task ID-03: Science and Technology in GEO. Oral Presentation Institutional Development Implementation Board meeting Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H., Brocklebank, S., Brosnan, D., Campus, P., Jules-Plag, S. and Stein, S. (November 18, 2014). Extreme Geohazards: Reducing the Disaster Risk associated with low-probability, high-impact events. Keynote/Plenary Address GEORisk 2014 Conference Madrid, Spain.
Plag, H. (August 27, 2014). Global Coastal Zone Information System. Oral Presentation Workshop of the Coastal Zone Community of Practice College Park, MD.
Plag, H. and Jules-Plag, S. (August 27, 2014). Integrated Coastal Zone Management: User Needs and Observational Requirements. Oral Presentation Workshop of the Coastal Zone Community of Practice College Park, MD.
Plag, H. (August 27, 2014). Is there a Need to have a GEO Sea-Level Rise Community of Practice? Oral Presentation Workshop of the Coastal Zone Community of Practice College Park, MD.
Plag, H. and GHCP (August 25, 2014). Extreme Geohazards - Assessing and Addressing the Risk of Global Disasters. Poster International Disaster and Risk Conference Davos, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (August 25, 2014). Extreme Geohazards - Reducing Disaster Risk and Increasing Resilience. Oral Presentation International Disaster and Risk Conference Davos, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (August 25, 2014). Safeguarding Earth's Life-Support Sytems on which Present and Future Generations Depend. Oral Presentation International Disaster and Risk Conference Davos, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (June 25, 2014). Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise: Adaptation to a Dynamic Coastal Zone. Oral Presentation Urban Land Institute event on Uncertainty and Sea-Level Rise 鈥 Impacts on Land Use in Hampton Roads Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H. (June 20, 2014). Sea Level Rise: Learning to live with the water. Oral Presentation TEDx Hampton Roads Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H., Padilla, J., Yusuf, J. and Covi, M. (June 17, 2014). Enabling Informed Participation In Governance for Mitigation and Adaptation Through Integration of Science into Society. Poster AGU Science Policy Conference Washington, D.C.
Plag, H., Covi, M. and Atkinson, L. P. (June 17, 2014). Getting used to slow climate and sea level changes: The danger of not recognizing and planning for thresholds. Poster AGU Science Policy Conference Washington, D.C.
Plag, H., Stein, S., Brocklebank, S., Jules-Plag, S. and Campus, P. (May 2, 2014). Extreme Geohazards: Reducing Disaster Risk and Increasing Resilience. Oral Presentation Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Wien, Austria.
Plag, H. (May 1, 2014). GEO Geohazards Community of Practice. Oral Presentation Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Wien, Austria.
Plag, H. (May 1, 2014). Global Geohazards Information System for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (GGIS-DRRR). Oral Presentation Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Wien, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 30, 2014). Enabling Informed Participation in Governance. Oral Presentation Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Wien, Austria.
Plag, H. and DiGiacomo, P. (April 30, 2014). The Coastal Zone Community of Practice of the Group on Earth Observations" Servicing the Coastal Zone with Earth Observations. Oral Presentation Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Wien, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 28, 2014). ID-03: Science and technology in GEOSS. Oral Presentation Institutional Development Implementation Board Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (April 28, 2014). ID-03: Science and technology in GEOSS. Oral Presentation the GEO Work Plan Symposium Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. and Nativi, S. (April 28, 2014). Socio-Economic and environmental information needs (SEE IN): A knowledge base responding to the ministerial guidance. Oral Presentation the Joint Board meeting Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (March 20, 2014). URR-2.0: Conceptual considerations for a knowledge base for user needs and EO requirements. Oral Presentation the workshop on observational requirements organized by GEO Secretariat Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (March 20, 2014). URR-1.0: Status, issues, experiences, community requests and immediate plans. Oral Presentation workshop on observational requirements organized by GEO Secretariat Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (March 3, 2014). Coastal Hazards Supersites and Natural Laboratories: Supporting Practice-Relevant Adaptation Science for the Urban Coasts. Oral Presentation UNAVCO Science Workshop Boulder, CO.
Plag, H. (February 25, 2014). Preparing for local sea level rise: How likely are surprises. Oral Presentation 鈥淓astern Coastal Infrastructure and Climate Change鈥 Conference Arlington, VA.
Plag, H. (February 22, 2014). Natural science of climate change and sea level rise. Oral Presentation 麻豆国产AVMUNC Faculty Forum, 2014: The Touchy World of Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise: Natural Science, Social Science, Philosophy, and Psychology Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H. (February 21, 2014). Virginia Water Environment Association, Sustainable Utilities Committee Keynote/Plenary Address Climate change and sea level rise: The social construct of risk and vulnerability. Webinar on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the Hampton Roads Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H., Behr, J., Diaz, R., Earnest, D. and Jules-Plag, S. (January 28, 2014). Reducing Risk and Social Vulnerability Through Social Capital. Poster 14th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment Washington, D.C.
Plag, H., Atkinson, L. and Jules-Plag, S. (January 28, 2014). Slow Climate Trends: The Danger in Getting Used to the Changes. Poster 14th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment Washington, D.C.
Plag, H. and DiGiacomo, P. (January 14, 2014). GEO Work Plan Task SB-01: Oceans and Society: Blue Planet and Coastal Zone Community of Practice of the Group on Earth Observations: Servicing the Coastal Zone with Earth Observations. Oral Presentation the Joint Meeting of the GEO Task SB-01 and the Coastal Zone Community of Practice Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (January 14, 2014). Global Coastal Zone Information System (GCZIS). Oral Presentation the Joint Meeting of the GEO Task SB-01 and the Coastal Zone Community of Practice Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (January 14, 2014). SB-01, CZCP and the GEOSS User Requirements Registry (URR). Oral Presentation the Joint Meeting of the GEO Task SB-01 and the Coastal Zone Community of Practice Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H., Earnest, D. and Jules-Plag, S. (December 9, 2013). Deterministic or probabilistic - robustness or resilience: How to respond to climate change? Poster AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H. and Jules-Plag, S. (December 9, 2013). Disaster risk reduction for extreme natural hazards. Oral Presentation AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H. and DiGiacomo, P. (December 8, 2013). GEO Work Plan Task SB-01: Oceans and Society: Blue Planet and Coastal Zone Community of Practice of the Group on Earth Observations: Servicing the Coastal Zone with Earth Observations. Oral Presentation NSF Research Coordination Network Oceans San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H., DiGiacomo, P. and Adegoke, J. (November 12, 2013). The Coastal Zone Community of Practice of the Group on Earth Observations: Servicing the Coastal Zone with Earth Observations. Oral Presentation International Conference on Oceanography University of Calabar, Nigeria.
Plag, H. (November 12, 2013). Small Steps in the Right Direction or A Fundamental Change of how we are in the World? Oral Presentation Meeting of the Sierra Club Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H. (October 30, 2013). Opportunities for Trans-Atlantic Cooperations. Oral Presentation ACCESS-EU Conference Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H. (October 21, 2013). Toward an Interannual to Decadal Local Sea Level Forecasting Service. Oral Presentation the 38th NOAA Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop College Park, MD.
Plag, H. (October 17, 2013). Interannual to Decadal Sea Level Forecasting: Do we need it and can we do it? Lecture Seminar of the Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, 麻豆国产AV Norfolk, VA.
Plag, H. (October 14, 2013). The Coastal Zone Community of Practice of the Group on Earth Observations: Servicing the Coastal Zone with Earth Observations. Oral Presentation NSF Research Coordniation Network Oceans WebEx.
Plag, H. (September 25, 2013). ID-03: Science and Technology in GEOSS. Oral Presentation GEO Institutional Development Implementation Board Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Plag, H. (September 12, 2013). Decadal Forecasting of Local Sea Level Changes: The Contribution of Vertical Land Motion. Oral Presentation NOAA CO-OPS Chesapeake, VA.
Plag, H. and DiGiacomo, P. (June 15, 2013). The Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP): Supporting Integrated Coastal Zone Management with Earth Observations. Oral Presentation Sixth Workshop of the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN) Victoria, Canada.
Plag, H., Nativi, S. and Jules-Plag, S. (March 23, 2013). Towards a Model Web for Sustainability on a Changing Planet. Poster Annual Meeting of the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System Boulder, CO.
Miller, N. L., Heinrich, L., Kukuri, N., Plag, H., Famiglietti, J. S. and Rodell, M. (December 3, 2012). The GEO Water Strategy: Advances in Monitoring, Modeling, and Predicting Groundwater Variations at Regional to Local Scales. Oral Presentation 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H., McCallum, I., Fritz, S., Jules-Plag, S., Nativi, S. and Nyenhaus, M. (November 22, 2012). The GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Network: A spin-off of the EGIDA Project. Oral Presentation GEO Plenary Exhibition Foz do Iguacu, Brasil.
Plag, H. (November 19, 2012). ID-03 Science and Technology in GEOSS - C1 Engaging the Science and Technology (S&T) Community in GEOSS Implementation. Oral Presentation Institutional Development Implementation Board of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Foz do Iguacu, Brasil.
Plag, H. (November 19, 2012). Summary of Workshop Conclusions and Outputs of the 2nd GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Workshop "GEOSS: Supporting Science for the Millennium Development Goals and Beyond." Oral Presentation Institutional Development Implementation Board of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Foz do Iguacu, Brasil.
Plag, H. (October 31, 2012). Supporting Water Management at River Basin Scale with Hydrogeodesy. Oral Presentation 13th Annual WaterNet Symposium Johannesburg, South Africa.
Plag, H. (October 31, 2012). Introduction to Hydrogeodesy. Lecture Hydrogeodesy Tutorial at the 13th Annual WaterNet Symposium Johannesburg, South Africa.
Plag, H. (October 29, 2012). Hydrogeodetic observations: current and future technologies. Oral Presentation the Fifth Annual Workshop of the IGCP 565 Project "Water Security for Africa: Bringing Together Research, Monitoring, and Managing," Johannesburg, South Africa.
Plag, H. (October 29, 2012). IGCP 565: Hydrogeodesy: The development from 2008 to 2012. Oral Presentation the Fifth Annual Workshop of the IGCP 565 Project "Water Security for Africa: Bringing Together Research, Monitoring, and Managing," Johannesburg, South Africa.
Plag, H. (October 29, 2012). What did we learn from the IGCP 565 Project? Oral Presentation the Fifth Annual Workshop of the IGCP 565 Project "Water Security for Africa: Bringing Together Research, Monitoring, and Managing," Johannesburg, South Africa.
Plag, H. (September 4, 2012). ID-03 Science and Technology in GEOSS - C1 Engaging the Science and Technology (S&T) Community in GEOSS Implementation. Oral Presentation Institutional Development Implementation Board of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Bonn, Germany.
Plag, H. (September 4, 2012). Summary of Workshop Conclusions and Outputs of the 2nd GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Workshop "GEOSS: Supporting Science for the Millennium Development Goals and Beyond." Oral Presentation Institutional Development Implementation Board of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Bonn, Germany.
Plag, H. (August 28, 2012). Draft "Bonn Statement." Oral Presentation 2nd GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Workshop "GEOSS: Supporting Science for the Millennium Development Goals and Beyond," Bonn, Germany.
Nyenhuis, M. and Plag, H. (August 28, 2012). The GEOSS Science & Technology Stakeholder Network and Workshop Goals. Oral Presentation 2nd GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Workshop "GEOSS: Supporting Science for the Millennium Development Goals and Beyond," Bonn, Germany.
Plag, H., Blewitt, G. and Bar-Sever, Y. (July 23, 2012). Rapid Determination of Earthquake Magnitude and Displacement Field From GPSObserved Coseismic Offsets for Tsunami Warning. Paper IGARSS 2012 Munich, Germany.
Plag, H., Pearlman, J. and Pearlman, F. (June 12, 2012). Using the GEOSS User Requirement Registry for Measuring Societal Relevance of Requirements and Datasets. Oral Presentation Benefits 2012 - Socio-economic Benefits Workshop Boulder, CO.
Plag, H. (May 3, 2012). The GEOSS User Requirement Registry (URR): Understanding Common Requirements Across the SBAs. Oral Presentation Societal Benefits Implementation Board of GEO Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (May 1, 2012). The GEOSS User Requirement Registry (URR): Supporting the Work Plan Implementation and the Development of a User-Driven GEOSS. Oral Presentation GEO Work Plan Symposium Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H. (May 1, 2012). ID-03: Science and Technology in GEOSS. Oral Presentation the GEO Work Plan Symposium Geneva, Switzerland.
Plag, H., Hammond, W. C. and Blewitt, G. (February 28, 2012). A Community Workbench for the Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Geodetic Observations. Poster UNAVCO Science Workshop Boulder, CO.
Plag, H. (February 22, 2012). The GEOSS User Requirement Registry (URR): Supporting Work Plan Implementation and a User-Driven GEOSS. Oral Presentation Presentation given at the Workshop of the Integrated Global Water Cycle Observation Community of Practice of GEO Waikoloa, Hawaii.
Plag, H. and Miller, N. (February 22, 2012). Developing the Global Geodetic Observing System into a Monitoring System for the Global Water Cycle: Towards the Final Workshop. Oral Presentation Workshop of the Integrated Global Water Cycle Observation Community of Practice of GEO Waikoloa, Hawaii.
Plag, H. and McCallum, I. (January 25, 2012). Linking Science and Technology to GEOSS: Contributions of the ST-09-02/ID-03 GEO Work Plan Tasks and the EGIDA Project. Poster the 鈥淓uroGEOSS Advancing the Vision for GEOSS鈥 Meeting Madrid, Spain.
Plag, H., Foley, G., Jules-Plag, S. J., Kaufman, J. and Ondich, G. (January 25, 2012). The GEOSS User Requirement Registry: A Common Infrastructure Component Facilitating the Linkage of Science and GEOSS. Poster 鈥淓uroGEOSS Advancing the Vision for GEOSS鈥 Meeting Madrid, Spain.
Plag, H. (January 24, 2012). The GEOSS User Requirement Registry: Providing the Means for a Gap Analysis. Oral Presentation EGIDA WP2 Workshop Madrid, Spain.
Plag, H. (January 4, 2012). The GEOSS User Requirement Registry: Linking GEOSS to Users and Their Needs. Oral Presentation Winter meeting of the ESIP Washington, D.C.
Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Goldfarb, J. M., Plag, H. and Hammond, W. C. (December 5, 2011). Chasing Small Signals Using Global Spatial Filtering (GSF) of GNSS Coordinates. Poster AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Bye, B. L. and Plag, H. (December 5, 2011). Contribution of the GEO Supersites Initiative to the characterization of major geohazards. Oral Presentation AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Goldfarb, J. M., Hammond, W. C., Blewitt, G. and Plag, H. (December 5, 2011). Discontinuity Detection and Characterization in GNSS Time Series. Poster AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Bye, B. L. and Plag, H. (December 5, 2011). Multitasking in academia: Effective combinations of research, education and public outreach illustrated by a volcanic ash warning system. Oral Presentation AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H. and Bye, B. L. (December 5, 2011). The Science-Policy Link: Stakeholder Reactions to the Uncertainties of Future Sea Level Rise. Poster AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H., Gaetani, F. and Marsh, S. H. (November 28, 2011). GEOSS: Services Supporting Hazard Assessments and Disaster Reduction. Oral Presentation Conference 鈥淯nderstanding Extreme Geohazards: The Science of the Disaster Risk Management Cycle鈥 Sant Felie de Guixols, Spain.
Jules-Plag, S. A. and Plag, H. (November 28, 2011). Are building codes consistent with our evolving knowledge of geohazards? Oral Presentation the Conference 鈥淯nderstanding Extreme Geohazards: The Science of the Disaster Risk Management Cycle鈥 Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain.
Plag, H. (November 21, 2011). IGCP 565: The workshop series and recommendations. Oral Presentation 鈥淚ntegration of geodetic observations and products in models of the hydrological cycle 鈥 Support for water management through hydrological models and data assimilation鈥 Johannesburg, South Africa.
Plag, H. and Jules-Plag, S. (November 14, 2011). Understanding the needs of users in the coastal zone. Oral Presentation GEOSS User Engagement Session Istanbul, Turkey.
Christian, R., DiGiacomo, P. and Plag, H. (June 6, 2011). The Coastal Zone Community of Practice of the Group on Earth Observations: Empowering Integrated Coastal Zone Management Through Earth Observations. Poster Empowering Integrated Coastal Zone Management Through Earth Observations. Poster abstract submitted for presentation at the Deltanet International Conference "Impacts of Global Change on Deltas, Estuaries & Coastal Lagoons,"Ebro Delta Cantabria, Spain.
Blewitt, G., Plag, H., Hammond, W. C. and Kreemer, C. (May 17, 2011). A Constantly Growing, Up-To-Date, On-Line, Homogeneous Set of GPS Time Series for Global and Regional Geodetic Studies. Poster National Meeting of EarthScope Austin, TX.
Hammond, W. C., Blewitt, G., Li, Z., Plag, H. and Kreemer, C. (May 17, 2011). EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory reveals uplift of the Sierra Nevada. Oral Presentation National Meeting of EarthScope Austin, TX.
Plag, H., Blewitt, G., Hammond, W. C., Kreemer, C., Bar-Sever, Y. and Song, Y. T. (May 17, 2011). Real-Time PBO for Tsunami Early Warning along the Pacific Coast of North America. Poster National Meeting of EarthScope Austin, TX.
Goldfarb, J., Hammond, W. C., Blewitt, G. and Plag, H. (May 17, 2011). Step Discontinuity Detection in GPS time series. Poster National Meeting of EarthScope Austin, TX.
Plag, H. (May 9, 2011). Mapping Stakeholders and STC Road Map. Oral Presentation Workshop "Connecting GEOSS and its Stakeholders in Science and Technology," Bonn, Germany.
Plag, H. (May 9, 2011). The GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology. Oral Presentation Workshop "Connecting GEOSS and its Stakeholders in Science and Technology," Bonn, Germany.
Plag, H. (May 9, 2011). Workshop Goals and Expected Outcomes. Oral Presentation Workshop "Connecting GEOSS and its Stakeholders in Science and Technology," Bonn, Germany.
Plag, H. (April 10, 2011). Informing Adaptation to Sea Level Rise: The Need for a Decadal Local Sea Level Forecasting Service. Oral Presentation 34th Internat. Symp. Remote Sensing of the Environment Sydney, Australia.
Plag, H., Ondich, G., Kaufman, J., Foley, G. and Pignatelli, F. (April 10, 2011). The GEOSS User Requirement Registry: A Versatile Tool for the Dialog Between Users and Providers. Oral Presentation 34th Internat. Symp. Remote Sensing of the Environment Sydney, Australia.
Plag, H. (April 10, 2011). Building a user requirement registry for a dialog between users and providers. Oral Presentation Workshop "Building a User-Driven GEOSS: Methods to Capture, Analyze, and Prioritize User Needs," Sydney, Australia.
Parker, J. and Plag, H. (April 10, 2011). SaveEarthGame - A Game Contest to Promote Earth Observations. Oral Presentation Workshop "Building a User-Driven GEOSS: Methods to Capture, Analyze, and Prioritize User Needs," Sydney, Australia.
Plag, H. (April 10, 2011). Summary and Actions. Oral Presentation Workshop "Building a User-Driven GEOSS: Methods to Capture, Analyze, and Prioritize User Needs," Sydney, Australia.
Li, Z., Hammond, W., Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C. and Plag, H. (April 3, 2011). InSAR and GPS time series analysis: Crustal deformation of the Southern Walker Lane, western Great Basin, United States. Poster EGU General Assembly 2011 Wien, Austria.
Hammond, W. C., Blewitt, G., Li, Z., Kreemer, C. W. and Plag, H. (December 13, 2010). GPS and InSAR Observations of Active Mountain Growth Across the Sierra Nevada/Great Basin Transition. Oral Presentation AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H. (October 25, 2010). Towards Earth System Models with a Fully Integrated Solid Earth. Oral Presentation IAU/IAG Workshop "Observing and Understanding Earth Rotation" Shanghai, China.
Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W. C. and Plag, H. (October 11, 2010). Separating Tectonic, Magmatic, Hydrological, and Landslide Signals in GPS Measurements near Lake Tahoe, Nevada-California. Oral Presentation 3rd Workshop of the IGCP 565 Project: Separating Hydrological and Tectonic Signals in Geodetic Observations Reno, NV .
Plag, H. and Miller, N. (October 11, 2010). Summary of Science and Observation Challenges. Oral Presentation 3rd Workshop of the IGCP 565 Project: Separating Hydrological and Tectonic Signals in Geodetic Observations Reno, NV .
Hammond, W. C., Blewitt, G., Plag, H. and Kreemer, C. (October 11, 2010). Towards Geodetic Observation of Active Mountain Growth in the Sierra Nevada/Great Basin Transition. Oral Presentation 3rd Workshop of the IGCP 565 Project: Separating Hydrological and Tectonic Signals in Geodetic Observations Reno, NV .
Plag, H. and Miller, N. (October 11, 2010). Workshop Report and other outputs; IGCP 565 and GEO: Next workshops and opportunities to contribute. Oral Presentation 3rd Workshop of the IGCP 565 Project: Separating Hydrological and Tectonic Signals in Geodetic Observations Reno, NV .
Plag, H. (September 30, 2010). ST-09-02: Status and Recent Activities. Oral Presentation the 2nd Meeting of the GEO Task ST-09-02 Rome, Italy.
DiGiacomo, P. and Plag, H. (September 19, 2010). The GEOSS Coastal Zone Community of Practice. Oral Presentation GEOSS Workshop XXXVIII "Evolution of Oceans Observing Systems - Building an Infrastructure for Science", Seattle, WA.
Plag, H., Ondich, G. and Kaufman, J. (August 21, 2010). GEOSS User Requirement Registry (URR). Oral Presentation the URR Workshop Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Plag, H. (June 9, 2010). The Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP): Review of Current Status and Activities. Oral Presentation CZCP Meeting Washington, D.C.
Plag, H. (June 9, 2010). The CZCP and GEO Tasks. Oral Presentation CZCP Meeting Washington, D.C.
Kaufman, J., Ondich, G. and Plag, H. (May 21, 2010). User Requirement Registry (URR). Oral Presentation the Joint GEO Committee Meeting Pretoria, South Africa.
Kaufman, J., Ondich, G. and Plag, H. (May 20, 2010). User Requirement Registry (URR). Oral Presentation the 15th Meeting of the User Interface Committee of GEO Pretoria, South Africa.
Plag, H. (May 17, 2010). DI-09-03 Warning Systems for Disasters. Oral Presentation GEO Work Plan Symposium Pretoria, South Africa.
Plag, H. and Marsh, S. (March 24, 2010). SBA Review: Disasters - Reducing loss of life and property from natural and human-induced disasters. Oral Presentation 13th Meeting of the Science and Technology Committee of GEO Ankara, Turkey.
Plag, H. (March 24, 2010). Societally Relevant S&T Issues - Disaster SBA. Oral Presentation the 13th Meeting of the Science and Technology Committee of GEO Ankara, Turkey.
Plag, H. (March 24, 2010). The First Assessment Report on the State of Global Earth Observation (FAR-GEO). Oral Presentation the 13th Meeting of the Science and Technology Committee of GEO Ankara, Turkey.
Hammond, W. C., Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C. and Plag, H. (March 8, 2010). Block Modeling in the Vertical Dimension Constrained by Three- Component GPS Measurements Poster UNAVCO Workshop Boulder, CO.
Marsh, S. H. and Plag, H. (March 3, 2010). The Geohazards Community of Practice (GHCP): Recent progress and plans. Oral Presentation the 14th Meeting of the GEO User Interface Committee Reading, United Kingdom.
Plag, H. (February 1, 2010). Theme 3: Sea-level change, variability and forecasting. Oral Presentation GGOS Retreat Miami, FL.
Plag, H. (December 14, 2009). Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: A Challenge to Science and Society. Oral Presentation AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Hammond, W. C., Blewitt, G., Plag, H., Kreemer, C. W. and Li, Z. (December 14, 2009). Effects of the troposphere on GPS and InSAR point target analysis for measurement of crustal deformation and vertical motion near Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Poster AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H. (December 12, 2009). Developing the Global Geodetic Observing System Into a Monitoring System for the Global Water Cycle - A Project Review. Oral Presentation IGCP 565 Project Meeting San Francisco, CA.
(December 12, 2009). Surface Displacements and Hydrology: Status of GPS Observations. Oral Presentation IGCP 565 Project Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H., Pail, R., Watkins, M. and Haagmans, R. (November 15, 2009). A Roadmap for Future Satellite Gravity Missions. Oral Presentation 13th Meeting of the GEO User Interface Committee Washington, D.C.
Plag, H., Blewitt, G., Bruno, M. and Adegoke, J. (November 15, 2009). Update on the GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP). Oral Presentation 13th Meeting of the GEO User Interface Committee Washington, D.C.
Plag, H. (November 14, 2009). ST-09-02: Promoting Awareness and Benefits of GEO in the Science and Technology Community. Oral Presentation 12th Meeting of the GEO Science and Technology Committee Washington, D.C.
Plag, H., Pail, R., Watkins, M. and Haagmans, R. (November 5, 2009). A Roadmap for Future Satellite Gravity Missions. Oral Presentation GRACE Science Team Meeting Austin, TX.
Plag, H. (September 30, 2009). Developing the Science and Applications. Oral Presentation Workshop Towards a Roadmap for Future Satellite Gravity Missions Graz, Austria.
Plag, H. (September 30, 2009). Draft Declaration. Oral Presentation Workshop Towards a Roadmap for Future Satellite Gravity Missions Graz, Austria.
Plag, H. (September 30, 2009). Draft Roadmap and Declaration. Oral Presentation Workshop Towards a Roadmap for Future Satellite Gravity Missions Graz, Austria.
Plag, H. (September 15, 2009). Task DA-09-02c: Global Geodetic Reference Frames. Oral Presentation 11th Meeting of the GEO Architecture and Data Committee. Melbourne, Australia.
Plag, H. and Connery, J. (September 15, 2009). GEOSS User Requirements Registry (URR) or User Needs and System Performance Utility (UNSPU) - Steps Towards Implementation. Oral Presentation 12th Meeting of the GEO User Interface Committee Melbourne, Australia.
Plag, H., DiGiacomo, P., Bruno, M. and Adegoke, J. (September 15, 2009). Update on the GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP). Oral Presentation 12th Meeting of the GEO User Interface Committee Melbourne, Australia.
Plag, H. (August 30, 2009). Chairs' Reports: GGOS and GEO. Oral Presentation 16th Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Plag, H. (August 30, 2009). GGOS Governance Structure and Relation between IAG Services and GGOS: A Proposal for a Modified Governance Based on Ownership of the IAG Services. Oral Presentation 16th Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Plag, H. (August 30, 2009). Towards a Roadmap for Future Satellite Gravity Missions. Oral Presentation 16th Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Plag, H. (August 13, 2009). GPS-Based Determination of Earthquake Magnitude and Displacement Field (GEQDIS). Oral Presentation Third GREAT Meeting Hawaii .
Plag, H. (July 27, 2009). GEO Task ST-09-02. Oral Presentation ST-09-02 Kick-Off Meeting, ESRIN Frascati, Italy .
Neilan, R., Plag, H. and Rothacher, M. (July 12, 2009). Africa's Role in the Global Geodetic Observing System. Oral Presentation 2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium "Earth Observations - Origins to Application" Cape Town, South Africa.
Plag, H. and Marsh, S. M. (May , 2009). Geohazards Community of Practice - Some Thoughts on How to Grow. Oral Presentation Joint meeting of the GEO User Interface Committee and GEO Science and Technology Committee Stresa, Italy.
Kreemer, C., Blewitt, G., Hammond, W. C. and Plag, H. (May 12, 2009). A High-Resolution Strain Rate Tensor Model for the Western U.S. Poster EarthScope National Meeting Boise, ID.
Plag, H. (May 6, 2009). Global Geodetic Core Network: Foundation for the Monitoring of the Earth System - A Project of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) as a contribution to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). Oral Presentation Tenth Meeting of the GEO Science and Technology Committee Stresa, Italy.
Plag, H. (May 6, 2009). Mapping the range of plausible future coastal sea level trajectories and assimilating current trends: A best practice in support of coastal adaptation policies. Oral Presentation Tenth Meeting of the GEO Science and Technology Committee Stresa, Italy.
Plag, H. (May 6, 2009). Tenth Meeting of the GEO Science and Technology Committee Oral Presentation The GEO Task ST-09-02: Status and Actions Stresa, Italy.
Plag, H. (May 4, 2009). Earth Observations as Decision Support for Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies in Response to Coastal Sea Level Rise. Oral Presentation 33-rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Earth Stresa, Italy.
Plag, H. (May 4, 2009). Geodetic Monitoring of the Global Water Cycle: Potential and Status. Oral Presentation 33-rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Earth Stresa, Italy.
Plag, H. and Pearlman, M. (April 23, 2009). GGOS and GEO: Activity Report and future plans. Oral Presentation 1st Meeting of the GEO Task Team Vienna, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 23, 2009). The GEO Sub-Task DA-09-02c: Global Geodetic Reference Frames - Status and Activities. Oral Presentation 1st Meeting of the GEO Task Team Vienna, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 23, 2009). Towards a Roadmap for Future Satellite Gravity Missions. Oral Presentation GGOS Science Workshop Program Committee Meeting Vienna, Austria.
Plag, H., Pearlman, M. and Shum, C. K. (April 18, 2009). GGOS and GEO: How to Improve the Contributions and Results? Oral Presentation 15th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting Vienna, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 18, 2009). GGOS Outreach Activities in 2008-2009. Oral Presentation 15th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting Vienna, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 18, 2009). Report of the GGOS Working Group on GEO Relations, 2008-2009. Oral Presentation 15th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting Vienna, Austria.
Plag, H. and Kreemer, C. (March 11, 2009). GEQDIS GPS-Based Determination of EarthQuake Displacement Fields - Status, Plans, and Challenges. Oral Presentation Second GREAT Meeting Reno, NV .
Huntleysmith, J., Mensing, D., Plag, H. and Sagebiel, J. (March 6, 2009). Assessing the state of sustainability education: A case study of faculty efforts at the University of Nevada, Reno Oral Presentation Second UNLV Urban Sustainability Conference: Education for a Global Sustainable Future: 21st Century Challenges in Sustainability and Climate Change Education UNLV, Las Vegas, NV.
Mensing, D., Plag, H. and Huntleysmith, J. (March 6, 2009). Assessing the state of sustainability education: A case study of faculty efforts at the University of Nevada, Reno in Education for a Global Sustainable Future: 21st Century Challenges in Sustainability and Climate Change Education Oral Presentation UNLV Student Union, UNLV Las Vegas, NV.
Plag, H. (December 17, 2008). GGOS: Status and plans. Oral Presentation Meeting of the GGOS Working Group on Networks and Communications San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H. and Le Cozannet, G. (December 16, 2008). IGOS Geohazards Theme, Geohazards Initiative, and Geohazards Community of Practice. Oral Presentation Seventh Meeting of the GEO Science and Technology Committee San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H. (December 14, 2008). GGOS and GEO: Activities in 2008 and Future Activities. Oral Presentation Fourteenth Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee San Francisco, CA.
Rothacher, M., Neilan, R. and Plag, H. (December 14, 2008). Status of GGOS. Oral Presentation Fourteenth Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee San Francisco, CA.
Rothacher, M., Neilan, R. and Plag, H. (December 12, 2008). Status of GGOS. Oral Presentation 12th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting, AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H. and the IGCP 565 Project Team and the Participants of the First IGCP 565 Workshop (December 12, 2008). Developing the Global Geodetic Observing System into a monitoring system for the global water cycle (IGCP 565 Project). Oral Presentation GRACE Science Team Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H. (December 11, 2008). Improving spatial and temporal resolution through combined geodetic observations. Oral Presentation First Annual Workshop of the IGCP 565 Project San Francisco, CA.
Gross, R., Blewitt, G. and Plag, H. (December 11, 2008). Surface mass loads from GRACE, GPS, and Earth rotation. Oral Presentation First Annual Workshop of the IGCP 565 Project San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H., Gross, R. S., Miller, N. L., Rothacher, M., Zerbini, S. and Rizos, C. (December 1, 2008). IGCP 565 Project: Developing the Global Geodetic Observing System into a monitoring system for the global water cycle. Oral Presentation UNESCO Conference on Water Scarcity, Global Changes, and Groundwater Management Responses Irvine, CA.
DiGiacomo, P., Plag, H. and Bruno, M. (November 17, 2008). Update on the GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP). Oral Presentation Ninth Meeting of the User Interface Committee of the Group on Earth Observations Bucharest, Romania.
Rothacher, M., Neilan, R. and Plag, H. (November 4, 2008). Status of GGOS Oral Presentation 11th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting Frascati, Italy .
Plag, H. and Bye, B. L. (November 4, 2008). GGOS Vision, Mission, and Objectives: Some ideas and suggestions. Oral Presentation 11th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting, GGOS Workshop Frascati, Italy .
Plag, H. (October 10, 2008). A Facility for the GPS-Based Near-Real Time Determination of Earthquake Magnitude and Displacement Field. Oral Presentation GREAT Kick-Off meeting Pasadena, CA.
DiGiacomo, P. M., Plag, H. and Bruno, M. (September , 2008). The GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP) : An Overview of Status, Activities and Plans. Oral Presentation GEOSS in the Americas Panama City, Panama.
Park, J. U., Shin, Y. H. and Plag, H. (September 22, 2008). The Contribution to GGOS from Asian Region. Oral Presentation "Space Geodynamics and Modeling of the Global Geodynamic Processes", International scientific conference in the frames of the "Asian-Pacific Space Geodynamics" Project, APSG 2008 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
Plag, H. and Le Cozannet, G. (September 22, 2008). Report of the Geohazards Community of Practice. Oral Presentation Eighth Meeting of the GEO User Interface Committee Boulder, CO.
Plag, H. and Le Cozannet, G. (September 22, 2008). Transition of IGOS Geohazards Theme to Geohazards Community of Practice. Oral Presentation Eighth Meeting of the GEO User Interface Committee Boulder, CO.
Plag, H., Gross, R. S., Miller, N. L., Rothacher, M. and Zerbini, S. (September 22, 2008). IGCP 565 Project: Developing the Global Geodetic Observing System into a Monitoring System for the Global Water Cycle. Oral Presentation Eighth Meeting of the User Interface Committee of the Group on Earth Observations Boulder, CO.
DiGiacomo, P. M., McManus, L., Christian, R., Malone, T. and Plag, H. (September 22, 2008). Transition of IGOS Coastal Theme into GEO. Oral Presentation Eighth Meeting of the User Interface Committee of the Group on Earth Observations Boulder, CO.
DiGiacomo, P. M., Plag, H. and Bruno, M. (September 22, 2008). Update on the GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP). Oral Presentation Eighth Meeting of the User Interface Committee of the Group on Earth Observations Boulder, CO.
Plag, H. (September 22, 2008). GEO Task AR-07-03: Status report. Oral Presentation GEO Architectur and Data Committee Meeting Boulder, CO.
Schuh, H., Rothacher, M., Neilan, R. and Plag, H. (September 1, 2008). IAG's Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) and its Relation to IAG Commission 3. Oral Presentation ETS 2008 New Challenges in Earth's Dynamics Jena, Germany.
Plag, H. (August , 2008). UNR and SUSTAINABILITY: Some General Considerations and Specific Ideas for Small Steps in the Right Direction. Oral Presentation Faculty Senate, University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV .
Plag, H., Hammond, W. C., Kierulf, H. P. and Blewitt, G. (June , 2008). Improving the alignment of GPS solutions to ITRF with advanced loading models. Oral Presentation GGEO 2008 Crete, Greece.
Plag, H., Kreemer, C. and Hammond, W. C. (June , 2008). Using global absolute gravity observations to constrain the tie between the origin of ITRF and the center of mass of the Earth system. Oral Presentation GGEO 2008 Crete, Greece.
Rothacher, M., Neilan, R. and Plag, H. (June 16, 2008). GGOS 2020 - The Global Geodetic Observing System: Status and Future Plans. Oral Presentation AOGS Fifth Annual Meeting Busan, South Korea.
Plag, H., Gross, R. S., Miller, N. L., Rothacher, M. and Zerbini, S. (May 7, 2008). IGCP 565 Project: Developing the Global Geodetic Observing System into a Monitoring System for the Global Water Cycle. Oral Presentation Seventh Meeting of the User Interface Committee of the Group on Earth Observations Toronto, Canada.
Hammond, W. C., Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C. and Plag, H. (March , 2008). Walker Lane tectonic deformation and fault slip rates constrained by GPS data. Oral Presentation 2008 UNAVCO Science Workshop Boulder, CO.
Plag, H., Gross, R. S., Miller, N. L., Rothacher, M. and Zerbini, S. (March , 2008). Five Annual Workshops on Developing the Global Geodetic Observing System into a Monitoring System for the Global Water Cycle. Oral Presentation the meeting of the IGWCO .
Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W., Plag, H., Stein, S., Okal, E., Bar-Sever, Y., Gross, R., Hsu, V., Hudnut, K., Simons, M., Song, T. and Webb, F. (March , 2008). Toward real-time GPS for tsunami warning systems and post-earthquake damage assessment and emergency response. Paper UNVACO Workshop Boulder, CO.
Rothacher, M., Neilan, R. and Plag, H. (March 28, 2008). Status of GGOS. Oral Presentation Thirteenth Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee Berinoro, Italy.
Plag, H. (February 6, 2008). GEO Task AR-07-03: Status report. Oral Presentation GEO Architectur and Data Committee Meeting Ispra, Italy.
Plag, H. (February 5, 2008). User needs and system performance utility - Functional specifications and architecture Oral Presentation GEO Architectur and Data Committee Co-Chairs Meeting Ispra, Italy.
Marsh, S. and Plag, H. (December 1, 2007). Transition of IGOS-P themes into GEO. Oral Presentation GEO Science and Technology Committee Meeting Cape Town, South Africa.
Rothacher, M., Plag, H. and Neilan, R. (November 30, 2007). Statement delivered on behalf of IAG. Oral Presentation Ministerial Summit on Earth Observations Cape Town, South Africa.
DiGiacomo, P. M. and Plag, H. (November 26, 2007). Report of the coastal zone community of practice. Oral Presentation GEO User Interface Committee Meeting Cape Town, South Africa.
Blewitt, B., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W., Plag, H., Stein, S., Okal, E., Bar-Sever, Y., Gross, R., Hsu, V., Hudnut, K., Simons, M., Song, T. and Webb, F. (November 6, 2007). Toward real-time GPS for tsunami warning systems and post-earthquake damage assessment and emergency response. Oral Presentation 3rd International Geohazards Workshop Frascati, Italy .
Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W. and Plag, H. (November 5, 2007). Realizing the potential of GGOS for geohazard prediction and early warning Oral Presentation GEO/GGOS Workshop Frascati, Italy .
Rothacher, M., Neilan, R. and Plag, H. (November 5, 2007). The Global Geodetic Observing System. Oral Presentation GEO/GGOS Workshop Frascati, Italy .
Plag, H. (November 5, 2007). Towards a future predictive non-linear terrestrial reference frame for improved early detection of geohazards and disaster mitigation. Oral Presentation GEO/GGOS Workshop Frascati, Italy .
Plag, H. (September 12, 2007). Task AR-07-03: Global Geodetic Reference Frames: Report to ADC-5. Oral Presentation GEO ADC Meeting Washington, D.C.
Neilan, R., Plag, H., Rothacher, M., Ma, C. and Pearlman, M. (August , 2007). The Global Geodetic Observing System. Oral Presentation Fourth Annual Assembly of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Singapore.
Plag, H. (August 1, 2007). Geohazards Community of Practice and IGOS Geohazards Theme - Report to UIC. Oral Presentation GEO UIC Meeting Washington, D.C.
Plag, H. (August 1, 2007). GEOSS User Needs and System Performance Utility Proposed Functional Specifications. Oral Presentation GEO UIC Meeting Washington, D.C.
Plag, H., Kreemer, C. and Hammond, W. (July , 2007). Collocated absolute gravity measurements help to tie the geometric reference frame to the center of mass of the earth system Oral Presentation IUGG Assembly Perugia, Italy.
Plag, H., Hammond, W., Kreemer, C. and Blewitt, G. (July 17, 2007). Integrating point and image geodesy: Mutual benefits and requirements. Poster DESDynI Workshop Orlando, FL.
Plag, H. (July 8, 2007). A GGOS Clearing-House for Geodesy: A proposal. Oral Presentation 10th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting, IUGG 2007 Perugia, Italy.
Plag, H. (July 8, 2007). GEO Architecture and Data Committee Task AR-07-03. Oral Presentation 10th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting, IUGG 2007 Perugia, Italy.
Plag, H. (July 8, 2007). GEO Task Force 2: Preparation of the Progress Report to the Ministerial Summit. Oral Presentation 10th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting, IUGG 2007 Perugia, Italy.
Plag, H. (July 8, 2007). GEO User Interface Committee. Oral Presentation 10th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting, IUGG 2007 Perugia, Italy.
Plag, H. and Bye, B. L. (July 8, 2007). GGOS Terms of Reference: Some ideas and suggestions Oral Presentation 10th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting, IUGG 2007 Perugia, Italy.
Rothacher, M., Neilan, R. and Plag, H. (July 8, 2007). Status of GGOS. Oral Presentation 10th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting, IUGG 2007 Perugia, Italy.
Plag, H., Rummel, R., Sahagian, D., Rizos, C., Zumberge, J., Gross, R., Herring, T., Rothacher, M. and Beutler, G. (July 8, 2007). The Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020. Oral Presentation 10th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting, IUGG 2007 Perugia, Italy.
Plag, H. (June 6, 2007). The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS): Status and Strategy. Oral Presentation Meeting at the GLOSS Group of Experts Paris, France.
Plag, H. (May 30, 2007). The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS): Contribution to IGOS-P and GEO. Oral Presentation IGOS-P-14 meeting Paris, France.
Plag, H. (May 5, 2007). Understanding vertical motion observed with GPS on local scales: Status and potential improvements? Oral Presentation NBMG Reno, NV .
Plag, H. (April 22, 2007). Sustainability: a mosaic of many small steps in the right direction. Lecture Centennial Celebration Week of the Mackay School of Earth Science and Engineering, UNR Reno, NV .
Plag, H. (April 17, 2007). GEO Task AR-07-03: (GEO Architecture and Data Committee) Status, including GGOS 2020 and the GEO/GGOS 2007 Workshop. Oral Presentation 9th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting, EGU 2007 Vienna, Austria.
Rothacher, M., Neilan, R. and Plag, H. (April 17, 2007). Status of GGOS. Oral Presentation 9th GGOS Steering Committee Meeting, EGU 2007 Vienna, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 17, 2007). GGOS, the GGOS 2020 Process and the Users of GGOS Oral Presentation GGOS 2020 Forum Vienna, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 17, 2007). Recommendations for the Development of GGOS Oral Presentation GGOS 2020 Forum Vienna, Austria.
Plag, H., Rummel, R., Sahagian, D., Rizos, C., Zumberge, J., Gross, R., Herring, T., Rothacher, M. and Beutler, G. (April 16, 2007). The Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020. Oral Presentation EGU Meeting Vienna, Austria.
Plag, H. (April 11, 2007). International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and IGOS-P Geohazards Theme input to the GEO Summit Report. Oral Presentation First Meeting of the GEO Task Force 2 Geneva, Switzerland.
Hammond, W., Plag, H., Kreemer, C. and Blewitt, G. (April 11, 2007). Postseismic relaxation from remote earthquakes observed in non-linearity of southern Basin and Range/Yucca mountain GPS time series. Oral Presentation Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting Kona, HI.
Plag, H., Kreemer, C. and Hammond, W. (March 26, 2007). Combination of GPS-observed vertical motion with absolute gravity changes constrain the tie between reference frame origin and Earth center of mass. Poster National EarthScope Meeting Monterey, CA.
Plag, H., Hammond, W., Kreemer, C. and Blewitt, G. (March 26, 2007). Vertical motion observed with GPS: What can we learn about regional geophysical signals, Earth structure, and rheology? Poster National EarthScope Meeting Monteray, CA.
Plag, H. (March 19, 2007). GEO User Interface Committee. Oral Presentation GGOS Retreat 2007 Oxnard, CA.
Plag, H. (March 19, 2007). GGOS 2020: Comments on Chapter 7: Integrated scientific and societal user requirements and functional specifications for GGOS Oral Presentation GGOS Retreat 2007 Oxnard, CA.
Crossley, D., Hinderer, J. and Plag, H. (March 19, 2007). GGP and GGOS. Oral Presentation GGOS Retreat 2007 Oxnard, CA.
Plag, H. (March 19, 2007). Recent developments with respect to GGOS2020 and the IGOS-P Theme. Oral Presentation GGOS Retreat 2007 Oxnard, CA.
Plag, H. (March 19, 2007). Task AR-07-03 of the GEO Work Plan 2007-2009. Oral Presentation GGOS Retreat 2007 Oxnard, CA.
Plag, H. (March 19, 2007). The Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet. Oral Presentation GGOS Retreat 2007 Oxnard, CA.
Plag, H. (February 28, 2007). Task AR-07-03: Global Geodetic Reference Frames. Oral Presentation GEO Architecture and Data Committee meeting Geneva, Switzerland.
Hammond, W., Li, Z., Plag, H., Blewitt, G. and Kreemer, C. (December , 2006). Results of InSAR and GPS measurement of tectonic deformation of the eastern California shear zone and Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Oral Presentation AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H., Hammond, W., Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C. and Li, Z. (December , 2006). Vertical motion observed with GPS and InSAR in Nevada: What can we learn about geophysical signals, Earth structure, and rheology? Oral Presentation AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Plag, H., Kreemer, C., Lavallee, D. and Blewitt, G. (October 11, 2006). Reducing global reference frame uncertainties by geophysical models. Oral Presentation Geodetic Reference Frames 2006 Munich, Germany.
Plag, H. and Hammond, W. (October 11, 2006). Requirements for global reference frame stability: the cases of global sea level studies and local sea level scenarios. Oral Presentation Geodetic Reference Frames 2006 Munich, Germany.
Plag, H., Bingley, R., Teferle, F., Kierulf, H., Williams, S. and Hammond, W. (October 9, 2006). Reference-frame induced uncertainties in measurements of vertical land motion at tide gauges: A case study for the European tide gauge network of the ESEAS. Oral Presentation Geodetic Reference Frames 2006 Munich, Germany.
Plag, H. (September 5, 2006). A Community of Practice on georeferencing and geodetic reference frames. Oral Presentation Second Meeting of the GEO User Interface Committee Ottawa, Canada.
Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W. and Plag, H. (July , 2006). Rapid determination of earthquake magnitude using GPS for tsunami warning systems: Required accuracy of real-time GPS satellite orbits. Oral Presentation COSPAR Beijing, China.
Plag, H. (June , 2006). Height variations. Oral Presentation Task 3 Review Meeting, DOE Project Yucca GPS Analysis Las Vegas, NV.
Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W. and Plag, H. (June , 2006). Rapid determination of earthquake magnitude using GPS for tsunami warning systems. Poster Understanding Sea Level Rise and Variability, UNESCO Paris, France.
Plag, H. (June , 2006). The concepts in sea level studies: A detailed analysis of errors. Oral Presentation Understanding Sea-level Rise and Variability, A World Climate Research Programme Workshop and a WCRP contribution to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems, UNESCO/IOC/WRCP/etc. Paris, France.
Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W., Plag, H., Stein, S. and Okal, E. (May , 2006). Rapid determination of earthquake magnitude for tsunami warning systems using GPS: An opportunity for IGS to make a difference. Oral Presentation The International GNSS Service (IGS): Perspectives and Visions for 2010 and beyond, IAG/IGS Workshop Darmstadt.
Bye, B. L., Plag, H., Rickards, L., Bingley, R., Knudsen, P. and Rosen, D. (April , 2006). European Sea Level Service Research Infrastructure. Poster Annual Assembly of EGU Vienna, Austria.
Plag, H., Ventura-Traveset, J., Toran, F. and Matur, A. R. (March 27, 2006). A Satellite-Based Communication Channel for the Reliable Distribution of Early Warning Messages: The Alert Interface via EGNOS (ALIVE) for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. Oral Presentation Third Early Warning Conference Bonn, Germany.
Rothacher, M., Plag, H. and Neilan, R. (March 27, 2006). The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS): a Cornerstone for Monitoring Systems enabling Early Warning. Poster Third Early Warning Conference Bonn, Germany.
Rothacher, M., Plag, H. and Neilan, R. (February 15, 2006). Report of the Chairs. Oral Presentation Fourth GGOS Steering Committee Meeting, GGOS Munich, Germany.
Plag, H. (March 1, 2005). Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS): WG Copywright, Data Access Policy, Publishing, Certification. Oral Presentation First GGOS Workshop Potsdam, Germany.
Plag, H., Willis, P., Richter, B. and Altamimi, Z. (March 1, 2005). Identification, quality control, copyright and certification issues associated with ggos products Paper First GGOS Workshop Potsdam, Germany.
Plag, H. (March 1, 2005). Options for the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) and the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) to participate in IGOS-P: Towards an IGOS-P 'Dynamic Earth' Theme. Oral Presentation First GGOS Workshop Potsdam, Germany.
Plag, H. (March 1, 2005). The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG): An approach to set up a comprehensive set of user requirements. Oral Presentation First GGOS Workshop Potsdam, Germany.
Plag, H. (November , 2004). Do we observe sea level properly in order to understand interannual and long-term sea level variations, and if we don't what can ESEAS contribute? Oral Presentation Workshop on Observing and Understanding Sea Level Variations Malta.
Wilmes, H., Falk, R., Klopping, F., Roland, E., Lothhammer, A., Reinhold, A., Richter, B., Plag, H. and M盲kinen, J. (August , 2004). Long-term gravity variations in Scandinavia from repeated absolute gravity measurements in the period 1991 to 2003 Oral Presentation 'Gravity, Geoid and Space Mission' Conference Porto, Portugal.
Plag, H. (June , 2004). Determination of EGNOS RIMS and NLES geodetic reference coordinates Oral Presentation Annual EUREF meeting Bratislava, Slovakia.
Kierulf, H. P. and Plag, H. (June , 2004). Precise point positioning requires consistent global products. Oral Presentation Annual EUREF meeting Bratislava, Slovakia.
Plag, H. (June , 2004). The European Sea Level Service (ESEAS): Status and Outlook. Oral Presentation CIESM Congress Barcelona, Spain.
Haakonsen, T. A., Nahavandchi, H. and Plag, H. (April , 2004). Principal Component Analysis of the Norwegian permanent GPS stations. Poster 1st General Assembly of the EGU Nice, France.
Plag, H., Johansson, J. M., Jarlemark, P., Bergstrand, S., Elgered, G., Emardson, R., Hoppe, U. P., Jaldehag, K., Kristiansen, O. and Stoew, B. (April , 2004). Geodetic Galileo: A test case for high accuracy applications of Galileo in the frame of the Galileo System Test Bed. Oral Presentation EGU General Assembly Nice, France.
Johansson, J. M., Jarlemark, P., Elgerad, G., Kristiansen, O., Plag, H., Stoew, B., Bergstrand, S., Emardson, R., Jaldehag, K., Rieck, C. and Hoppe, U. P. (April , 2004). Geodetic galileo: Simulations of carrier phase positioning and timing accuracies. Oral Presentation EGU General Assembly Nice, France.
Kristiansen, O., Jaldehag, K., Jarlemark, P., Johansson, J. M. and Plag, H. (April , 2004). Geodetic Galileo: System requirements for highly accurate broadcast orbits and clocks. Oral Presentation EGU General Assembly Nice, France.
Plag, H. (April , 2004). The Fourteen to Sixteen Months Oscillation (FSO): a contribution to the variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation? Oral Presentation EGU General Assembly Nice, France.
Plag, H. (April , 2004). Chandler Wobble excitation by the FSO. Oral Presentation the workshop "Forcing of polar motion in the Chandler frequency band: a contribution to understanding interannual climate variations" held at the European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology Luxembourg.
Plag, H. (April , 2004). Estimates of the Period and Q of the Chandler Wobble. Poster the workshop "Forcing of polar motion in the Chandler frequency band: a contribution to understanding interannual climate variations" held at the European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology Luxembourg.
Plag, H. (April , 2004). The Fourteen to Sixteen Months Oscillation in Atmosphere and Ocean. Oral Presentation the workshop "Forcing of polar motion in the Chandler frequency band: a contribution to understanding interannual climate variations" held at the European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology Luxembourg.
Plag, H., Drange, H., Gidskehaug, A. JJ., Nahavandchi, H., Omang, O. C.D.., Pettersen, B. R. and Solheim, D. (January , 2004). OCTAS: Ocean circulation and Heat Transport between the North Atlantic and Arctic Sea. Poster Climate Conference, organised by the Norwegian Research Council Lillehammer, Norway.
Solheim, D., Drange, H. J.J., Nahavandchi, H., Omang, O. C.D. and Plag, H. (January , 2004). Validation and analysis of models for the mean dynamic topography, the mean sea surface height and the geoid in the Northern North Atlantic. Poster Climate Conference, organised by the Norwegian Research Council Lillehammer, Norway.
Plag, H. (July , 2003). Detecting the "finger-print" of forcing factors contributing to decadal and secular sea level variations Oral Presentation IUGG General Assembly Sapporo, Japan.
Plag, H., Solheim, D., Omang, O. C.D.., Drange, H., Nahavandchi, H. and Gidskehaug, A. (July , 2003). OCTAS: Ocean circulation and Heat Transport between the North Atlantic and Arctic Sea. Oral Presentation IUGG General Assembly Sapporo, Japan.
Plag, H. (July , 2003). The European Sea Level Service (ESEAS): A contribution to the Coastal Ocean Observing System Oral Presentation IUGG General Assembly Sapporo, Japan.
Plag, H. (July , 2003). The IGGOS as the backbone for global observing and local monitoring: A user-driven perspective. Oral Presentation IUGG General Assembly Sapporo, Japan.
Plag, H. (April , 2003). A search for the "finger-prints" of factors contributing to decadal and secular sea level variations. Oral Presentation EGS General Assembly Nice, France.
Kristiansen, O., Kierulf, H., Plag, H. and N酶rbeck, T. (April , 2003). Continuous GPS measurements of intraplate deformations in Norway. Oral Presentation EGS General Assembly Nice, France.
Plag, H. and Kristiansen, O. (April , 2003). Observing sea level with coastal tide gauges in a geocentric reference frame: Experience with the dual cgps methodology. Oral Presentation EGS General Assembly Nice, France.
Plag, H. (April , 2003). The European Sea Level Service (ESEAS) and the ESEAS Research Infrastructure (ESEAS-RI) project: An overview. Poster EGS General Assembly Nice, France.
Haakonsen, T. A., Nahavandchi, H. and Plag, H. (April , 2003). Determination of the error spectrum of Continuous GPS observations. Poster EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly Nice, France.
脴rb忙k, J. B., Pettersen, M. R., Hop, H., Kallenborn, R., Plag, H., Neuber, R., Block, B. and Moldstad, N. (September 18, 2000). Large scale facility for arctic environmental research Ny-脜lesund, Svalbard, Norway. Poster European Conference on Research Infrastructure Strasbourg, France.
  • 2007: Fellow, International Association of Geodesy (IAG)