Professor & Chair
Department of History

Ingo Heidbrink

NORFOLK, 23529

Maritime Historian with a specialization on Fisheries History, Arctic and Antarctic History, Traditional Watercraft and Museum Ships, Methodology of Maritime History and interdisciplinary research projects.
Secretary General of the International Commission for Maritime History (ICMH), Co-President of the North Atlantic Fisheries History Association.

Other in Social and Economic History, Maritime History, University of Bremen, (2004)

Ph.D. in History, University of Hamburg, (1999)

Other in Social and Economic History, University of Hamburg, (1994)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Heidbrink, I. K. " Summer Research Grant " $6,000. 麻豆国产AV. July 2014 - August 2014
Heidbrink, I. K. "Faculty Research Grant. 2010 - 2011
Heidbrink, I. K. "Research Fellowship. 2010 - 2011
Heidbrink, I. K. "Excellency Initiative: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)-German Research Foundation . 2006 - 2011
Heidbrink, I. K. "Summer Research Grant. 麻豆国产AV. June 2009 - July 2009
Heidbrink, I. K. "DAAD Academic Exchange Program. 2003 - 2007
Heidbrink, I. K. "Industry Grant. 2005 - 2006
Heidbrink, I. K. "German Maritime Museum MarMu Commerce. 2004 - 2004
Heidbrink, I. K. "Robert Bosch Foundation Grant No. 12.5.5031.0027.0 of 2002. 2002 - 2003
Heidbrink, I. K. "HWK Research Fellowship . 2000 - 2002


Maritime History, History of Polar Regions, Environmental History, Monuments and Sites


Heidbrink, I. (2022). Als Bimmel-Bolle noch mit Eis handelte. Kurze Geschichte der Natureisproduktion im Berlin der 1850er bis 1920er Jahre.. Berlin in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Jahrbuch des Landesarchives Berlin 2021.
Heidbrink, I. (2022). Bremen und die Verwendung von Natureis als K眉hlmittel (ca. 1890-1930). Bremisches Jahrbuch 101 , pp. 132-144.
Heidbrink, I. (2022). The Scottish National Antarctic Expedition: A Highly Nationalistic Endeavor or Maybe Just the Opposite?. Scotia. Interdisciplinary Journal of Scottish Studies XLIV , pp. 39-71.
Heidbrink, I. (2022). 鈥淩enewable vs Fossil Fuel: How a Fossil-Fuel Powered Industry Pushed a Renewable Resource out of the Ice Market in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries.鈥. International Journal of Maritime History International Journal of Maritime History 34 (1) , pp. 172-182.
Heidbrink, I. (2022). Renewable Vs Fossil Fuel: How a Fossil-Fuel Powered Industry Pushed a Renewable Resource out of the Ice Market in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries. International Journal of Maritime History 34 (1) , pp. 172-182.
Heidbrink, I. (2021). Cod Fishing Methods: From Sailing to Factory Ship.. Argos. Revista do Museu Maritimo de Ilhavo 9 , pp. 16-25.
Heidbrink, I. (2021). Ein Eisiger Konflikt. Stader Jarbuch 2020 , pp. 175-191.
Heidbrink, I. (2021). Natural, Artificial or Imported ? Ice supplies for the German distant water fisheries as an example of renewable vs fossil fuel based supplies. International Journal for Maritime History 32 (4) , pp. 848-862.
Heidbrink, I. (2020). The Natural Ice Factory at R酶sneshamn, Norway: How to Compete with Big-Tech by Using Nature. Arcadia (43).
Heidbrink, I. (2020). Kabeljaukriege 鈥 Konflikte um Fischereirechte. Buerger & Staat, Themenheft: Ozeane und Meere (4) , pp. 245-253.
Heidbrink, I. (2019). Science vs. Entertainment. New Trends in Antarctic Tourism an needs for revised governance. Polarforschung 88 (2) , pp. 89-97.
Heidbrink, I. (2018). Rote Fahnen 眉ber der Elbm眉ndung 鈥 Die Novemberrevolution in Cuxhaven. , pp. 117-138.
Heidbrink, I. (2018). Skip Fischer: An Appreciation. International Journal of Maritime History 30 (4) , pp. 599-620.
Heidbrink, I. (2017). Closing the Blue Hole: Concluding Remarks 鈥 Roundtable. International Journal of Maritime History 29 (2) , pp. 365-366.
Heidbrink, I. (2017). Closing the Blue Hole: Maritime History as a Core Discipline of Future Global Historical Research 鈥 Roundtable. International Journal of Maritime History 29 (2) , pp. 325-332.
Heidbrink, I. (2016). Aufbewahren f眉r alle Zeit 鈥 m枚gliche Antworten auf einige ungestellte Fragen zur Erhaltung von historischen Originalschiffen. Schifffahrt und Handel / Shipping and Trade , pp. 286-295.
Heidbrink, I. (2016). Aufbewahren f眉rDeutsche Schifffahrtsgeschichte in ihren internationalen Bez眉gen - Zur Arbeit von Lars U. Scholl. Schifffahrt und Handel / Shipping and Trade , pp. 9-19.
Heidbrink, I. (2016). Claiming Sovereignty Where There can be no Sovereignty鈥擜ntarctica. Environment, Space, Place 8 (2) , pp. 99-121.
Heidbrink, I. (2016). Closing the Blue Hole: Maritime History as a Core Discipline of Future Global Historical Research. Social Science Front 255 (9) , pp. 80-83.
Heidbrink, I. (2016). Gerichtliche und au脽ergerichtliche Konfliktl枚sung im Kontext internationaler Fischereikonflikte. Forum Historiae Juris.
Heidbrink, I. (2016). The informal open-air museum of Antarctic transportation at Base Esperanza. The Journal of Transport History.
Heidbrink, I. (2015). Vom Scheitern vor dem Beginnen. 脺berlegungen zu den Motiven der gescheiterten Schroeder-Stranz-Expedition nach Spitzbergen. Jahrbuch f眉r Europ盲ische 脺berseegeschichte 15 , pp. 147-166.
Heidbrink, I. (2014). Technological revolution or evolution? The introduction of the pushed-tow system in East and West Germany. International Journal of Maritime History XX, 26 (2) , pp. 304-321.
Heidbrink, I. (2014). Whaling, Fisheries and Marine Environmental History in the International Journal of Maritime History. International Journal of Maritime History XX, 26 (1) , pp. 117-122.
Heidbrink, I. (2013). Preaching to the Converted: Reflections on Lecturing in Antarctica. Coriolis 鈥 Interdisciplinary Journal on Maritime Studies 4 (1) , pp. 25-31.
Heidbrink, I. (2011). A Second Industrial Revolution in the Distant Water Fisheries? Factory-Freezer Trawlers in the 1950s and 1960s. International Journal of Maritime History XXIII (1) , pp. 179-192.
Heidbrink, I. (2010). Two Sides of the Same Coin. H-Net (h-world): Author鈥檚 Forum: Maritime Frontiers, Ports, and Chinese Traders in the Southeast Asian Age.
Heidbrink, I. (2008). The Oceans as the Common Property of Mankind from Early Modern Period to Today. History Compass 6 (2) , pp. 659-672.
Heidbrink, I. (2007). Fish Fingers: An Exhibition and Research Project at the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven. Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv 30 , pp. 427-440.
Heidbrink, I. (2007). Introduction: 10th Conference of the North Atlantic Fisheries History Association (NAFHA). Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv 30 , pp. 355-356.
Heidbrink, I. (2007). Maritime History / Schifffahrtsgeschichte 鈥 Bemerkungen zu einem Forschungsgebiet mit nahezu zwangsl盲ufig transnationaler Ausrichtung. Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists.
Heidbrink, I. (2004). Die deutsche Hochseefischerei und Gr枚nland 鈥 auf dem Weg zu einem Durchbruch f眉r die internationale Fernfischerei. Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft (98) , pp. 233-240.
Heidbrink, I. (2003). Anmerkungen zur Begriffsdebatte um die 鈥瀔lassische Yacht鈥. Freundeskreis Klassische Yachten (19).
Heidbrink, I. (2003). Continue Trawling and Continue Negotiations: The 50-mile conflict. Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv (26) , pp. 300-307.
Heidbrink, I. (2003). The Fisheries Memorial in V铆k 铆 M媒rdal. Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv (26) , pp. 308-310.
Heidbrink, I. (2002). Fischereihistorische Forschung im interdisziplin盲ren Verbund. Das Doktorandenkolleg 鈥淟ebensraum Nordseek眉ste鈥. Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv (25) , pp. 197-202.
Heidbrink, I. (2002). Ibunka kann ni okeru kaiji isan no hozon ni tsuite. Nihon to EMH to no kagakutekikoryu. Miraini tsunagu jinnouino waza 2. Senpaku no hozon shutuku , pp. 143-145.
Heidbrink, I. (2002). Kaitai ka hozon ka. Doitsu ni okeru ogata konsen no hozon ninen to hekishi keiken to jitsurei (published in Japanese). Miraini tsunagu jinnouino waza 2. Senpaku no hozon shutuku , pp. 58-70.
Heidbrink, I. (2002). MS STUBNITZ 鈥 das etwas andere Traditionsschiff. Schiff und Zeit (55) , pp. 34-37.
Heidbrink, I. (2001). Petroleum Tanker Shipping on German Inland Waterways, 1887-1994. The Northern Mariner / Le Marin du nord 11 (2) , pp. 57-67.
Heidbrink, I. (2001). 脼媒skur sagnfr忙冒ingur ritar 脼媒sk-铆slenska fiskvei冒is枚gu. LIU 脷tvegurinn 10 (3, 5).
Heidbrink, I. (2000). Drei Reisen nach Island. Deutsche Fischereischutzboote in isl盲ndischen Gew盲ssern. Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv 23 , pp. 203-216.
Heidbrink, I. (2000). Fischdampfer von der Weserm眉ndung unter Islands K眉sten 鈥 Gufutogarar fr谩 Weser-mynni vi冒 strendur Islands. Kirche 鈥 Kaufmann 鈥 Kabeljau: 1000 Jahre Bremer Islandfahrt 鈥 Klerkar 鈥 kaupmenn 鈥 karfami冒: Islandsfer冒ir Brimara 铆 1000 谩r , pp. 55-74.
Heidbrink, I. (2000). Geheimnissen der Meere auf der Spur. Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum. Preussag-Journal (6) , pp. 18-19.
Heidbrink, I. (2000). Mit Erd枚l auf Reisen 鈥 Deutsche Binnentankschiffahrt seit 1887. Wiss. Beilage zu: 脰lpost 鈥 Nachrichten aus dem Deutschen Erd枚lmuseum 6 (2) , pp. B1-B4.
Heidbrink, I. (2000). Vom Fracht- zum Hightech-Schiff. Preussag-Journal (8-9) , pp. 20-22.
Heidbrink, I. (1999). Museumsschiffe Baujahr 1999. Anmerkungen zum Wiederaufbau historischer See- und Binnenschiffe. Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv 22 , pp. 43-58.
Heidbrink, I. (1999). Vocational training in the German Deep-Sea Fishing Industry. International Journal of Maritime History XI (2) , pp. 143-153.
Heidbrink, I. (1998). Berufsentwicklung in der deutschen Hochseefischerei. Teil 2: Hochseefischwerker. Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv 21 , pp. 183-196.
Heidbrink, I. (1997). Berufsentwicklung in der deutschen Hochseefischerei. Teil 1: Deckspersonal. Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv (20) , pp. 373-394.
Heidbrink, I. (1995). 100 Jahre Nord-Ostsee-Kanal im Spiegel der HANSA. HANSA. Zentralorgan f眉r Schiffahrt, Schiffbau und Hafen 132 (5) , pp. 85-95.


Heidbrink, I. (2004). 鈥淒eutschlands einzige Kolonie ist das Meer鈥. Die deutsche Hochseefischerei und die Fischereikonflikte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseum, Nr. 63.
Heidbrink, I., Beckmann, W. and Keller, M. (2003). ... und heute gibt es Fisch - 100 Jahre Fischindustrie und Fischgro脽handel in Schlaglichtern. Hauschild.
Heidbrink, I. (2000). Deutsche Binnentankschiffahrt 1887-1994. Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseum, Nr. 51.
Heidbrink, I. (1994). Schrott oder Kulturgut. Zur Bewertung historischer Wasserfahrzeuge aus der Perspektive des Historikers. Bestandserfassung - Bewertung - quellengerechte Erhaltung. Heidbrink.

Book Chapters

Heidbrink, I. (2019). Monuments in Antarctica: Commemoration of Historic Events or Claims for Sovereignty? Monument Culture: International Perspectives on the Future of Monuments in a Changing World (pp. 25-34) Rowman & Littlefield.
Heidbrink, I. (2018). 'Camp Century鈥 and 鈥楶roject Iceworm鈥 鈥 Greenland as a stage for US military service rivalries Exploring Ice and Snow in the Cold War (pp. 89-108) Berghahn Books.
Heidbrink, I. (2018). The First World War and the Beginning of Overfishing in the North Sea Environmental Histories of the First World War (pp. 136-151) Cambridge University Press.
Heidbrink, I. (2017). There鈥檚 always another fish available 鈥 Why bother about quotas at all? Fisheries, Quota Management and Quota Transfer 鈥 Rationalization through Bio-Economics (pp. 99-117) Mare Publication Series, Springer International.
Heidbrink, I. (2015). Cod Wars and Cold War: Armed Conflict between NATO Members arising from Marine Environmental Issues, 1952 鈥 1976 Human and Environmental Interactions in the Development of the North Atlantic Fisheries (pp. 94-108) Studia Atlantica 9.
Heidbrink, I. (2014). Hydro Power 鈥 The Unlikely Economic Base for a Complete Sovereignty of Greenland Energy (and) Colonialism, Energy (In)Dependence: Africa, Europe, Greenland, North America (pp. 35-41) RCC Perspectives.
Heidbrink, I. (2013). Fisheries History: Some Unsolicited Comments on a Historical (Sub-) Discipline Fisheries Management in a Historical Perspective (pp. 185-190) Hull: Studia Atlantica 14.
Heidbrink, I. (2013). Industrialized Fisheries in Arctic and Antarctic Waters: Selected Atlantic Fishing Industries and Arctic Regions in a Historical Perspective Arctic Yearbook 2013 鈥 The Arctic of Regions vs. The Globalized Arctic (pp. 312-325) Akureyri, Iceland: Northern Research Forum.
Heidbrink, I. (2012). From Sail to Factory Freezer: Patterns of Technological Change A History of the North Atlantic Fisheries 鈥 Volume 2 鈥 From the 1850s to the Early Twentieth-First Century (pp. 13) Bremen, Bremerhaven : Deutsche Maritime Studien/German Maritime Studies 19.
Heidbrink, I. (2012). The Business of Shipping: Historical Perspective The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics (pp. 34-51) Chichester: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Heidbrink, I. (2010). Beyond the North Sea 鈥 The Emergence of Germany鈥檚 Distant-Water Trawling Industry Conflict, Overfishing and Spatial Expansion in the North Atlantic Fisheries, c. 1400-2000 Hull: Studia Atlantica 6.
Heidbrink, I. (2010). Preface Quota Management and the Sustainability of the North Atlantic Fisheries 1977-2007 Bremen: German Maritime Studies 15.
Heidbrink, I. (2009). Til Nordpolen! Om Den f酶rste tyske Polarekspedition 1868 鈥 og om det stadig eksisterende ekspeditionsskip 鈥淕r枚nland鈥 Gr酶nlandsk kultur-og samfundsforskning 2008-09 (pp. 191-203) Forlaget Atuagkat.
Heidbrink, I. (2008). Fischverarbeitung / Fischst盲bchen Innovationen aus Bremen. Pers枚nlichkeiten aus Kultur, Technik und Wirtschaft (pp. 256-263) Bremen: Jahrbuch der Wittheit zu Bremen 2006/2007.
Heidbrink, I. (2008). Marketing and Technological Changes in the German Deep-Sea Fishing Industry: A Response to the Crisis during the Interwar Period Crisis and Transition 鈥 Maritime Sectors in the North Sea Region 1790-1940 (pp. 102-111) Bremen: German Maritime Studies No. 5.
Heidbrink, I. and von der Heide, A. (2007). Die Entwicklung von Mechanismen zur L枚sung internationaler Konflikte. Eine Bewertung der Fischereikonflikte mit Island auf der Grundlage des heutigen V枚lkerrechts Europa und seine Regionen 鈥 2000 Jahre Rechtsgeschichte (pp. 735-747) K枚ln, Weimar, Wien: Boehlau.
Heidbrink, I. (2006). Creating a Demand: The Marketing Activities of the German Fishing Industry, c. 1880-1990 The North Atlantic Fisheries: Supply, Marketing and Consumption, 1560-1900 (pp. 136-152) Hull: Studia Atlantica 8.
Heidbrink, I. (2005). Bremen und die H盲fen Der Stadtstaat 鈥 Bremen als Paradigma. Geschichte 鈥 Gegenwart 鈥 Perspektiven (pp. 129-154) Bremen: Hauschild, H M.
Heidbrink, I. (2005). GR脰NLAND als Museumsschiff des DSM 81掳45 麓Nord unter Segeln. Die Nordische Jagt GR脰NLAND 鈥 vom ersten deutschen Polarforschungsschiff zum aktiven Museumsschiff (pp. 29-33 & 38-45) Bremerhaven: Museumsschiff 81掳45' Nord unter Segeln Ingo Heidbrink (Hrsg.) Bremerhaven: Selbstverlag DSM / Vertrieb: Oceanum Verlag, Wiefelstede 1. Auflage 2005, 48 Seiten, vierfarbig, 44 Abbildungen, 21 x 21 cm, Broschur mit farbigem Umschlag ISBN 978-3-86927-211-5 Vergriffen derzeit nicht bestellbar.
Heidbrink, I. (2004). Det tyske havg氓ende fiskeri og Gr酶nland: vejen til et gennembrud for det internationale fjernfiskeri Gr酶nlandsk kultur-og samfundsforskning 2003 (pp. 57-69) Nuuk: Ilisimatusarfik.
Heidbrink, I. (2004). Discussion on the Conservation of Vessels II. How to Conserve and Preserve Ships 鈥 An attempt of a generalizing summary National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (pp. 167-171) Tokyo: Conservation of Vessels.
Heidbrink, I. (2004). To Scrap or to Preserve: The conservation of large steel ships in Germany 鈥 History, Theoretical Discussion, Examples and Experence National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (pp. 59-74) Tokyo: Conservation of Vessels.
Heidbrink, I. (2003). Einf眉hrung Konfliktfeld K眉ste 鈥 Ein Lebensraum wird erforscht (pp. 7-15) Oldenburg: Hanse Studien Bd.3.
Heidbrink, I. (2003). Fischdampfer in der Nordsee 鈥 脺berfischung als Ausl枚ser technischer Innovationen Konfliktfeld K眉ste 鈥 Ein Lebensraum wird erforscht (pp. 161-178) Oldenburg: Hanse Studien Bd.3.
Heidbrink, I. (2003). The 鈥淏arcelona Charter鈥 鈥 Commentary The 鈥淏arcelona Charter鈥. European Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Traditional Ships in Operation (pp. 11-16) Bremen, Andijk: EMH.
Heidbrink, I. (2003). Vorwort Im Fadenkreuz der K眉stenwachen (pp. 7-9) Bremen: Hauschild.
Heidbrink, I. (2003). Zwischen Historismus und kommerzieller Nutzung 鈥 Konzepte historischer Wasserfahrzeuge im internationalen Vergleich European Steam (pp. 17-23) Flensburg: Historische Dampfschiffe. Internationale Beziehungen und Vermarktung.
Heidbrink, I. (2002). Das Wrack der MARS 鈥 Skipsflak gufutograrinn MARS Gestrandet unter Island. Schiffsverluste und Seeunf盲lle der deutschen Hochseefischerei an der isl盲ndischen K眉ste / Str枚nd vi冒 脥sland. Sk铆pska冒ar og sj贸slys 谩 uthafsvei冒um 镁j贸冒verja v铆冒 str枚nd 脥slands (pp. 48-49) Bremerhaven:.
Heidbrink, I. (2002). Geschichte der deutschen Islandfischerei - Saga 镁媒ska vei冒um vi冒 脥sland Gestrandet unter Island. Schiffsverluste und Seeunf盲lle der deutschen Hochseefischerei an der isl盲ndischen K眉ste / Str枚nd vi冒 脥sland. Sk铆pska冒ar og sj贸slys 谩 uthafsvei冒um 镁j贸冒verja v铆冒 str枚nd 脥slands (pp. 22-27) Bremerhaven:.
Heidbrink, I. (2002). Seeamtsspruch zum Fischdampfer KARLSBURG 鈥 脷rskur冒ur sj贸r茅ttar vegna KARLSBURG-slyssins Gestrandet unter Island. Schiffsverluste und Seeunf盲lle der deutschen Hochseefischerei an der isl盲ndischen K眉ste / Str枚nd vi冒 脥sland. Sk铆pska冒ar og sj贸slys 谩 uthafsvei冒um 镁j贸冒verja v铆冒 str枚nd 脥slands (pp. 42-47) Bremerhaven:.
Heidbrink, I. (2001). Nachwort zur zweiten Auflage (extended Historical Comment for the second edition) Vom Alex zum Eismeer. Erinnerungen an die Hochseefischerei der DDR (pp. 386-395) Hamburg, Bremerhaven: CONVENT Hamburg.
Heidbrink, I. (2000). Vorwort Im W眉rgegriff des schwarzen Frostes (pp. 7-10) Bremerhaven, Bremen: Hauschild.
Heidbrink, I. (1999). Vorwort und Literaturverzeichnis Deutsche Fischdampfer (pp. 7-10 & 305-308) Hamburg, Bremerhaven: Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseum, Nr. 50.
Heidbrink, I. (1998). Die Abteilung Hochseefischerei im Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseum Sozialgeschichte der Technik (pp. 229-238) M眉nster, New York, M眉nchen, Berlin: Cottbuser Studien zur Geschichte von Technik, Arbeit und Umwelt, Bd. 7.
Heidbrink, I. (1996). Die Gro脽objekte des Schiffahrtsmuseums der Hansestadt Rostock Hansestadt Rostock, St盲dtische Museen (Hrsg.) (pp. 129-146) Rostock: Unter Wasser - 脺ber Wasser. Beitr盲ge zur maritimen Technik- und Kulturgeschichte Mecklenburgs und Vorpommerns.
Heidbrink, I. (1996). Die Kabelkrananlage der Warnow-Werft im Schiffahrtsmuseum - Rettung eines Symbols des Rostocker Schiffbaus Hansestadt Rostock, St盲dtische Museen (Hrsg.) (pp. 153-158) Rostock: Unter Wasser - 脺ber Wasser. Beitr盲ge zur maritimen Technik- und Kulturgeschichte Mecklenburgs und Vorpommerns.

Conference Proceeding

Heidbrink, I. (2008). Fish Fingers: An Exhibition and Research Project at the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven Fisheries and Fish Processing as Industrial Heritage - Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the North Atlantic Fisheries History Association, Bremerhaven, August 7-11, 2006 Bremerhaven: Studia Atlantica 10.
Heidbrink, I., Hoops, E. and Jantzen, K. (2008). Fisheries and Fish Processing as Industrial Heritage Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the North Atlantic Fisheries History Association, Bremerhaven, August 7-11, 2006 Bremerhaven: Studia Atlantica 10.
Heidbrink, I. (2008). Introduction: 10th Conference of the North Atlantic Fisheries History Association (NAFHA) Fisheries and Fish Processing as Industrial Heritage - Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the North Atlantic Fisheries History Association, Bremerhaven, August 7-11, 2006 Bremerhaven: Studia Atlantica 10.
Heidbrink, I. (2008). Replicas of historical watercraft: a topic of archaeology only ? - Some remarks on replicas of 19th and 20th century watercraft Historical Boat and Ship Replicas. Conference Proceedings on the scientific perspectives and the limits of boat and ship replica (pp. 21-25) Friedland, Rostock:.
Heidbrink, I. (2005). Historic Ship Safety Bridging Troubled Waters. Conflict and Co-operation in the North Sea Region since 1550. (pp. 221-225) Esbjerg: 7th North Sea History Conference, Dunkirk 2002.
Heidbrink, I. and Hoops, E. (2004). German-Icelandic Fisheries History. Aspects of the Development since 1945 Bremerhaven: Scientific Symposium accompanying the Opening Ceremony of the Fisheries Memorial in V铆k. Reykjav铆k Sept. 14th 2002 鈥 Proceedings 鈥.
Heidbrink, I. (1998). Der Arbeitskreis Hochseefischere Symposium zur Geschichte der Fischerei in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Protokollband) (pp. 51-52) Rostock: Schiffahrtsgeschichtliche Gesellschaft Ostsee.
Heidbrink, I. (1998). Die k眉nftige Abteilung Hochseefischerei des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums Symposium zur Geschichte der Fischerei in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Protokollband) (pp. 13-16) Rostock: Schiffahrtsgeschichtliche Gesellschaft Ostsee.
Heidbrink, I. (1998). The German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven (pp. 103-109) Proceedings: 3rd Common European Maritime Heritage Congress in Helsing酶r.


Heidbrink, I. (November 17, 2022). Norwegian Natural Ice Exports to Germany 鈥 or How Climate and Weather caused Problems and Opportunities. Paper The Last Ice Age Project. Concluding Workshop Krager酶 (Norway) .
(November 6, 2022). Finger-Wrestling South of the Antarctic Convergence: Claims for Territorial Sovereignty where there can be no Sovereignty. Oral Presentation The Global South in World History James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA .
Heidbrink, I. (April 9, 2022). The Introduction of the Pushed-Tow System on the Mississippi and in European Inland Waterway Navigation 鈥 a Comparison Oral Presentation Great River Collaborative Conference 2022: Changing Currents Canton, MO.
Heidbrink, I. (May 6, 2021). Norddeutsche Eiswerke Berlin 鈥 the largest European natural ice factory? Oral Presentation The Last Ice Age project. Spring 2021 Workshop .
Heidbrink, I. (October 15, 2020). The German Ice Market and the Use of Ice in the German Offshore Fishing Fleet. Oral Presentation The Last Ice Age project. Fall 2020 Workshop .
Heidbrink, I. (November 8, 2019). Similar but Different - the Pushed-tow System on Inland Waterways in Europe and the US Oral Presentation 2019 North Carolina Martime History Council Annual Conference Kinston, NC.
Heidbrink, I. (October 18, 2019). The Last Ice Age: Natural Ice and the European Distant Water Fisheries Oral Presentation North Atlantic Fisheries History (NAFHA) Reykjavik, Iceland.
Heidbrink, I. (September 19, 2019). The Kiel Mutiny (1918), the German Revolution (1918-1919), and the use of modern naval communication technology by the revolutionary sailors Oral Presentation McMullen Naval History Symposium Annapolis, MD.
Heidbrink, I. (September 16, 2019). Environment and Climate. Some methodological aspects of historical research on the Norwegian trade with natural ice Oral Presentation The Last Ice Age project. 2nd International Workshop Hull, UK.
Heidbrink, I. (April 25, 2019). Enforcing borders where there are no (visible) borders 鈥揊isheries Limits and Borders. Oral Presentation International Association for the Study of Environment, Space and Place Liverpool, UK.
Heidbrink, I. (March 8, 2019). Marine und Fischerei 鈥 Techniktransfer und gegenseitige Skepsis Oral Presentation VDI Ausschuss Technikgeschichte _ Technik und Militaer Hannover, Germany.
Heidbrink, I. (November 16, 2018). The Historian and the Ocean 鈥 Can there be a real Thalassology of the Atlantic written by Historians Keynote/Plenary Address Concha Project 1st Workshop: Crossing Seas, Rising Islands, Connecting People Lisbon, Portugal.
Heidbrink, I., Norseng, P. and Starkey, D. J. . (November 13, 2018). The Last Ice Age Keynote/Plenary Address Kick-Off Conference for the Project 鈥淭he Last Ice Age鈥 Oslo, Norway.
Heidbrink, I. (October 23, 2018). Marine Environmental vs Fisheries History 鈥 just two names or two different methods to catch the past ? Keynote/Plenary Address Oceans Past VII Bremerhaven, Germany.
Heidbrink, I. (May 25, 2018). Towards the Great Ocean: A comparative history of the use of Pacific biological resources by non-Pacific fishermen and whalers. Oral Presentation : Environmental History of the Pacific World Guangzhou, China.
(April 29, 2018). Experiencing Antarctica: Antarctic Tourism from its beginnings in the 1920s to today Oral Presentation ternational Association for the Study of Environment, Space and Place Fredericksburg, VA.
Heidbrink, I. (March 27, 2018). Recent Changes in Antarctic Tourism and their Consequences for selected Historical Sites Oral Presentation Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Polarforschung Rostock, Germany.
Heidbrink, I. (November 3, 2017). New Approaches to the Presentation of Historical Watercraft and Museum Ships 鈥 A global comparison Oral Presentation 2017 North Carolina Martime History Council Annual Conference Corolla, NC.
Heidbrink, I. (October 6, 2017). Krill 鈥 Von falschen Hoffnungen, unvollstaendiger wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis bis hin zur Beinahe-Zerstoerung eines Oekosystems Oral Presentation Vom Zukunftswissen zum Handeln Freiburg i. Brsg, Germany.
Heidbrink, I. (July 21, 2017). Chance oder Last 鈥 Museumsschiffe Weltweit Oral Presentation Museumsschiffe und Schifffahrtsmusee Stralsund, Germany.
Heidbrink, I. (March 24, 2017). Die Hinterlandanbindung Rotterdams und Hamburgs, 1949-1989. Oral Presentation Hafen, Metropole, Hinterland: Hamburg und Rotterdam im 20. Jahrhundert Hamburg, Germany.
Heidbrink, I. (February 4, 2017). The international whale oil trade at the beginning of the 20th century 鈥 replacing international trade in commodities by vertically integrated (multinational) companies. Oral Presentation Workshop: Commodity Trading Companies in the First Global Economy, 1870-1913 Rottedam, The Netherlands.
Heidbrink, I. (June 30, 2016). Separated worlds 鈥 the two German inland waterway navigation systems 1945 鈥 1989 Oral Presentation International Congress of Maritime History (ICMH 7) Perth, Australia.
Heidbrink, I. (May 12, 2016). De-Colonization or Tragedy of the Commons: A Revisionist Approach to Fisheries History. Oral Presentation Portland, ME.
Heidbrink, I. (December 10, 2015). Representation of maritime heritage in museum collections 鈥 modern approaches. Oral Presentation Workshop for staff members of technical and maritime museums of the St. Petersburg / Leningrad region St. Petersburg, Russia.
Heidbrink, I. (September 18, 2015). The Navies and the Distant-Water Fishing Industries 鈥 Not always an easy Relation. Oral Presentation McMullen Naval History Symposium Annapolis, MD.
Heidbrink, I. (August 26, 2015). Closing the Blue Hole 鈥 Maritime History as a core discipline of future global historical research. Paper Roundtable 2: Closing the Blue Hole Jinan, China.
Heidbrink, I. (July 16, 2015). German Naval Fisheries in the North Sea during World War I. Oral Presentation Hull, UK.
Heidbrink, I. (July 15, 2015). Preservation of the main means of transportation of cultural heritage on both sides of the Atlantic. Oral Presentation Transatlantic Dialogues on Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Traditions Liverpool, UK .
Heidbrink, I. (April 17, 2015). Construction against the Tides: Deep Water Port Projects at the German North Sea Coast Oral Presentation International Association for the Study of Environment, Space and Place Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA .
Heidbrink, I. (March 20, 2015). Controlling the Oceans 鈥 The Decolonization Paradox Oral Presentation American Society for Environmental History Washington, DC.