Academic Affairs

Tal Ezer

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography, Florida State University, (1989)

M.Sc. in Atmospheric Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (1984)

B.Sc. in Physics (major) and Mathematics (minor), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (1981)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Plag, H. "A Tool to Measure Community Stress and Social Capital to Support Disaster Resilience Planning" $270,000. Federal. January 2016 - December 2017
Ezer, T., Oey, L. and Wang, J. "Collaborative Research: Modeling sea ice-ocean ecosystem responses to climate changes in the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas with data assimilation Of RUSALCA measurements" $108,000. Federal. July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2012
Ezer, T., Atkinson, L. and Oey, L. "Mid-Atlantic ocean model calculations" $184,000. Other. March 1, 2009 - February 28, 2011
Ezer, T. and Atkinson, L. "Collaborative Research: Planning Grant: Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Wind Energy" $10,000. Federal. August 1, 2009 - July 31, 2010
Ezer, T. "Red Sea - Dead Sea conveyance feasibility study" $98,540. Other. June 1, 2008 - May 30, 2010
Ezer, T. "Numerical modeling of tides and inundation Processes in Cook Inlet (Alaska) in support of Beluga Population & Migration Studies" $54,998. Federal. September 1, 2007 - September 30, 2009
Ezer, T. and Legg, S. "Collaborative Research, Gravity Current Entrainment Climate Process Team" $20,976. Federal. September 1, 2007 - August 31, 2009
Ezer, T. and Liu, H. "Integrating remote sensing data and inundation ocean models to map coastal areas and improve flood predictions" $17,000. 麻豆国产AV. May 15, 2009 - August 28, 2009


Physical Oceanography, climate change, sea level, ocean modeling

Research Interests

Physical oceanography, climate change and sea level rise, numerical modeling of ocean circulation, physical-biological interactions


Rueda-Roa, D., Ezer, T. and Muller-Karger, F. (2018). Description and mechanisms of the mid-year upwelling in the southern Caribbean Sea from remote sensing and local data. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 6 (2) , pp. 36.
Ezer, T. (2018). On the interaction between a hurricane, the Gulf Stream and coastal sea level. Ocean Dynamics 68 , pp. 1259-1272.
Ezer, T. (2018). The increased risk of flooding in Hampton Roads: On the roles of sea level rise, storm surges, hurricanes, and the Gulf Stream. Marine Technology Society Journal 52 (2) , pp. 34-44.
Ezer, T. (2017). A modeling study of the role that bottom topography plays in Gulf Stream dynamics and in influencing the tilt of mean sea level along the U.S. East Coast. Ocean Dynamics 67 (5) , pp. 651-664.
Cheng, Y., Ezer, T., Atkinson, L. P. and Xu, Q. (2017). Analysis of tidal amplitude changes using the emd method. Continental Shelf Research 148 , pp. 44-52.
Lawson, G., Sosonkina, M., Ezer, T. and Shen, Y. (2017). 麻豆国产AVing EMD/HHT analysis to power traces of applications executed on systems with Intel Xeon Phi. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications.
Oey, L., Ezer, T. and et al. (2017). Editorial - The 6th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO 2014). Ocean Dynamics 67 (2) , pp. 317-319.
Oey, L. Y.., Wang, X. H.., Ezer, T., Noh, Y. and Hogg, A. M.. (2017). Editorial鈥攖he 7th international workshop on modeling the ocean (IWMO 2015). Ocean Dynamics 67 (12) , pp. 1645-1647.
Ezer, T., Atkinson, L. P. and Tuleya, R. (2017). Observations and operational model simulations reveal the impact of hurricane matthew (2016) on the gulf stream and coastal sea level. Dynamics of Atmospheres & Oceans 80 , pp. 124-138.
Ezer, T. and Atkinson, L. P. (2017). On the predictability of high water level along the U.S. East Coast: can the Florida Current measurement be an indicator for flooding caused by remote forcing?. Ocean Dynamics.
Ezer, T. (2016). Revisiting the problem of the Gulf Stream separation: on the representation of topography in ocean models with different types of vertical grids . Ocean Modelling 104 , pp. 15-27.
Chen, Y., Ezer, T. and Hamlington, B. (2016). Sea level acceleration in the China Seas. Water 8 (7) , pp. 293.
Ezer, T. (2016). Can the Gulf Stream induce coherent short-term fluctuations in sea level along the U.S. East Coast?: A modeling study. Ocean Dynamics 66 (2) , pp. 207-220.
Ezer, T. (2015). Detecting changes in the transport of the Gulf Stream and the Atlantic overturning circulation from coastal sea level data: The extreme decline in 2009-2010 and estimated variations for 1935-2012. Global and Planetary Change 129 , pp. 23-36.
Erisman, B., Heyman, W., Kobera, S., Ezer, T., Pittman, S., Oropeza, O. and Nemeth, R. (2015). Fish spawning aggregations: where well-placed management actions can yield big benefits for fisheries and conservation. Fish and Fisheries.
Ezer, T., Haigh, I. D.. and Woodworth, P. L.. (2015). Nonlinear sea-level trends and long-term variability on western European coasts. Journal of Coastal Reserach 32 (4) , pp. 744-755.
Ezer, T. and Atkinson, L. P. (2015). Sea level rise in Virginia- causes, effects and response. Virginia Journal of Science 66 (3) , pp. 355-359.
Ezer, T. and Atkinson, L. P. (2014). Accelerated flooding along the U. S. East Coast: On the impact of sea level rise, tides, storms, the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Oscillations. Earth's Future 2 (8) , pp. 362-382.
Saramul, S. and Ezer, T. (2014). On the dynamics of low latitude, wide and shallow coastal system: Numerical simulations of the Upper Gulf of Thailand. Ocean Dynamics 64 , pp. 557-571.
Ezer, T. (2014). Sea level rise, spatially uneven and temporally unsteady: Why the U.S. East Coast, the global tide gauge record and the global altimeter data show different trends. Geophysical Reserach Letters 40 (20) , pp. 5439-5444.
Saramul, S. and Ezer, T. (2014). Spatial variations of sea level along the coast of Thailand: Impacts of extreme land subsidence, earthquakes and the seasonal monsoon. Global and Planetary Change 122 , pp. 70-81.
Ezer, T., Atkinson, L. P., Corlett, W. and Blanco, J. (2013). Gulf Stream's induced sea level rise and variability along the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast. Journal of Geophysical Research 118 (2) , pp. 685-697.
Ezer, T. and Oey, L. (2013). On the dynamics of strait flows: An ocean model study of the Aleutian passages and the Bering Strait. Ocean Dynamics 63 (2-3) , pp. 243-263.
Ezer, T., Ashford, J., Jones, C., Mahoney, B. and Hobbs, R. (2013). Physical-biological interactions in a subarctic estuary: How do environmental and physical factors impact the movement and survival of beluga whales in Cook Inlet, Alaska?. Journal of Marine Systems 111-112 , pp. 120-129.
Ashford, J., Ezer, T. and Jones, C. (2013). River discharge predicts spatial distributions of beluga whales in the upper Cook Inlet, Alaska, during early summer. Polar Biology 36 , pp. 1077-1087.
Ezer, T. and Atkinson, L. P. (2013). Sea level rise and flooding risk in Virginia. Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal 5 (2) , pp. 3-14.
Ezer, T., Heyman, W., Houser, C. and Kjerfve, B. (2012). Extreme flows and unusual water levels near a Caribbean coral reef: was this a case of a "perfect storm"?. Ocean Dynamics 62 , pp. 1045-1057.
Ezer, T. and Corlett, B. (2012). Is sea level rise accelerating in the Chesapeake Bay? A demonstration of a novel new approach for analyzing sea level data . Geophysical Research Letters 39 (19) , pp. L19605.
Ezer, T. and Et al. (2011). Editorial- The 2nd International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO-2010). Ocean Dynamics 61 (9) , pp. 1287-1289.
Huang, C., Qiao, F., Song, Z. and Ezer, T. (2011). Improving simulations of the upper-ocean by inclusion of surface waves in the Mellor-Yamada turbulence scheme. J. geophys. Res. 116.
Ezer, T. and Et al. (2011). Modeling and observations of high- frequency flow variability and internal waves at a Caribbean reef spawning aggregation site. Ocean Dynamics 61 (5) , pp. 581-598.
Oey, L. Y., Ezer, T., Wu , C. R. and Miyazawa, Y. (2010). Editorial: International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO) special issue Part-1. Ocean Dynamics 60 (2) , pp. 299-300.
Ezer, T. and Liu, H. (2010). On the dynamics and morphology of extensive tidal mudflats: Integrating remote sensing data with an inundation model of Cook Inlet, Alaska. Ocean Dynamics 60 (5) , pp. 1307-1318.
Ezer, T. and Oey, L. (2010). The role of the Alaskan Stream in modulating the Bering Sea climate. J. geophys. Res..
Saramul, S. and Ezer, T. (2010). Tidal-driven mixing processes in a coastal ocean model with wetting and drying, In: International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO) special issue Part-1. Ocean Dynamics 60 (2) , pp. 461-478.
Ezer, T. and Liu, H. (2009). Combining remote sensing data and inundation modeling to map tidal mudflat regions and improve flood predictions: A proof of concept demonstration in Cook Inlet, Alaska. Geophys. Res. Lett. 36.
Legg, S., Et al. and Ezer, T. (2009). Improving oceanic overflow representation in climate models: the Gravity Current Entrainment Climate Process Team. Bull. AMS 90 (5) , pp. 657-670.
Chen, H., Qiao, F. and Ezer, T. (2009). Multi-core structure of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea from long-term transect observations. Ocean Dynamics.
Ezer, T. and Et al., (2008). On the movement of beluga whales in Cook Inlet, Alaska: Simulations of tidal and environmental impacts using a hydrodynamic inundation model. Oceanography 21 (4) , pp. 186-195.
Oey, L., Ezer, T. and Et al. (2007). Baroclinic tidal flows and inundation processes in Cook Inlet, Alaska: Numerical modeling and satellite observations. Ocean Dynamics 5 , pp. 205-221.
Oey, L. Y., Ezer, T., Wang X, P., Yin , Q. and Fan, S. J. (2007). Hurricane-induced motions and interaction with ocean currents, In: Recent Developments in Physical Oceanographic Modelling: Part 4. Cont. Shelf Res 27 , pp. 1249-1263.
Oey, L., Ezer, T. and Et al. (2006). Loop Current warming by Hurricane Wilma. Geophys. Res. Lett..
Ezer, T. (2006). Topographic influence on overflow dynamics: Idealized numerical simulations and the Faroe Bank Channel overflow. J. geophys. Res..
Ezer, T., Thattai , D. V., Kjerfve , B. and Heyman (2005). On the variability of the flow along the Meso-American Barrier Reef System: A numerical model study of the influence of the Caribbean Current and eddies. In: Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS-04) Special Issue. Ocean Dynamics 55 , pp. 458-475.
Ezer, T. and Mellor, G. L. (1997). Data assimilation experiments in the Gulf Stream region: How useful are satellite-derived surface data for nowcasting the subsurface fields?. Journal of Atmospheric Ocean Technology 14 (6) , pp. 1379-1391.
Ezer, T. and Mellor, G. L. (1997). Simulations of the Atlantic Ocean with a free surface sigma coordinate ocean model. Journal of Geophysics Research 102 (C7) , pp. 15, 15,647-15,657.
Ezer, T., Mellor, G. L. and Greatbatch, R. J. (1995). On the interpentadal variability of the North Atlantic ocean: Model simulated changes in transport, meridional heat flux and coastal sea level between 1955-1959 and 1970-1974. Journal of Geophysics Research 100 (C6) , pp. 10,559-10,566.
Mellor, G. L. and Ezer, T. (1995). Sea level variations induced by heating and cooling: An evaluation of the Boussinesq approximation in ocean models. Journal of Geophysics Research 100 (C10) , pp. 20,565-20, 577.
Ezer, T. and Mellor, G. L. (1994). Continuous assimilation of Geosat altimeter data into a three-dimensional primitive equation Gulf Stream model. Journal of Physical Oceanography 24 , pp. 832-847.
Ezer, T. and Mellor, G. L. (1994). Diagnostic and prognostic calculations of the North Atlantic circulation and sea level using a sigma coordinate ocean model. Journal of Geophysics Research 99 (C7) , pp. 14, 159-14, 171.
Willems, R. C., Glenn, S. M., Crowley, M. F., Malanotte-Rizzoli, P., Young, R. E., Ezer, T., Mellor, G. L., Arango, H. G., Robinson, A. R. and Lai, C. (1994). Experiment evaluates ocean models and data assimilation in the Gulf Stream, EOS, Transactions. American Geophysical Union 75 (34) , pp. 14, 159-14, 171.
Ezer, T. (1994). On the interaction between the Gulf Stream and the New England Seamount Chain. Journal of Physical Oceanography 24 , pp. 191-204.
Mellor, G., Ezer, T. and Oey, L. Y. (1994). The pressure gradient conundrum of sigma coordinate ocean models. Journal of Atmospheric Oceanic Technology 11 (4) , pp. 1126-1134.
Ezer, T., Mellor, G. L., Ko, D. S. and Sirkes, Z. (1993). A comparison of Gulf Stream sea surface height fields derived from Geosat altimeter data and those derived from sea surface temperature data. Journal of Atmospheric Oceanic Technology 10 , pp. 76-87.
Oey, L. Y., Ezer, T., Mellor, G. L. and Chen, P. (1992). A model study of "bump" induced western boundary current variabilities. Journal of Marine Systems 3 , pp. 321-342.
Ezer, T., Ko, D. S. and Mellor, G. L. (1992). Modeling and forecasting the Gulf Stream, In: Oceanic and Atmospheric Nowcasting and Forecasting. Marine Technology Society Journal 26 (2) , pp. 5-14.
Mellor, G. L. and Ezer, T. (1991). A Gulf Stream model and an altimetry assimilation scheme. Journal of Geophysics Research 96 , pp. 8779-8795.
Ezer, T. and Weatherly, G. L. (1990). A numerical study of the interaction between a deep cold jet and the bottom boundary layer of the ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography 20 , pp. 801-816.
Huss, A., Ezer, T. and Hecht, A. (1986). How sluggish are the waters of the Dead Sea?. Israel Journal of Earth Science 35 , pp. 207-209.

Book Chapters

Heyman, W., Kjerfve, B. and Ezer, T. (2006). Mesoamerican reef spawning aggregations help maintain fish population: A review of connectivity research and priorities for science and management. In:Caribbean connectivity: Implications for marine protected area management. Proc. Special Symposium (pp. 150-169) Belize City; Silver Spring, MD: 59th Annual Meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Belize City, Belize. Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-08-07, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD, 2008.
Oey, L. Y., Ezer, T. and Lee, H. C. (2005). Loop Current, rings and related circulation in the Gulf of Mexico: A review of numerical models and future challenges, In: Circulation in the Gulf of Mexico: Observations and Models (pp. 31-56) Washington, DC: Geophys. Monograph Ser. ; AGU Publ.
Mellor, L. G., Ezer, T. and Patchen, R. (2002). A generalization of a sigma coordinate ocean model and an intercomparison of model vertical grids, In:Ocean Forecasting: Conceptual Basis and Applications (pp. 55-72) Springer.
Ezer, T. (2001). On the response of the Atlantic Ocean to climatic changes in hgih latitudes: Sensitivity studies with a sigma coordinate ocean model, In : The Oceans and Rapid Climate Change: Past Present and Future, (pp. 199-215) AGU Monography Ser.
Ezer, T. (1997). Wind waves on the Dead Sea in: The Dead Sea: The Lake and Its Setting (pp. 114-121) Oxford University Press.

Conference Proceeding

Lawson, G., Sosonkina, M., Ezer, T. and Shen, Y. (2017). Empirical Mode Decomposition for Modeling of Parallel Applications on Intel Xeon Phi Processors IEEE ACM CCGRID: 2nd International Workshop on Theoretical Approaches to Performance Evaluation, Modeling and Simulation.
Liu, H. and Ezer, T. (2009). Integration of Landsat imagery and an inundation model in flood assessment and predictions: A case study in Cook Inlet, Alaska IEEE: The 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics.


Ezer, T. (June 25, 2018). Numerical modeling of the interactions between hurricanes, the Gulf Stream and sea level International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO-2018) Santos, Brazil.
Ezer, T. (June 21, 2018). Sea level rise and flooding in Hampton Roads Seminar to REU Students Norfolk, VA.
Ezer, T. (June 12, 2018). Sea level rise and variability in the Chesapeake Bay: numerical modeling of the impact of climate change, hurricanes and the Gulf Stream Chesapeake Research & Modeling Symposium Annapolis, MD.
Ezer, T. (February 12, 2018). The contribution of the Gulf Stream to sea level variability Ocean Sciences Meeting Portland, Oregon.
Qui, Q., Barbot, S., Hill, E., Moore, J. P., Feng, L. and Ezer, T. (December 12, 2016). Transient flow in the mantle wedge in the last decade following great earthquakes in the Sumatran subduction zone AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Ezer, T. (June 9, 2016). From POM-1996 to IWMO-2016: an overview of 20 years of ocean modeling and users participation (in honor of Professor Emeritus G. Mellor, the recipient of the 2016 Historical Oceanography Society Award) 8th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO-2016) Bologna, Italy.
(June 8, 2016). Revisiting the problem of the Gulf Stream separation in ocean models 8th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO-2016) Bologna, Italy.
Ezer, T. (March , 2016). Sea level rise for the Chesapeake Bay area: causes, trends and future projections Lecture Workshop on the development of climate projections for use in Chesapeake Bay program assessments Annapolis, MD.
Ezer, T. (February , 2016). Gulf Stream鈥檚 induced variations in coastal sea level: Can the same mechanism work from daily to decadal time-scales? Oral Presentation AGU Ocean Sciences New Orleans, LA.
Erisman, B., Heyman, W., Kobara, S., Ezer, T., Pittman, S., Aburto-Oropeza, O. and Nemeth, R. (August 16, 2015). Location, location, aggregation: where small, well-placed management actions can yield big wins for fisheries and conservation American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon.
Ezer, T. (June 11, 2015). Sea level rise and its impact on the Hampton Roads region Oral Presentation Presentation to REU summer students Norfolk, VA.
Ezer, T. (June 2, 2015). Climate change, ocean dynamics and sea level rise IWMO-2015 International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean Canberra, Australia.
Ezer, T. (April 28, 2015). On ocean dynamics and sea level rise: Recent research and controversies MARI Meeting Norfolk, VA.
Ezer, T. (February 26, 2015). Gulf Stream's induced variations in coastal sea level: Can the same mechanism work from daily to decadal time-scales? Ocean Sciences Meeting New Orleans, LA.
(January 8, 2015). Oceanography and sea level presentation for Roadstead Montessori High School Norfolk, VA.
McCarthy, G., Blaker, A., Ezer, T., Cunningham, S. and Smeed, D. (February 23, 2014). Dynamics and impacts of the extreme drops in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation observed by the 26N monitoring array 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting Honolulu, Hawaii.
Ezer, T. (February 23, 2014). Uneven sea level rise along the U.S. East Coast 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting Honolulu, Hawaii.
Atkinson, L. P. and Ezer, T. (February 2, 2014). Sea level rise acceleration along the U.S. east coast and increased flooding in the urban coast AMS Annual Meeting Atlanta, GA.
Ezer, T. (November 8, 2013). Why climate change may cause an uneven sea level rise along the US East Coast Civil and Environmental Engineering Seminar Norfolk, VA.
Ezer, T. (September 27, 2013). On the connections between the Gulf Stream and sea level rise along the US east coast University of Delaware.
Ezer, T. (September 20, 2013). On the connections between the Gulf Stream and sea level rise along the US east coast Exhibit Physical Oceanography Seminar The University of Rhode Island.
Ezer, T. (September 12, 2013). How climactic changes in Atlantic Ocean currents affect local sea level rise and increase flooding OEAS Departmental Seminar Series Norfolk, VA.
Ezer, T. (July 22, 2013). Sea level rise and the challenge of modeling water level in the Mid-Atlantic coast MARACOOS Modeling Workshop Washington D.C..
Ezer, T. (July 18, 2013). On the impact of the AMOC on sea level rise: new evidence that a slowdown of the Gulf Stream is responsible for accelerating sea level rise along the US Mid-Atlantic coast US AMOC/UK RAPID International Science Meeting Baltimore, MD.
Atkinson, L. P., Ezer, T. and Considine, C. (June 24, 2013). Sea level rise and increased flood risk along the US East Coast: New science and impact on policy and local decisions 2013 AGU Science Policy Conference Washington D.C..
Ezer, T. (June 18, 2013). Using EMD/HHT analysis to connect coastal sea level rise with ocean dynamics and climate change 5th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean Bergen, Norway.
Ezer, T. (April 13, 2013). New statistical methods for extracting sea level rise trends from noisy tide gauge data Math Awareness SIAM Conference Norfolk, VA.
Saramul, S. and Ezer, T. (April 11, 2013). The influence of river discharges on salinity, temperature and currents in the upper Gulf of Thailand Poster Graduate Research Achievement Day Norfolk, VA.
Asford, J. and Ezer, T. (March 26, 2013). Physical-biological interactions governing spatial distributions and abundance of Beluga Whales in Cook Inlet, Alaska. Response of Arctic Marine Ecosystems to Climate Change Paper Anchorage, Alaska.
Ezer, T. (March 14, 2013). Sea level rise and floods in the Chesapeake Bay and the Mid-Atlantic region: how much?, why us?, and what next? VIMS Physical Sciences Seminar Gloucester, VA.
Atkinson, L. P., Ezer, T., Diaz, R., McShane, M. K., St. John, B. and Smith, E. (January 15, 2013). Studies of Decision Making, Education and Social Aspects of Community Response to Accelerating Sea Level Rise Oral Presentation National Conference on Science and the Environment Washington D.C..
(December , 2012). Analysis of Sea Level Rise and Variability: On the Connections Between Observed CoastalSea Level and Climatic Changes in Ocean Circulation Paper AGU Fall Meeting .
(December , 2012). Increased flooding risk 鈥 accelerating threat and stakeholder response Paper AGU Fall Meeting .
(November , 2012). Accelerating Sea Level Rise and Stakeholder Response Paper Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America Charlotte, NC.
(November , 2012). How to be an oceanographer without getting wet: the art and science of computer ocean modeling, ECE Graduate Seminar, 麻豆国产AV.
(November , 2012). Sea level rise acceleration in the Hampton Roads: a scientific perspective Oral Presentation VMASC The Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center.
(October , 2012). Sea Level Rise: Science and Preparedness, Symposium on Climate Change in Former Colonies: Challenges of Property and History, Lexington, VA.
(May , 2012). On the dynamics of strait flows and their importance for large-scale circulation and climate: An example from a Bering Sea model Paper International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean Yokahama, Japan.
(February , 2012). Observations and high-resolution modeling of small-scale flow-topography interactions near Caribbean coral reefs Paper 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting Salt Lake City, UT.
(January , 2012). A study of the environmental and physical factors that influence the movement and survival of beluga whales in Cook Inlet Paper Alaska Marine Science Symposium Anchorage, Alaska.
  • 2018: MIT SOLVE Competition, winning team for Coastal Community Resilience solutions,
  • 2017: Distinguished Research Award, College of Sciences
  • 2016: Highly Cited Paper (top 1% of Geosciences), Thomson-Reuters Web of Science
  • 2014: 2013 Editor's Citation for Exellence in Refereeing, American Geophysical Union
  • 2013: Paper on sea level rise was most viewed and most cited of all papers in JGR-Oceans published since 2013, American Geophysical Union/ Wiley Online Publications
  • 2012: 鈥淢ost Inspiring Professor鈥, OEAS Department, College of Science
  • 2009: SCHEV Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award, Internal Nominee (not selected),
  • 2007: AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award (co-author with advisee student),
  • 2002: National Ocean Partnership Program (NOPP), Excellence in Partnering Award, NOPP
  • 2001: Distinguished Visiting Professor , Academia Mexicana de Ciencias
  • 1991: Listing: Who's Who in Science and Engineering,
  • 1987: The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi ,
  • 1985: Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Scholarship,
  • 1984: The Hebrew University's Gershon Meirbaum Scholarship,
  • 1983: The Hebrew University's Shindel Prize,
  • 1982: Israel Maritime League Award ,