Associate Professor & Interim Chair
School of Public Service

John Lombard

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Economic Geography, State University Of New York at Buffalo, (1990)

M.A. in Geography and International Business, State University Of New York at Buffalo, (1985)

Certified Economic Developer
Sponsoring Organization: International Economic Development Association
Date Obtained: 2002-01-01

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Lombard, J. R. "Neighborhood Quality of Life" $59,780. Local. -
Karande, K. and Lombard, J. R. "Determinants of Supermarket Operating Performance: Competitive Intensity, Geodemographics, and Store Characteristics" $7,500. 麻豆国产AV. - 2006
Richman, R., Lombard, J. R. and Morris, J. C. "Moving Food, Improving Nutrition: Foodbank Wireless Networks for Perishable Food Rescue Operations" $1,553,983. -
Lombard, J. R. and Gibson, P. A. "Common Interest Communities in Virginia" $104,679. - 2003
Davis, D., Harrow, J., Lombard, J. R., Karande, K. and Sandy, M. "Assessment of Public Perception and Community Readiness For SATS: A Sociotechnical Systems Design For A Community Decision Model" $626,201. -
Lombard, J. R. "Business Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Economic Development" $61,000. Federal. -
Lombard, J. R. "The Role of U.S.-Affiliated Producer Services in the Economic Growth and Development of Singapore" $15,000. - 1988
Lombard, J. R. "Structural Transformation of the Singapore Economy: A Study of Multinational Enterprise Adjustment" $2,500. - 1987


Public Policy
Real Estate and Economic Development / Business Location and Relocation / Mobility Issues / Homeowner Associations / GIS Applications for Real Estate and Economic Development
Real Estate
Real Estate and Economic Development / Business Location and Relocation / Mobility Issues / Homeowner Associations / GIS Applications for Real Estate and Economic Development
Urban Studies
Real Estate and Economic Development / Business Location and Relocation / Mobility Issues / Homeowner Associations / GIS Applications for Real Estate and Economic Development

Research Interests

Coprorate relocation, economic development policy and incentives, homeowner associations and policy, GIS and spatial analyses


Bidanset, P., McCord, M., Lombard, J. R., Davis, P. and McCluskey, W. (2017). Accounting for Locational, Temporal, and Physical Similarity of Residential Sales in Mass Appraisal Modeling: The Development and Application of Geographical, Temporally, and Characteristically Weighted Regression. Journal of Property Tax Assessment and Administration 14 (2).
Bidanset, P. and Lombard, J. R. (2014). Geographically weighted regression vs. spatial lag: A comparison of spatial regression methodologies in mass real estate appraisal. Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration. 11 (3) , pp. 5-14.
Bidanset, P. and Lombard, J. R. (2014). Evaluating Spatial Model Accuracy in Mass Real Estate Appraisal: A Comparison of Geographically Weighted Regression and the Spatial Lag Model.. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 16 (3) , pp. 169-182.
Diaz-Kope, L., Lombard, J. R. and Miller-Stevens, K. (2013). A Shift in Federal Policy Regulation of the Automobile Industry: A perspective through the Advocacy Coalition Framework. Politics and Policy 41 (4) , pp. 563-587.
Lombard, J. R. and Morris, J. C. (2012). Using Privatization Theory to Analyze Economic Development Projects: Promise and Performance. Public Performance and Management Review 35 (4) , pp. 643-659.
Greentree, V., Lombard, J. R. and Morris, J. C. (2011). A Comparative Analysis of the Determinants of State Reproductive Health. American Review of Politics 32 , pp. 281-299.
Leavitt, W., Lombard, J. R. and Morris, J. C. (2011). Examining Admissions Factors in MPA Programs. Journal of Public Affairs 17 (3).
Lombard, J. R. and Morris, J. C. (2010). Competing and Cooperating Across State Borders in Economic Development: A Call for Coopertition. State and Local Government Review 42 (1) , pp. 73-81.
Lombard, J. R. and Adams , S. (2008). Intellectual Property Rights and Private Foreign Direct Investment in Sub 鈥 Saharan Africa. Pentvars Business Journal .
Leavitt, W., Morris, J. C. and Lombard, J. R. (2008). Tax Increment Financing as a Tool for Public-Private Infrastructure Development. Public Works Management & Policy 13 (2) , pp. 92-99.
Lombard, J. R., Gibson, P. A., Leavitt, W. and Morris, J. C. (2007). Acknowledging the 'Professional' in professional degree programs: Waiving the standardized test in MPA admissions applications. College Student Journal 41 (4) , pp. 872-885.
Lombard, J. R. (2007). Interstate economic development - powered by utilities. ED Now 2 (19).
Lombard, J. R. and Chapman, D. (2006). Determinants of Neighborhood Satisfaction in Fee-Based Gated and Nongated Communities. Urban Affairs Review 41 (6) , pp. 769-799.
Lombard, J. R. and Gibson, P. A. (2005). Common Interest Communities in Virginia: Legal Dilemmas and Legislative Responses to Self-Governance. Politics & Policy 33 (3) , pp. 554-578.
Gregory, R. V. and Seifert, B. (2005). Impact of headquarters relocation on the operating performance of the firm. Economic Development Quarterly 19 , pp. 260 - 270.
Lombard, J. R., Whaley, J. and LaCroix, S. (2004). Demonstrating the Wage Impact of New Jobs on a Regional Economy. Applied Research in Economic Development 1 (1) , pp. 16-27.
Lombard, J. R. and Karande, K. (2004). Location and Competition: Strategic Alternatives for Broad-Line Retailers. Journal of Business Research 58 (5) , pp. 687-695.
Lombard, J. R. and Colburn, C. B. (2004). Spatial Considerations in the Production of Education. Virginia Social Sciences Journal 39 , pp. 13-26.
Harrington, J. W., MacPherson, A. D. and Lombard, J. R. (1991). Inter regional Trade in Producer Services: Review and Synthesis. Growth and Change 22 (4) , pp. 75-94.
Harrington, J. W.. and Lombard, J. R. (1989). Producer-Service Firms in a Declining Manufacturing Region. Environment and Planning A 21 , pp. 65-79.


Lombard, J. R., Stern, E. and Clarke, G. (2017). Applied Spatial Modelling and Planning. Routledge.

Book Chapters

Lombard, J. R., Stern, E. and Clarke, G. (2017). Introduction Applied Spatial Modelling and Planning (pp. 1-7) Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge.
Bidanset, P., Lombard, J. R., Davis, P., McCord, M. and McCluskey, W. J. (2017). Further Evaluating the Impact of Kernel and Bandwidth Specifications of Geographically Weighted Regression on the Equity and Uniformity of Mass Appraisal Models Advances in Automated Valuation Modeling. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 86. Springer, Cham (pp. 191-199) Springer International Publishing AG.
Bidanset, P. and Lombard, J. R. (2017). Optimal kernel and bandwidth specification for geographically weighted regression: an evaluation using automated valuation models (AVMS) for mass real estate appraisal Applied Spatial Modelling and Planning (pp. 107-120) London: Routledge.
Lombard, J. R. and Morris, J. C. (2012). Competing and Cooperating Across State Borders in Economic Development: A Call for 鈥淐oopertition State and Local Government 2011-2012 CQ Press.
Lombard, J. R. (2012). Defending a Territory: Automobile Dealership Customer and Site Analysis Studies in Applied Geography and Spatial Analysis: Addressing Real World Issues Edward Edgar Publishers.
Lombard, J. R. (2008). A spatial investigation of the governor's opportunity fund in Virginia Globalising Worlds: Geographical Perspectives on New Economic Configurations Ashgate publishing.
Lombard, J. R. (2008). The Business of Business Relocation Applied Geography: A World Perspective Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Sharp , R. and Lombard, J. R. (2008). Keeping Up With the Joneses: Town Centers as Economic Development Tools in "Building the Local Economy: Cases in Economic Development Building the Local Economy: Cases in Economic Development Athens, GA: Carl Vinson Institute of Government.
Lombard, J. R. (2008). Crossing state borders - utility led interstate economic development cooperation in New England Building the local economy: cases in economic development Athens, GA: Vinson Institute of Government.

Conference Proceeding

Gibson, P. A. and Lombard, J. R. (2004). 'Hapathy': Have we created a shadow governance in common interest communities or a successful demonstration of democracy? (pp. 125-126) The association of management/international association of management conference proceedings.
Lombard, J. R. (2002). Examining Retail Structure and Competitive Interaction Using GIS Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ESRI International User Conference San Diego: ESRI International .
Crunkleton, J., Granger, F. and Lombard, J. R. (2002). Review and Critique of Office Space Surveys and Reports Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Chapter of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Southeastern Chapter of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.
Lombard, J. R. (2001). Business Applications of GIS for Economic Development Proceedings of the 21st Annual ESRI International User Conference San Diego: ESRI International .
Lombard, J. R. (1988). Linkages of U.S. Affiliated Producer-Services in Singapore Symposium on Business in Southeast Asia: Issues in Research and Teaching Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, the University of Michigan.


Lombard, J. R. (June 18, 2019). When communities collide: the micro-geography of local economic development Paper 2019 Applied Geography Commission L'Aquila, Italy.
Lombard, J. R. (November 2, 2018). On the Micro-Geography of An Emergent Entrepreneurial Support Ecosystem: Cooperation, Competition, and Coopetition Paper 2018 Applied Geography Conference Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.
Lombard, J. R. (September 5, 2018). Exploring coopetition in local economic development: governance and informal networks Paper IGU Commission Geography of Governance Fifty Years of Local Governance 1980-2030 University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
Lombard, J. R. (June 4, 2018). Industry Cluster Policy and Practice in US States Paper Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, 2018 Universit脿 della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland.
Lombard, J. R. (November 5, 2017). Collaboration and competition in an emerging metropolitan entrepreneurial ecosystem Paper NECOPA 2017 University of Vermont, Burlington.
Lombard, J. R. (July 13, 2017). A micro geography of an emerging entrepreneurial ecosystem Paper International Association of Australian Geographers Conference Brisbane Australia.
Bidanset, P., McCluskey, W., Davis, P., McCord, M. and Lombard, J. R. (March 20, 2017). Improving Land Valuation Models in Sparse Markets: A Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Techniques Used in Mass Appraisal. Paper World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington, DC.
Bidanset, P., McChord, M., Lombard, J. R., McCluskey, W. and Davis, P. (March 6, 2017). Geographically, Temporally, and Characteristically Weighted Regression (GTCWR Paper IAAO & URISA 21st GIS/CAMA Technologies Conference Chatanooga, TN .
Leavitt, W., Morris, J. C. and Lombard, J. R. (November 11, 2016). The Ethical Collaborator: An Examination of James K. Spore's 23 Year Career as City Manager of Virginia Beach Paper NECOPA 2016 Harrisburg, PA.
Lombard, J. R. (May 9, 2016). Measuring Metropolitan Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Paper Applied Geography Commission Rhodes, Greece.
Lombard, J. R., Bidanset, P. and Davis, P. (May 12, 2015). A Spatial Evaluation of Walking Distances to Light Rail Transit Impact on Real Estate Assessments. Paper Applied Geography Commission Bangkok, Thailand.
Bidanset, P., Lombard, J. R. and Davis, P. (April 15, 2015). Proximity Effects of Light Rail Transit on Property Values: A Spatial Evaluation of Walking Distances Paper ARES 2015 Annual Meeting Fort Myers, FL.
Bidanset, P. and Lombard, J. R. (March 2, 2015). Using GIS & Spatial Modeling to Identify and Calibrate Sub-Geographic Appraisal Models Paper 19th GIS CAMA Technologies Conference Oklahoma City, OK.
Lombard, J. R., Miller-Stevens, K. and Diaz-Kope, L. (November 8, 2014). Policy Brokers in Action: A Comparative Case Study of State Automobile Dealers versus Paper Northeast Conference on Public Administration Portsmouth, NH.
Diaz-Kope, L., Lombard, J. R. and Miller-Stevens, K. (April , 2014). Exploring the role of policy brokers at the state level: An examination of policy changes in new vehicle state franchise laws. Paper Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association Chicago, IL.
Lombard, J. R. (March , 2014). 7.EDDs, CEDs and Economic Clusters: Policy Mandate without Meaning Paper 53rd Southern Regional Science Association Meetings San Antonio, TX.
Lombard, J. R. (March , 2014). Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and Regional Clusters Specification: Responding to an Economic Development Mandate. Paper Southern Regional Science Association San Antonio, TX.
Bidanset, P. and Lombard, J. R. (February , 2014). Learning more about geographically weighted regression: optimal spatial weighting function used in mass appraisal of residential real estate Paper International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) and the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) 18th GIS/CAMA Technologies Conference Jacksonville, FL.
Lombard, J. R., Mcleod, G. and Kidd, S. ( 2013). Regional Visioning: A Case Study of Capturing Public Preferences on Land Use Planning for the Future Using Legos and GIS Paper 2013 Applied Geography Conference Annapolis, MD.
Lombard, J. R., Diaz-Kope, L. and Miller-Stevens, K. (November , 2013). New automobile dealer-protection legislation at the state level: Policy actors in action Paper Annual conference of the Northeast Conference on Public Administration Newark, DE.
Lombard, J. R. (November , 2013). The Waning of Industry Cluster Policy and Practice: Evidence from U.S. States Paper Paper presented at the 60th Annual North American Meeting of Regional Science Association International Atlanta, GA.
Bidanset, P. and Lombard, J. R. (May , 2013). Optimal spatial weighting functions of geographically weighted regression models used in mass appraisal of residential real estate Paper International Geographic (IGU) Conference 2013: Applied GIS and Spatial Modeling Leeds, UK.
Lombard, J. R., Diaz-Kope, L. and Miller-Stevens, K. (November , 2012). A shift in federal policy regulating the automobile: A perspective through the Advocacy Coalition Framework Paper Northeast Conference on Public Administration Boston, MA.
Lombard, J. R. (August , 2012). Auto Dealerships Forced Closings: Winners or Losers? Paper International Geographical Union Congress Geographical Union Congress.
Lombard, J. R. (June , 2012). Cluster Policy and Regional Economic Development Paper Mid-Continent Regional Science Association 43rd Annual Conference Bloomington, MN.
Lombard, J. R., Diaz-Kope, L. and Miller-Stevens, K. (April , 2012). The Impact of the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) on Government Policies at the Federal Level Regulating the Automobile Industry: An Exploration Through the Advocacy Coalition Framework Paper Annual Meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association Chicago, IL.
Lombard, J. R. ( 2011). Defining and Measuring the Modelling and Simulation Industry in the U.S. Paper 50th Annual Meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lombard, J. R. (November 16, 2011). Economic Development Programs and Policies in Virginia Paper Kaliningrad Delegation 麻豆国产AV.
Lombard, J. R. (November 16, 2011). Economic Development Programs and Policies in Virginia Lecture Kaliningrad Delegation 麻豆国产AV.
Lombard, J. R. (April , 2011). High Tech Economies: Defining and Measuring Activities Paper Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Seattle, WA.
Lombard, J. R. ( 2010). The Organization and Spatial Structure of the Modeling and Simulation Industry in the Southeast Poster 49th Southern Regional Science Association Annual Meeting Washington, DC.
Lombard, J. R. and Gibson, P. A. (October 16, 2010). Private Sector Results Using Public Sector Processes: Is that Ethical? Paper 2010 Southeastern Conference for Public Administration Wilmington, NC.
Lombard, J. R. (July , 2010). David versus Goliath: A case study of a local automobile dealership鈥檚 fight to save its territory Paper The Annual Meeting of the International Geographical Union Applied Geography Commission Ericeira, Portugal.
Lombard, J. R. and Chapman, D. (April , 2010). Characteristics of 50+ Housing: Are There Qualitative Differences? Paper The Annual Meetings of the American Real Estate Society Naples, FL.
Lombard, J. R. and Morris, J. C. (April , 2010). Cooperating Across State Borders in Economic Development: A Call for Coopertition Paper The Annual Meetings of the American Society for Public Administration San Jose, CA.
Lombard, J. R., Greentree, V. and Morris, J. C. ( 2009). An Analysis of the Determinants of State Reproductive Health Care Policies: Ideology, Social Control, and Political Culture Paper Annual Meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association Chicago, IL.
Lombard, J. R. ( 2009). Common Interest Communities and Local Government Response: Voices from the Field Paper Redefinition of Public Space Within the Privatization of Cities 5th International Conference of the Research Network Private Urban Governance & Gated Communities Santiago, Chile.
Lombard, J. R. and Morris, J. C. ( 2009). Using Privatization Theory to Analyze Economic Development Projects: Promise and Performance Paper The Annual Meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association Chicago, IL.
Lombard, J. R., Gibson, P. A., Leavitt, W. and Morris, J. C. (May , 2008). Examining Admission Factors in an MPA Program: Predicting Student Performance Paper 2008 Teaching Public Administration Conference Richmond, VA.
Lombard, J. R. and Gibson, P. A. (March , 2008). Common Interest Communities and Local Government Response Paper 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Public Administrators Dallas, TX.
Morris, J. C., Leavitt, W. and Lombard, J. R. (March , 2008). Tax increment financing as a tool for public-private infrastructure development Oral Presentation Keston Institute Workshop on Infrastructure development Los Angeles, CA.
Lombard, J. R. (July , 2006). The Business of business relocation Paper International Geography Union, Applied Geography Commission, 2006 Brisbane Conference Brisbane, Australia.
Lombard, J. R. (June 26, 2006). Hitting the Target but Missing the Bull鈥檚 Eye: The Governor鈥檚 Opportunity Fund of Virginia Paper International Geography Union Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces Auckland, New Zealand.
Lombard, J. R. (April , 2006). Determinants of Neighborhood Satisfaction in Fee-Based Gated and Nongated Communities Paper Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting Montreal, Canada.
Lombard, J. R. (April 19, 2006). Investigating Neighborhood Satisfaction Using the American Housing Survey Paper Annual Meeting of the American Real Estate Society Key West, Florida.
Lombard, J. R. (March 30, 2006). A Spatial Analysis of a Discretionary Economic Development Incentive Fund in Virginia Paper 45th Annual Meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association St. Augustine, Florida.
Lombard, J. R. (November 10, 2005). An overview of the business relocation industry Paper Annual North American Regional Science International Association Meeting Las Vegas, NV.
Colburn, C. B., Lombard, J. R. and Horowitz, J. (July , 2005). Spatial Analysis in the Demand for Education Paper Oxford Roundtable on Education Policy Oxford, England.
Lombard, J. R. (April , 2004). Exploring Common Interest Communities Paper The Urban Affairs Association 34th Annual Meeting Washington, DC.
Lombard, J. R. (March , 2004). Spatial Characteristics of Common Interest Communities in Virginia Paper Southern Regional Science Association 43rd Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA.
Lombard, J. R. ( 2003). Unfunded Mandates in Virginia Oral Presentation City of Virginia Beach Committee on Unfunded Mandates Virginia Beach, VA.
Lombard, J. R. (November , 2003). Headquarter Relocation Impact on Firm Performance Paper 50th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International Philadelphia, PA .
Seifert, B., Gregory, R. V. and Lombard, J. R. (April , 2003). Does Headquarter Relocation Matter? Paper Nineteenth Annual American Real Estate Society Meeting Monterrey, CA .
Lombard, J. R. (March , 2003). Spatial Considerations in the Production of Education Paper 42nd Annual Southern Regional Science Association Louisville, KY .
Lombard, J. R. (March , 2003). The Ethics of Economic Development: Clashing and Reformulating Ethical Practices in Private/Public Economic Collaborations Paper 64th National Conference of the American Society of Public Administration Washington, DC .
Lombard, J. R. ( 2002). An Overview of the Hampton Roads Real Estate Markets Oral Presentation Virginia Association of Realtors Annual Meeting Richmond VA.
Lombard, J. R. (September , 2002). Impact of New Jobs on a Regional Economy Paper Annual Meeting of the Association of Economic Development Researchers Detroit, MI .
Lombard, J. R. (July , 2002). Examining Retail Structure and Competitive Interaction Using GIS Paper ESRI International Users Conference San Diego, CA .
Lombard, J. R. (April , 2002). An Empirical Investigation into Competing Explanations of the Competitive Structure of Retail Establishments Paper Eighteenth Annual American Real Estate Society Meeting Naples, FL .
Lombard, J. R. ( 2001). Hampton Roads Real Estate and Economic Development Trends Oral Presentation City of Chesapeake Committee on Economic Development Chesapeake, VA.
Lombard, J. R. (July , 2001). Business Applications of GIS for Economic Development Paper ESRI International User Conference San Diego, CA.
Lombard, J. R. (May , 1999). Location Patterns of French Direct Investment in the U.S. Paper 鈥淔rench-America 2000鈥 Conference: French Direct Investment in the United States: Strategy, Policy, and Lessons of the Past Twenty Years Georgia Tech University, Atlanta.
Lombard, J. R. (March , 1998). Foreign Direct Investment and State Recruitment Activities in New England Paper Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Boston, MA.
Lombard, J. R. (April , 1996). Privatizing State Economic Development Marketing: The Connecticut Example Paper American Economic Development Council Annual Meeting Colorado Springs, CO.
Lombard, J. R. (April , 1995). Foreign Business Services in Singapore: A Comparative Analysis Paper Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting Washington, DC.
Lombard, J. R. (April , 1991). Mega-Dollars and Mega-Deals: Economic Development Incentives in the 1990s Paper Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting San Diego,CA.
Lombard, J. R. (April , 1991). New Mexico as a Location for Relocating or Expanding an Existing Enterprise Paper Convocation on New Mexico's Business Environment Albuquerque, NM.
Lombard, J. R. (November , 1990). The Role of Infrastructure in the Business Location Decision Paper Infrastructure Task Force, Institute for Policy Studies Baltimore, MD.
Lombard, J. R. (October , 1990). Regional Variations in Labor Quality: The Greater Philadelphia Example Oral Presentation Board of Directors, The Greater Philadelphia Economic Development Coalition Philadelphia, PA.
Lombard, J. R. (April , 1990). Comparative Area Studies Oral Presentation National Association of State Development Agencies Annual Research Symposium Norman, Oklahoma.
Lombard, J. R. (November , 1989). Foreign Direct Investment in Producer Services: Some Empirical Evidence From Singapore Academy of International Business Annual Meeting Singapore.
Lombard, J. R. (April , 1989). Foreign Direct Investment, Producer Services, and Development: Evidence from Singapore Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Baltimore, Maryland.
Lombard, J. R. (April , 1988). Linkages of U.S. Producer Service Establishments in Singapore Paper Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Phoenix, Arizona.
Lombard, J. R. (April , 1988). U. S. Service Establishments In Singapore" Symposium on Business in Southeast Asia: Issues in Research and Teaching Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies Ann Arbor, MI .
  • 2015: Bernard L. Barnard Outstanding Technical Essay Award, International Association of Assessing Officers
  • 2009: Best Paper Senior Housing , American Real Estate Society
  • 2000: CEcD, International Economic Development Council