Professor & Interim Chair

Rodger Harvey

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Microbiology, University of Georgia, (1985)

B.S. in Biology/Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, (1979)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Harvey, H. "REU Site: An Interdisciplinary Program for Climate Change Science in Metropolitan Coastal Communities at 麻豆国产AV. " $356,321. Federal. March 1, 2017 - February 28, 2020
Harvey, H. "Collaborative Research: Proteins As Functional Biomarkers: Integrating Organic Characterization With Proteomics To Track Routes For Carbon And Nitrogen Recycling And Preservation" $392,051. Federal. October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2019
Harvey, H. and Filippino, K. C. "REU Site: An Interdisciplinary Program at 麻豆国产AV for Study of MET" $117,967. Federal. April 1, 2017 - April 1, 2018
Harvey, H. "TO 4- Biophysical And Chemical Observations" $68,090. Foreign. May 1, 2015 - April 1, 2018
Harvey, H. "Chukchi Sea Offshore Monitoring and Drilling area (COMIDA): The Hanna Shoal Ecosystem Study." $5,100,000. Federal. September 2011 - September 2017
Harvey, H. "Collaborative Research: Global Ocean Repeat Hydrography, Carbon, And Tracer Measurements, 2015-2020" $3,890. Higher Education. December 15, 2016 - June 30, 2017
Harvey, H. "Collaborative Research: Linking geochemistry and proteomics to reveal the impact of bacteria on protein cycling in the ocean. " $349,000. October 2012 - September 2016
Harvey, H. "Major Research Instrumentation: Acquisition of a Hybrid Mass Spectrometry System for the Next Generation of Multidisciplinary Geosciences Research, Student Education and Training." $509,000. October 2012 - September 2015
Harvey, H. "Development of Biochemical Measures of Age in the Alaskan Red King Crab: Validation, Refinement and Initial Assessment" $26,000. September 2012 - August 2015


Chemical Oceanography
marine organic geochemistry, organic contaminants, climate change

Research Interests

Organic Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry. The sources, transformation and fate of natural and anthropogenic organic compounds in aquatic environments and their linkages with climate. Natural product and organic contaminant chemistry.


Schwab, M. S.., Rickli, J. D.., Macdonald, R. W.., Harvey, H., Haghipour, N. and Eglinton, Timothy, I (2021). Detrital neodymium and (radio)carbon as complementary sedimentary bedfellows? The Western Arctic Ocean as a testbed. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 315 , pp. 101-126.
Lucca, B. M.., Ressler, P. H.., Harvey, H. and Warren, J. D.. (2021). Individual variability in sub-Arctic krill material properties, lipid composition, and other scattering model inputs affect acoustic estimates of their population. ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE 78 (4) , pp. 1470-1484.
Harvey, H., McMahon, R. and Taylor, K. A.. (2021). Lipid markers and compound-specific carbon isotopes as diet and biosynthesis reflectors in the northern Neptune whelk Neptunea heros. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES 673 , pp. 69-84.
Vonnahme, T. R.., Leroy, M., Thoms, S., van Oevelen, Dick, Harvey, H., Kristiansen, S., Gradinger, R., Dietrich, U. and Voelker, C. (2021). Modeling silicate-nitrate-ammonium co-limitation of algal growth and the importance of bacterial remineralization based on an experimental Arctic coastal spring bloom culture study. BIOGEOSCIENCES 18 (5) , pp. 1719-1747.
McMahon, R., Taveras, Z., Neubert, P. and Harvey, H. (2021). Organic biomarkers and Meiofauna diversity reflect distinct carbon sources to sediments transecting the Mackenzie continental shelf. CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH 220.
Mikan, M. P.., Harvey, H., Timmins-Schiffman, E., Riffle, M., May, D. H.., Salter, I., Noble, W. S.. and Nunn, B. L.. (2020). Metaproteomics reveal that rapid perturbations in organic matter prioritize functional restructuring over taxonomy in western Arctic Ocean microbiomes. ISME JOURNAL 14 (1) , pp. 39-52.
Krayushkina, D., Timmins-Schiffman, E., Faux, J., May, D. H.., Riffle, M., Harvey, H. and Nunn, B. L.. (2019). Growth phase proteomics of the heterotrophic marine bacterium Ruegeria pomeroyi. SCIENTIFIC DATA 6.
Timmins-Schiffman, E., Mikin, M., Ting, Y. S., Harvey, H. R. and Nunn, B. L. (2018). MS analysis of a dilution series of bacteria: phytoplankton to improve detection of low abundance bacterial peptides. Sci. Reports 8 (9276).
Harvey, H. and Taylor, K. A,. (2017). Alkane and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments and benthic invertebrates of the northern Chukchi Sea. Deep Sea Research II 144 , pp. 52-62.
Timmins-Schiffman, E., May, D. H., Mikan, M., Riffle, M., Frazar, C., Harvey, H., Noble, W. S. and Nunn, B. L. (2017). Critical decisions in metaproteomics: Achieving high confidence protein annotations in a sea of unknowns. The ISME Journal 11 (2) , pp. 309-314.
Pleuthner, R., Shaw, C. Tracy., Schatz, M. J.., Lessard, E. J.. and Harvey, H. (2016). Lipid markers of diet history and their retention during experimental starvation in the Bering Sea euphausiid Thysanoessa raschii. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 134 , pp. 190-203.
Pinchuk, A. I.., Harvey, H. and Eckert, G. L.. (2016). Development of biochemical measures of age in the Alaskan red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus (Anomura): Validation, refinement and initial assessment. Fisheries Research 183 , pp. 92-98.
May, D. H.., Timmins-Schiffman, E., Mikan, M. P.., Harvey, H., Borenstein, E., Nunn, B. L.. and Noble, W. S.. (2016). An Alignment-Free 鈥淢etapeptide鈥 Strategy for Metaproteomic Characterization of Microbiome Samples Using Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing. Journal of Proteome Research 15 (8) , pp. 2697-2705.
Bi H.., Yu H.., Pinchuk A. and Harvey, H. (2015). Interannual summer variability in euphausiids populations on the eastern Bering Sea shelf during the recent cooling event (2008鈥2010).. Deep Sea Research I 95 , pp. 12-19.
Harvey, H., Taylor, K. A.., Pie, H. V.. and Mitchelmore, C. L.. (2014). Polycyclic Aromatic and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Chukchi Sea Biota and Sediments and its Toxicological Response in the Arctic cod, Boreogadus saida. Deep Sea Research II 102 , pp. 32-55.
Moore, E. K., Harvey, H., F., F. J.., R., G. D.. and L., N. B.. (2014). Protein recycling in Bering Sea algal incubations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 515 , pp. 45-59.
Harvey, H. (2013). Diatom Proteomics Reveals Unique Acclimation Strategies to Mitigate Fe Limitation. PLoS ONE 8 (10) , pp. e75653.
Sigler F.. and Harvey, H. (2013). An Introduction the Bering Sea Project: Volume II . Deep Sea Research II 94 , pp. 2-6.
Moore, E. K.., Nunn, B. L.., Faux, J. F.., Goodlett, D. R.. and Harvey, H. (2012). Evaluation of electrophoretic protein extraction and database driven protein identification from marine sediments. Limnology and Oceanography 10 , pp. 353-366 .
Harvey, H., Pleuthner, R. L.., Lessard, E. J.., Bernhardt, M. J.. and Shaw, C. T.. (2012). Physical and biochemical Properties of the Euphausiids Thysanoessa inermis, Thysanoessa raschii, and Thysanoessa longipes in the Eastern Bering Sea.. Deep Sea Research II 65 , pp. 173-183.
Harvey, H. (2011). Novel lineages of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus in the global oceans. ISME Journal , pp. 1-13.
Faux, J. F.., Belicka, L. L. . and Harvey, H. (2011). Organic sources and carbon sequestration in Holocene shelf sediments from the western Arctic Ocean. Continental Shelf Research 31 , pp. 1169-1179.
Harvey, H., Ju, S. J., Kim, W. S., Feinberg, L., Shaw, T. and Peterson, W. T. (2010). The biochemical estimation of age in euphausiids: laboratory calibration and field comparisons. Deep Sea Research II 57 , pp. 663-671.
Nunn, B. L., Ting, Y. S., Malmstroem, L., Tsai, Y. S., Squier, A., Goodlett, D. R. and Harvey, H. (2010). The path to preservation: Using proteomics to decipher the fate of diatom proteins during microbial degradation. Limnology & Oceanography 55 , pp. 1790.


Harvey, R. H. (August , 2017). "Role of Sea Ice Extent in Climate-how to measure?" Oral Presentation US-Norway Fulbright Workshop Oslo, Norway.
Harvey, H. (January , 2014). Integrated Ecosystem Research in the Bering Sea, findings of the BEST-BSIERP Program Keynote/Plenary Address Alaska Marine Science Symposium Anchorage, AK.
  • 2017: Arctic Chair, Fulbright Distinguished Scholar program
  • 2009: Regent鈥檚 Faculty Award for Research, Scholarship and Creativity Activity, University System of Maryland