Associate Professor

Kristin Heron

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Syracuse University, (2011)

M.S. in Clinical Psychology, Syracuse University, (2006)

B.A. in Psychology, State University of New York at Binghamton, (2004)

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Virginia
Sponsoring Organization:
Date Obtained: 2014-08-01

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Heron, K. "Examining binge eating in daily life: Working toward reducing obesity disparities in racially diverse lesbian and heterosexual women" $1,067,844. January 2019 - November 2022
Heron, K. E., Henson, J. M., Kelley, M., Pearson, M. R. and Hustad, J. "Efficacy and mechanisms of technology-based behavioral interventions" $1,239,250. Federal. June 2015 - May 2020
Heron, K. and Howard, L. "Examining disordered eating and social processes in young women" $15,000. Private. September 2018 - August 2019
Heron, K. E. and Macintyre, R. "The Body Project: A body dissatisfaction and eating disorder prevention program" $2,000. August 15, 2018 - December 15, 2018
Miadich, S., Everhart, R., Mazzeo, S. and Heron, K. E. "Effects of cumulative risk on asthma outcomes in urban children and adolescents" $82,856. Federal. September 2015 - September 2017
Heron, K., Miadich, S. and Everhart, R. "Effects of cumulative risk on asthma outcomes in urban children and adolescents" $82,856. Federal. September 1, 2015 - August 31, 2017
Heron, K. E., Smyth, J., Conroy, D., Sciamanna, C. and Rovniak, L. "Developing a real-time, ecologically sensitive physical activity intervention using smartphones and Bluetooth-enabled pedometers: Feasibility and initial efficacy" $61,622. Federal. February 2013 - August 2015
Heron, K. E. "Feasibility and acceptability of mobile technology-based interventions for disordered eating" $7,000. 麻豆国产AV. May 2015 - July 2015
Heron, K. E. and Everhart, R. "Using ecological momentary assessment to examine caregiver burden related to pediatric asthma in urban families" $20,000. Private. January 2014 - December 2014
Heron, K. E., Downs, D., Smyth, J., Hillemeier, M. and Greenberg, M. "Feasibility of integrating innovative mobile phone technology for delivering the Strong Healthy Women preconceptional intervention to overweight and obese women in underserved rural and urban Central PA communities" $31,690. Federal. November 1, 2012 - December 31, 2014
Heron, K. E. and Everhart, R. "Innovative methods for understanding caregiver response to asthma in urban, Black families" $273,924. Federal. -
Heron, K. E., Scott, S. B., Everhart, R. S., Johnson, K. D. and Locke, E. L. "Ecological Momentary Assessment question response formats: An experimental investigation" $4,864. State. August 2013 - August 2014
Heron, K. E. and Smyth, J. "Ecologically valid disordered eating program for at-risk college women" $81,944. Federal. January 2009 - January 2011


clinical health psychology, behavioral medicine

Research Interests

Brief description: eating behaviors and body image in young women, men, sexual minorities (LGBT populations), and racial minorities; physical activity assessment and intervention; ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and intervention (EMI); mobile technology; other health behaviors as they apply to EMA/EMI


Howard, L., Heron, K. E. and Smith, K. E. (2020). Examining the real-world predictive validity of the Power of Food Scale using ecological momentary assessment.
(2020). Preferences in information processing, marginalized identity, and non-monogamy: Understanding factors in suicide-related behavior among members of the alternative sexuality community. 17 , pp. 3233.
Howard, L., Romano, K. A. and Heron, K. E. (2020). Prospective changes in disordered eating and body dissatisfaction across women鈥檚 first year of college: The relative contributions of sociocultural and college adjustment risk factors. 36 , pp. 101375.
Romano, K. A., Stamates, A., Heron, K. E., Braitman, A. and Lau-Barraco, C. (2020). Sex and racial differences in patterns of disordered eating and alcohol use.
Ehlke, S., Braitman, A., Dawson, C. A., Heron, K. E. and Lewis, R. J. (2020). Sexual minority stress and social support mediate the association between sexual identity and health outcomes among young adult lesbian and bisexual women.
Macintyre, R., Heron, K. E., Braitman, A. and Arigo, D. R. (2020). Social comparison motivations: An ecological momentary assessment of self-evaluation and self-improvement body-focused comparisons on college women鈥檚 body dissatisfaction and exercise. 33 , pp. 264-277.
Cramer, R. J., Wright, S., Kaniuka, A. R., Bowling, J., Crocker, T., Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., Montanaro, E. and Heron, K. E. Alternative sexuality, sexual orientation, and mobile technology: Findings from the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom technology and health enhancement feasibility study.
Macintyre, R., Heron, K. E., Howard, L. and Symons Downs, D. Alternative sexuality, sexual orientation, and mobile technology: Findings from the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom technology and health enhancement feasibility study.
Romano, K. A. and Heron, K. E. Racial differences in overating, loss of control eating, and binge eating: Extending core tenets of the cognitive behavioral theory of eating disorders.
Romano, K. A., Heron, K. E., Smith, K. E., Crosby, R. D., Engel, S. G., Wonderlich, S. A., Pang, R. D. and Mason, T. B. Somatic symptoms and binge eating in women鈥檚 daily lives.
Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M., Chhouk, J., McCann, L., Urbina, G., Vuo, H., Krug, I., Ricciardelli, L., Linardon, J., Broadbent, J., Heron, K. E. and Richardson, B. (2019). Appearance comparison and other appearance-related influences on body dissatisfaction in everyday life. Body Image 28 , pp. 101-109.
Howard, L., Haislip, B., Heron, K. E. and Hu, X. (2019). Associations between social connections, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating in African American and Caucasian college women. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 24 , pp. 33-42.
Downs, D. S., Smyth, J. M., Heron, K. E., Feinberg, M. E., Hillemeier, M., Fonzi, P. and Wales, F. E. (2019). Beliefs about using smartphones for health behavior change: A elicitation study with overweight and obese rural women. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science 4 , pp. 33-41.
Howard, L., Heron, K. E. and Cramer, R. J. (2019). Denial of disordered eating behaviors, suicide, and non-suicidal self-injury in young women.. Death studies , pp. 1-9.
Lewis, R. J., Ehlke, S., Shappie, A., Braitman, A. and Heron, K. E. (2019). Health disparities among exclusively lesbian, mostly lesbian, and bisexual young women. 6 , pp. 400-408.
Heron, K. E., Romano, K. A. and Braitman, A. (2019). Mobile technology use and mHealth text message preferences: an examination of gender, racial, and ethnic differences among emerging adult college students.. mHealth 5 , pp. 2.
Heron, K. E., Lewis, R. J., Shappie, A., Dawson, C. A.., Amerson, R., Braitman, A., Winstead, B. and Kelley, M. (2019). Project Relate study protocol: Design and rationale for a daily diary study examining sexual minority stress, relationship factors, and alcohol use in same-sex female couples. JMIR Research Protocols 8 , pp. 160-175.
Everhart, R. S., Borschuk, A., Miadich, S. and Heron, K. E. (2018). Caregiver daily experiences associated with child asthma symptoms. American Journal of Health Behavior 42 , pp. 50-60.
Mason, T., Lewis, R. J. and Heron, K. E. (2018). Disordered eating and body image concerns among sexual minority women: A systematic review and testable model.. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 5 , pp. 397-422.
Heron, K. E., Braitman, A., Lewis, R. J., Shappie, A. and Hitson, P. T. (2018). Measuring sexual minority stressors in lesbian women鈥檚 daily lives: Initial scale development. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 5 , pp. 387-395.
Miadich, S. A., Everhart, R. S., Heron, K. E. and Cobb, C. O. (2018). Medication use, sleep, and caregiver smoking status among urban children with asthma. Journal of Asthma 55 , pp. 588-595.
Materia, F. T., Smyth, J. M., Heron, K. E., Feinberg, M. E., Hillemeier, M., Fonzi, P. and Symons Downs, D. (2018). Preconceptional health behavior change in women with overweight and obesity: Prototype for SMART Strong Heathy Women intervention. mHealth 2018 , pp. 4-24.
Kelley, M., Ehlke, S., Lewis, R. J., Braitman, A., Bostwick, W., Heron, K. E. and Lau-Barraco, C. (2018). Sexual coercion, drinking to cope motives, and alcohol-related consequences among self-identified bisexual women. Substance Use & Misuse 53 , pp. 1146-1157.
Mason, T. B., Lewis, R. J. and Heron, K. E. (2017). Daily discrimination and binge eating among lesbians: A pilot study. Psychology & Sexuality 8 , pp. 96-103.
Everhart, R. S., Heron, K. E., Leibach, G. G. and Miadich, S. A. (2017). Developing a mobile health intervention for low-income, urban caregivers of children with asthma: A pilot study. Pediatric Allergy, Immunology & Pulmonology 30 (4) , pp. 252-256.
Mason, T. B., Lewis, R. J. and Heron, K. E. (2017). Indirect pathways connecting sexual orientation and weight discrimination to disordered eating among young lesbians. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 4 , pp. 193-204.
Howard, L. M., Heron, K. E., MacIntyre, R. I., Myers, T. A. and Everhart, R. S. (2017). Is use of social networking sites associated with young women's body dissatisfaction and disordered eating? A look at black-white racial differences. Body Image 23 , pp. 109-113.
Heron, K. E., Everhart, R. S., McHale, S. and Smyth, J. M. (2017). Using Ecological Momentary Assessment [EMA] methods with youth: A systematic review and recommendations. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 42 , pp. 1087-1107.
Mason, T. B., Heron, K. E., Braitman, A. and Lewis, R. J. (2016). A daily diary study of social isolation, dietary restraint, and negative affect in binge eating. Appetite 97 , pp. 94-100.
Mason, T. B. and Heron, K. E. (2016). Do depressive symptoms explain associations between binge eating symptoms and later psychosocial adjustment in young adulthood?. Eating Behaviors 23 , pp. 126-130.
Filipkowski, K. B., Heron, K. E. and Smyth, J. M. (2016). Early adverse experiences and subsequent health and adjustment: The transition to college. American Journal of Health Behavior 40 , pp. 717-728.
Smyth, J. M. and Heron, K. E. (2016). Is providing mobile interventions 鈥渏ust-in-time鈥 helpful? An experimental proof of concept study of just-in-time interventions for stress management. Wireless Health, IEEE.
Coleman, S., Zawadzki, M. J., Heron, K. E., Vartanian, L. R. and Smyth, J. M. (2016). Self-focused and other-focused resiliency: Plausible mechanisms linking early family adversity to health problems in college women. Journal of American College Health 64 , pp. 85-95.
Heron, K. E., Mason, T., Sutton, T. and Myers, T. (2015). Evaluating the real-world predictive validity of the Body Image Quality of Life Inventory using Ecological Momentary Assessment. Body Image 15 , pp. 105-108.
Vartanian, L. R., Smyth, J. M., Zawadzki, M. J., Heron, K. E. and Coleman, S. RM. (2014). Early adversity, personal resources, body shape concerns, and disordered eating. International Journal of Eating Disorders 47 , pp. 620-629.
Heron, K. E., Scott, S. B., Sliwinski, M. J. and Smyth, J. M. (2014). Eating behavior and mood in women鈥檚 everyday lives. International Journal of Eating Disorders 47 , pp. 853-859.
Bock, B. C., Heron, K. E., Jennings, E., Morrow, K., Cobb, V., Magee, J., Fava, J., Deutsch, C. and Foster, R. (2013). A text message smoking cessation intervention: The initial trial of TXT-2-Quit, a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 1 , pp. e17.
Heron, K. E., Smyth, J. M., Akano, E. and Wonderlich, S. (2013). Assessing body image in young children: A preliminary study of racial and developmental differences. SAGE Open.
Heron, K. E. and Smyth, J. M. (2013). Body image discrepancies and affect: An ecological momentary assessment evaluation of self-discrepancy theory. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 32 , pp. 276-295.
Heron, K. E. and Smyth, J. M. (2013). Is intensive measurement of body image reactive? A two-study evaluation using Ecological Momentary Assessment suggests not. Body Image 10 , pp. 35-44.
Bock, B. C., Heron, K. E., Jennings, E., Magee, J. and Morrow, K. (2013). User preferences for a text message-based smoking cessation intervention. Health Education & Behavior 40 , pp. 152-159.
Heron, K. E. and Smyth, J. M. (2010). Ecological Momentary Interventions: Incorporating mobile technology into psychosocial and health behavior treatments. British Journal of Health Psychology 15 , pp. 1-49.
Smyth, J. M., Hockemeyer, J. R., Heron, K. E., Wonderlich, S. A. and Pennebaker, J. W. (2008). Prevalence, type, disclosure, and severity of adverse life events in college students. Journal of College Student Health 57 , pp. 69-76.
Smyth, J. M., Heron, K. E., Wonderlich, S. A., Crosby, R. D. and Thompson, K. M. (2008). The influence of reported trauma on eating disturbance in young adults. International Journal of Eating Disorders 41 , pp. 195-202.
Smyth, J. M., Wonderlich, S. A., Heron, K. E., Sliwinski, M. J., Crosby, R., Mitchell, J. and Engel, S. (2007). Daily and momentary mood and stress are associated with binge eating and vomiting in bulimia nervosa patients in the natural environment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 75 , pp. 629-638.

Book Chapters

Downs, D. S., MacIntyre, R. I. and Heron, K. E. (2019). Exercise addiction and dependence APA handbook of sports and exercise psychology, Volume 2, Exercise psychology (pp. 589-604) Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Heron, K. E., Miadich, S. A., Everhart, R. S. and Smyth, J. M. (2018). Ecological momentary assessment and related intensive longitudinal designs in family and couples research APA handbook of contemporary family psychology, Volume 1 (pp. 369-386) Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Mason, T. B., Lewis, R. J. and Heron, K. E. (2017). Obesity in gender and sexual minority groups LGBT health: Meeting the needs of gender and sexual minorities New York, NY: Springer Publishing.


Bowling, j., Montanaro, E., Mennicke, A., Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., Kaniuaka, A., Wilsey, C., Heron, K. E., Wright, S. and Cramer, R. J. (June , 2021). Mono versus plurisexuality: An at-risk subgroup among kink practitioners Oral Presentation 3rd International Conference on LGBT+ Psychology and Related Fields Promoting Equality, Social Justice and Psychosocial Well-Being in a Contrasting World Lisbon, Portugal.
Scott, M. J., Howard, L. and Heron, K. E. (May , 2020). Examining stress, depression, and self-esteem in three groups of college students: Collegiate athletes, non-colleagiate athletes and non-athletes Poster Annual meeting of the Virginia Acadamy of Sciences Harrisonburg, VA.
Lewis, R. J., Lau-Barraco, C. and Heron, K. E. (April , 2020). A daily process examination of sexual minority stress and alcohol use among sexual minority women Poster Annual meeting of the Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction San Diego, CA.
Heron, K. E., Dawson, C. A., Sandoval, C. M., Butler, L. V., Craig, J. A., Braitman, A. and Lewis, R. J. (April , 2020). Assessing women鈥檚 sexual minority stressors in daily life: Does the way we ask the question matter? Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine San Francisco, CA.
Sandoval, C. M., Howard, L. and Heron, K. E. (April , 2020). Body image and disordered eating differences among racial and sexual minority women Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine San Francisco, CA.
Macintyre, R., Heron, K. E., Dawson, C. A., Arigo, C. A. and Filipkowski, K. (April , 2020). Does assessment alter responses? An examination of reactivity in an ecological momentary assessment of body comparisons Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine San Francisco, CA.
Romano, K. A., Heron, K. E., Amerson, R., Howard, L., Macintyre, R. and Mason , T. B. (April , 2020). Longitudinal changes in disordered eating behaviors in children and young adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis Oral Presentation Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine San Francisco, CA.
Caceres, B. A., Heron, K. E., Ancheta, A. J., Veldhuis, C. B. and Hughes, T. L. (April , 2020). Minority stressors and poor mental health are associated with increased risk of binge eating behaviors in sexual minority women Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine San Francisco, CA.
Heron, K. E. (April , 2020). Reflections on innovative methods in eating disorder research. In T. Mason (Chair), Reducing the burden of eating disorders: Innovative methods in eating disorder research Oral Presentation Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine San Francisco, CA.
Howard, L., Heron, K. E. and Veltri, C. (April , 2020). Validation of the Underreporting of Disordered Eating Behaviors Scale using a simulation design. In T. Mason (Chair), Reducing the burden of eating disorders: Innovative methods in eating disorder research Oral Presentation Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine San Francisco.
Butler, L. V., Craig, J. A., Dawson, C. A., Heron, K. E. and Lewis, R. J. (February , 2020). Investigating daily stressors among lesbian women Poster 麻豆国产AV Undergraduate Research Symposium Norfolk, VA.
Judah, M. R., Allan, N. P., Kolnogorova, K., Hager, N. M. and Heron, K. E. (November , 2019). Intolerance of uncertainty and perceived attentional control synergistically predict anxious apprehension Oral Presentation Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Atlanta, GA.
Braitman, A., Heron, K. E., Ehlke, S., Romano, K. A., Shappie, A. and Lewis, R. J. (November , 2019). Validation of an 8-item measure of daily sexual minority stress among sexual minority women Poster Annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Atlanta, GA.
Lewis, R. J., Ehlke, S., Heron, K. E., Winstead, B., Braitman, A. and Dawson, A. L. (August , 2019). Intimate partner violence and alcohol use: Reports from both female same-sex partners Poster American Psychological Association Annual Meeting Chicago, IL.
Colangelo, M., Ehlke, S., Braitman, A. and Heron, K. E. (June , 2019). Differences in protective behavioral strategy use and alcohol-related problems between sexual minorities and heterosexuals Poster 42nd annual meeting for the Research Society on Alcoholism Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Macintyre, R., Heron, K. E., Arigo, D. R. and Braitman, A. (June , 2019). An examination of the natural occurrence of upward body-focused comparison cognitive responses using an ecological momentary assessment study Oral Presentation Annual Meeting of the Society of Ambulatory Assessment Syracuse, NY.
Howard, L., Macintyre, R. and Heron, K. E. (June , 2019). Investigating race differences in body dissatisfaction and overeating: An ecological momentary assessment study Oral Presentation Annual Meeting of the Society of Ambulatory Assessment Syracuse, NY.
Heron, K. E., Braitman, A., Lewis, R. J., Dawson, C. A., Howard, L. and Macintyre, R. (June , 2019). Optimizing remote study recruitment and compliance using videos for an online daily diary study of sexual minority women: An experimental design Poster Biannual Meeting of the Society of Ambulatory Assessment Syracuse, NY.
Romano, K. A., Stamates, A., Heron, K. E., Braitman, A. and Lau-Barraco, C. (May , 2019). Gender and racial differences in patterns of disordered eating behavior and alcohol misuse among young adults: A mixture model Oral Presentation Annual Meeting of the Virginia Academy of Sciences Norfolk, VA.
Macintyre, R. and Heron, K. E. (March , 2019). An ecological momentary assessment study of exercise-related social norms and their associations with daily exercise intentions in college women. In K.E., Heron (Chair), Social processes in daily life: What do they mean for women鈥檚 weight control behaviors? Oral Presentation Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine Washington, DC.
Howard, L., Heron, K. E. and Veltri, C. (March , 2019). Development and initial validation of an underreporting of disordered eating behaviors scale Oral Presentation Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine Washington, DC.
Ehlke, S., Lewis, R. J., Braitman, A., Shappie, A. and Heron, K. E. (March , 2019). What does it mean to be 鈥渕ostly lesbian鈥? Examining physical and mental health disparities among exclusively lesbian, mostly lesbian, and bisexual women. In K.E., Heron (Chair), Are all sexual minorities created equal?: Examining health disparities among sexual minority subgroups Oral Presentation Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine Washington, DC..
Romano, K., Stamates, A., Heron, K. E., Braitman, A. and Lau-Barraco, C. (March , 2019). Sex-Based Differences in Disordered Eating, Binge Drinking, and Depression among Young Adults: A Latent Profile Analysis Poster Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting Washington, DC.
Braitman, A., Bauer, E., Heron, K. E. and Lau-Barraco, C. (November , 2018). Examining study compliance in college students using two recruitment modalities: A two-study investigation Poster Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Annual Meeting Washington, D.C.
Lewis, R. J., Shappie, A., Braitman, A. and Heron, K. E. (August , 2018). 鈥淢ostly Lesbian鈥 sexual minority women: Comparisons to 鈥淓xclusively Lesbian鈥 and 鈥淏isexual Women.鈥 Poster American Psychological Association Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Howard, L. M. and Heron, K. E. (April , 2018). Initial development and validation of the Deliberate Denial of Disordered Eating Behaviors Scale Paper Annual meeting of the International Conference on Eating Disorder Chicago, IL.
Heron, K. E., Braitman, A., Lewis, R. J., Shappie, A. and Hitson, P. (April , 2018). Development of a daily measure of sexual minority stressors in young lesbian women Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine New Orleans, LA.
Materia, F. T., Smyth, J. M., Heron, K. E., Feinberg, M. E., Hillemeier, M. M., Fonzi, P. and Downs, D. S. (April , 2018). Engaging users in the mHealth design process: Overweight/obese women鈥檚 preferences for a preconceptional health intervention Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine New Orleans, LA.
MacIntyre, R. I. and Heron, K. E. (April , 2018). Examining body-focused social comparison motivations in college women using ecological momentary assessment Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine New Orleans, LA.
Romano, K., Heron, K. E. and Braitman, A. (April , 2018). Gender, racial, and ethnic disparities in young adults鈥 mobile technology use and mHealth text message preferences Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine New Orleans, LA.
Colangelo, M., Braitman, A., Young, M., Heron, K. E. and Lau-Barraco, C. (March , 2018). Protective behavioral strategies: Exploring prediction strength by scale Poster Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction annual convention Tampa, FL.
Myers, T. and Heron, K. E. (August , 2017). Who is more feminist? Examining feminist beliefs in racially diverse male and female college students Poster Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association Washington, D.C.
Ehlke, S., Kelley, M., Lewis, R. J., Bostwick, A. L., Braitman, A. and Heron, K. E. (June , 2017). Sexual coercion and alcohol use among self-identified bisexual women: A moderated mediation study Poster Annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism Denver, CO.
Nishnick, C., MacIntyre, R. I. and Heron, K. E. (May , 2017). Feasibility of a smartphone-based study examining college women鈥檚 daily experiences Poster Annual meeting of the Virginia Association of Psychological Sciences Norfolk, VA.
Haislip, B., Howard, L. M. and Heron, K. E. (May , 2017). Racial differences in disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, and social connections in college women Paper Annual meeting of the Virginia Association of Psychological Sciences Norfolk, VA.
Myers, T. and Heron, K. E. (April , 2017). Examining feminist beliefs and their relationship to appearance-related pressures and internalization in racially diverse female and male college students Paper Works in Progress Feminist Scholarship Conference Norfolk, VA.
McIntire, R. and Heron, K. E. (April , 2017). Feasibility of using ecological momentary assessment to examine appearance-related social comparisons in college women Paper Works in Progress Feminist Scholarship Conference Norfolk, VA.
MacIntyre, R. I., Heron, K. E., Scott, S. B. and Juth, V. (March , 2017). Adverse events and psychosocial functioning in a diverse college sample Poster Annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association Atlanta, GA.
Heron, K. E., Howard, L. M., MacIntyre, R. I. and Smyth, J. M. (March , 2017). Body dissatisfaction in everyday life: An ecological momentary assessment study Poster Annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association Atlanta, GA.
Howard, L. M. and Heron, K. E. (March , 2017). Development of the deliberate denial of disordered eating behaviors scale Poster Annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association Atlanta, GA.
Braitman, A., Kelley, M., Heron, K. E., Lewis, R. J. and Pearson, M. (May , 2016). Developing a daily assessment of alcohol-related consequences: Examining intra-individual item variability Poster Annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Sciences Chicago, IL.
MacIntyre, R. I., Hamrick, H., Heron, K. E., Scott, S. B. and Juth, V. (May , 2016). Association between traumatic life events and social and psychological functioning in college students Poster Annual meeting of the Psychology Section of the Virginia Academy of Sciences Fredericksburg, VA.
Howard, L., Haislip, B. and Heron, K. E. (May , 2016). Exploring ethnic identity and peer norms: A key to understanding differences and similarities in eating pathology between African American and European American college women Poster Annual meeting of the Psychology Section of the Virginia Academy of Sciences Fredericksburg, VA.
Howard, L., Heron, K. E., MacIntyre, R. and Everhart, R. S. (April , 2016). Does social network site use influence young women鈥檚 body image and eating pathology?: A look at racial differences Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine Washington, D.C.
MacIntyre, R., Heron, K. E., Howard, L. and Downs, D. S. (April , 2016). Exercise dependence in a diverse college sample: Evaluating race and gender effects on exercise dependence and eating pathology. Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine Washington, D.C.
Heron, K. E., Lewis, R. J. and Mason, T. B. (April , 2016). The development and feasibility of a daily diary study of sexual minority stress and alcohol use in same-sex female partner dyads Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine Washington, D.C.
Everhart, R. S., Miadich, S. A. and Heron, K. E. (April , 2016). Feasibility and initial efficacy of an mHealth pilot intervention in urban families of children with asthma Paper Annual meeting of the Society of Pediatric Psychology Atlanta, GA.
Miadich, S. A., Leibach, G., Frias, D., Heron, K. E. and Everhart, R. S. (April , 2016). Using cumulative risk to predict daily asthma outcomes of urban children with asthma: An application of ecological momentary assessment Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Pediatric Psychology Atlanta, GA.
Heron, K. E., Mason, T., Sutton, T. and Myers, T. (April , 2015). Evaluating the ecological validity of a body image quality of life measure using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) methods Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine San Antonio, TX.
Downs, D. S., Feinberg, M. E., Heron, K. E., Hillemeier, M., Rauff, E., Smyth, J. M., Fonzi, P. and Wales, F. E. (April , 2015). Women鈥檚 preferences about using smartphones in a preconceptional health intervention Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine San Antonio, TX.
Leibach, G., Miadich, S., Heron, K. E. and Everhart, R. S. (April , 2015). An innovative approach to examining daily family functioning among urban families with a child with asthma Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Pediatric Psychology San Diego, CA.
Miadich, S., Tolbert, B., Heron, K. E. and Everhart, R. S. (April , 2015). Daily assessments in urban families: The interaction of caregiver smoking status and quick-relief medication use on sleep quality in children with asthma Poster Annual meeting of the Society of Pediatric Psychology San Diego, CA.
Downs, D. S., Wales, F. E., Rauff, E., Feinberg, M. E., Heron, K. E., Hillemeier, M., Smyth, J. M., Fonzi, P. and Govey, P. (April , 2015). Beliefs about using smartphones in a preconceptional health intervention: Perspectives of overweight/obese women residing in underserved rural communities in Pennsylvania Poster Penn State College of Medicine Women鈥檚 Health Research Day Hershey, PA.
Heron, K. E., Scott, S. B., Everhart, R. S. and Johnson, K. D. (March , 2015). Ambulatory assessment of stress: A two-study experiment evaluating the role of question format on self-reported daily stressors Poster Annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society Savannah, GA.
Mason, T. B., Heron, K. E., Braitman, A. and Lewis, R. J. (March , 2015). A daily diary study of social isolation, dietary restraint, and negative affect in binge eating Paper Works in Progress Feminist Scholarship Conference Norfolk, VA.
Sutton, T., Heron, K. E., Mason, T. and Myers, T. (March , 2015). Validation of the Body Image Quality of Life Inventory for college women with subclinical eating disorders Poster Works in Progress Feminist Scholarship Conference Norfolk, VA.
Benvenuto, V., Banchs, J. E., Baquero, G. A., Hess, S. L., Heron, K. E., LaPine, S., Nickolas, M., Fragin, J., Leslie, D. and Curry, W. J. (May , 2014). Adoption of email, text messaging, and online medical information among patients with hypertension Poster American Society of Hypertension 29th Annual Scientific Meeting New York, NY.
Banchs, J. E., Benvenuto, V., Baquero, G. A., Scher, D., Lapine, S., Hess, S., Heron, K. E., Fragin, J., Leslie, D. and Curry, W. J. (March , 2014). Use of e-mail, text messaging, and internet among patients with atrial fibrillation Poster 10th Annual Congress of the European Cardiac Arrhythmia Society Munich, Germany.
Heron, K. E. (May , 2013). Budgeting for studies that use mobile technology for intensive longitudinal data collection Paper Annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society Providence, RI.
Heron, K. E. (May , 2013). Budgeting for studies that use mobile technology for intensive longitudinal data collection Oral Presentation Annual meeting of the International Field Directors & Technology Conference Providence, RI.
Coleman, S., Zawadzki, M. J., Heron, K. E. and Smyth, J. M. (March , 2013). Early family adversity, resiliency, and health outcomes Poster Annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society Miami, FL.
Heron, K. E., Scott, S. B., Sliwinski, J. and Smyth, J. M. (March , 2013). Eating behavior and mood in women鈥檚 everyday lives Paper Annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society Miami, FL.
Heron, K. E., Vartanian, L. R., Zawadzki, M. J. and Smyth, J. M. (March , 2013). Effect of early family adversity on resiliency factors, body image, and unhealthy eating and weight control behaviors Poster Annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society Miami, FL.
Heron, K. E. and Smyth, J. M. (March , 2008). Dying to be thin: The costs in daily life of the pursuit of an idealized figure in young women Poster Annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society Baltimore, MD.
  • 2019: College of Sciences Early Career Distinguished Research Award, 麻豆国产AV
  • 2019: Meritorious Student Abstract, Research Mentor for Lindsay Howard, Society of Behavioral Medicine
  • 2019: Most Cited Paper Award, Journal of Pediatric Psychology
  • 2018: Alan Chaiken Undergraduate Honors Thesis Award, Research Mentor for Brianna Haislip,
  • 2018: College of Sciences Outstanding Master's Thesis Award, Research Mentor for Rachel MacIntyre, 麻豆国产AV
  • 2018: Most Cited Paper Award, British Journal of Health Psychology
  • 2017: Best Graduate Student Poster Award, Research Mentor for Courtney Nishnick and Rachel MacIntyre, Virginia Association of Psychological Sciences Conference
  • 2016: Best Psychology Student Paper Award, Research Mentor for Rachel MacIntyre, Virginia Academy of Sciences
  • 2016: Graduate Student Conference Travel Award, Research co-mentor for Samantha Miadich, Society of Pediatric Psychology
  • 2016: Junior Faculty Research Mentoring Program Award, Office of Research
  • 2015: Shining Start Recognition for Teaching, Student Engagement and Enrollment Services, 麻豆国产AV
  • 2012: Selected to attend NIH Advanced Training Institute on Health Behavior Theory,
  • 2011: University Doctoral Prize, Syracuse University
  • 2007: Outstanding Master鈥檚 Thesis Award, Syracuse University
  • 2006: Citation Poster Award, American Psychosomatic Society